Monday, August 28, 2017


Hello and welcome to Monday. I have drawn three cards from my deck to inspire all of us in this group for the week ahead.
The meanings are open for interpretations beyond my own, so please feel free to comment as your week unfolds.

We have two major arcana cards bringing us a message this week both at the beginning and the end of our seven-day path.
The week begins with the no. 11 Strength card showing from Archangel Ariel. "Strength and grace through kindness, self-confidence, and forgiveness." Perhaps we need to do a little inner soul searching early on. It's okay to show a little weakness, as Ariel is portrayed as leaning up against a higher being. There is an aura about her that shows enlightenment. Someone wise will offer you support, and it will come in an unexpected form.

Mid-week the Six of Raphael comes in to play. Notice I said "in to", not "into". Raphael wants us to embrace our inner child. New friends or rekindled relationships. Children or childhood figure prominently. Remember your dreams, hopes, and desires of your youth. Some of them are staring you in the face, begging you to come back. Do something silly. Laugh at a fart. Don't take the middle of the week too seriously. Cherish your relationships. Remember more innocent times.
This week goes into passing with no. 10 The Wheel with Archangel Jeremiel entering our world. New beginnings. End of delays. A change in direction that offers happiness.  The wheel is turning, offering us the power to try something new. Maybe you head advice from the inner child that approached you earlier. Jeremiel is an angel of guidance, so welcome this change.

Have a great week everyone!





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