Friday, June 21, 2024



Supernatural Central Short and Quick Interview

  1. Tell me a little bit about your main character of this book.

Eva Thorne is a relentless, kick-ass heroine who has always rebelled against her family’s dark nature—necromancy, crime, and a lust for power which nearly brought about the end of the world by summoning the god of death into their world. In the latest book in the series, she comes home six years after saving the world, and she has changed. What she values has changed, and her perspective has changed. She’s much more about the big picture, less judgmental, and able to see the good in everyone, trying to help them see it in themselves and find it also. Except for her evil twin-turned vampire, Ilsa. That’s one person she’ll never find common ground with!

  1. Do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?

Yes, but not in literal vampires, werewolves, etc. I do believe in ghosts, because I’ve seen them and spoken to them. I’ve always been sensitive to them since I was a baby, seeing this ghostly, moonlit woman smiling at me over me crib. One time, when I was older, living in that same house, my stepfather was getting violent with me and my mother and brother, shouting, and suddenly some invisible force just thew him up against a wall. He went real quiet. We all did. It was one of those moments where everyone just knew something strange had happened, but there was this almost instinctual unwillingness to acknowledge it or talk about it. None of us ever spoke about it. My stepdad calmed down and went outside, we all went about our normal activity. It was so weird. Since then, I’ve sensed haunted houses, like one we were looking to rent, but I couldn’t bear to be there, crying I had to go out on the street, then later learning it had been a hospital during World War II and that the basement I couldn’t go near had been the morgue.

  1. What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?

I’m working on Eva Thorne Book 6, which is one I’ve wanted to write for a while. I just need more time to write! Hoping to have it ready by the end of the year. I work full-time and I’m a mother to a beautiful son with autism, so writing happens when it happens. In October, I’m also releasing the first book in a dark fantasy series I wrote years ago. Follow me on Amazon or Bookbub to get an alert, or subscribe to my newsletter at

Nest of Thornes
Eva Thorne 
Book 5
Lorel Clayton

Genre: Romantic Fantasy/Mystery/Paranormal/Steampunk
Publisher: LC Books
Date of Publication: 15 June 2024
ISBN: 9780648676072
Number of pages: 351
Word Count: 73,249
Cover Artist: Clayton Colgin

Tagline: Coming home again can be a killer. 

Book Description: 

Eva Thorne saved the world but hopes no one remembers when she returns to Highcrowne six years later to start a new life. Low key this time. Right.

All she ever wanted was some independence, including the freedom to knock bad guys in the head when needed, but the private investigator gig never worked out for her. She has no choice but to try, yet again, when the Elf Queen commands her to track down the political rival plotting her assassination—there’s no proof but the queen knows someone wants her dead.

As if that wasn’t already the antithesis of a low-key case, the first egg produced by their near-extinct Avian rulers in centuries is stolen. Only the famed Eva Thorne can solve the case. No one understands that she’s not the same person she used to be. She’s been learning necromancy, not detective work, and they won’t think so highly of her when they realize she tried to bring back the God of Death, who they all fought so hard to defeat in the first place.


A flash of lightning sent shadows looming, blocky figures in dark raincoats, as they hefted my steamer trunk from the hold and onto the deck of the airship. Rain pummelled them, driven sideways by the wind. Crew scrambled to tie ropes after several corroded brass moorings tore free of the old dock. The deck swayed beneath me, so I widened my stance. I shifted into a fighting pose and pulled the serrated sword from its bone sheath. My Ashur was the weapon of choice for Solhan ladies, but I was no lady.

“Where do you think you’re taking that?” I asked, my ominous tone punctuated with thunder.

The thugs in raincoats froze, surprised to see me. Someone had drugged my meal and barred my cabin door from the outside. Fortunately, I had invisible Bogle companions following me everywhere, always the first to eat my meals, not because they were official food testers but because they were eternally hungry. They also removed the metal bar from the outside, so I escaped without needing to cut through the cabin wall, which I would have done. I would do anything to protect that trunk.

“No pithy comeback or plausible excuse?” I said, disappointed. “You two really are thick. Who do you work for?”

The deckhands saw my drawn blade and froze too. This old dock was not Highcrowne, likely a pirate mooring off the usual air routes. Either they were trying to find refuge in the storm, or they were in on it too. I didn’t think they were pirates, else they would all be armed and coming at me with swords, but something was off about them. That’s what I got for eschewing the premier airship liners with their security protection, courtesy of Rose Industries. I’d been trying to lay low, but it looked like I would need to be laying low a few bad guys instead.

“We don’t want any trouble,” one of the crew said, raising his hands.

“Untie us and get us back underway and there won’t be any,” I said. I didn’t know how to fly this thing, and so I couldn’t kill them, as tempting as it was. The two holding my trunk, however…. “I told you both to set that down. Gently.”

They obeyed. Never trust anyone who complies so quickly. Not in this line of work. I ignored the crew, their hands full of ropes, their bedraggled clothing too threadbare to hide any weapons, and I went for the raincoats.

One whipped out a flintlock pistol. Fool. It was too wet to fire. The other was slightly smarter, revealing a bullwhip. He was fast too. He struck, wrapping it around the tip of my sword before I got to him.

The one weakness of a serrated blade was how easily it could be caught, but that usually worked both ways. It was fantastic for disarming an opponent, and if it was sharp enough—as mine was—it sliced right through anything, including leather. His whip lost a third of its length, and a heartbeat later I had the tip of my sword pointed at his eye. The one with the useless pistol donned brass knuckles and came for me, but I wasn’t only a good swordswoman, I was a necromancer. Big mistake.

About the Author:

Lorel and Clayton were teen sweethearts, brought together by a fierce love of books (and hormones). Despite being married for almost 35 years, they are still madly in love and still writing. As writing partners, they meld logic, creativity, and genres. Fantasy, science-fiction, mystery, horror, steampunk, thriller, romance, classics … they read them all, and if they can mix them they will!

Still reading? Want to know more?

Lorel has a PhD in molecular biology and Once Upon a Time did cancer research before turning to the dark side (aka marketing), but she uses her powers for good, helping raise funds for charity. She loves books, movies and animals, and would gladly spend all day with a cat on her lap and the wind in her hair (Conan reference there), while tapping out a story on her keyboard. Or maybe a movie script. With coffee of course. And lots of chocolate!

Clayton is a classically trained painter turned digital artist who now glares at the AI generated images currently obliterating the slim chance artists once had of earning a living. Clayton is severely dyslexic but loves books and storytelling. He adds vast imagination and a discerning ear for effective prose to their creative collaboration, not to mention the book cover art.

Born and raised in the western United States, they traveled to Sydney, Australia in 1997 and never left, finding the sunshine and beaches of “Oz” too irresistible.

Look them up if ever you’re Down Under.








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Thursday, June 20, 2024



Supernatural Central Short and Quick Interview

1. Tell me a little bit about your main character of this book.

Langston Wilkerson, the protagonist of Stellar Harmony, is an astrophysics professor who has always felt more at home among the stars than within the confines of his own skin. Raised in Chicago, he often finds himself torn between his urban roots and the academic world where he excels. Langston is a brilliant yet reserved individual whose dedication to science masks his deeper struggles with identity and belonging. Despite his intellectual achievements, he feels like an outsider in his old neighborhood and within the academic circles he navigates. His journey transforms when he meets Aurora, a talented and heartbroken R&B singer. Through their developing relationship, Langston learns to bridge the gap between his dual worlds, finding love and a renewed sense of self.

2. Do you believe in the paranormal, and if so, do you have an experience you can share?

I do believe in the paranormal. I think it’s rather pompous to think that humans know everything that is and everything that ever was. I think one of the experiences I have had, and continue to occasionally, is deja vu. I think a lot of people have had it. But I have seriously had literal experiences of very detailed events–I’m talking involving locations I’ve never been to before and people I’ve never met I could predict what would happen next. Odd, almost unpredictable things, like a car accident or someone falling. It’s happened a few times, from childhood through now. Doesn’t make me feel clairvoyant. It sort of feels like I’m a time traveler who’s lived through the moment before. But I couldn’t have, could I? 

3. What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?

I have two series coming out soon that I’m excited about. The first series is about Gods and Demigods, love, and an epic battle against evil. The first book in the first series, Stormheart, is now being edited. The gods in the series aren’t the usual Greek ones. I love those, but that’s not what you’ll see in the series. The Yoruba gods take center stage in book one. 

The second series is a bit more sci-fi. The first book is drafted for that one, and the title is also pending. I can’t wait to bring that world with greedy space corporations, villains that do occasional good, and heroes that do some pretty bad things. Just follow along on social media to see when information is posted, get announcements, get discounts, and probably get a window when you can snag some freebies.

Stellar Harmony
A Nerdy Love Affair
Book 1
Morgan Sterling

Genre: Urban Romance
Date of Publication: May 31, 2024 
ISBN: 9798883229052
Number of pages: 211
Word Count: 59,926
Cover Artist: Morgan Sterling 
Tagline: An Urban Romance Written In The Stars

Book Description:

In the vibrant streets of Chicago, Langston, an astrophysics professor, and Aurora, a gifted musician, find solace in each other's embrace. But as their love blossoms, they must confront societal pressures and personal demons. Will they find harmony in the chaos of their lives? Dive into this captivating urban romance filled with passion, self-discovery, and the wonders of the cosmos.


We reached across the table to clink our glasses together.

"No one understands me either," we said in unison.

I blushed. His scent of fresh soap and spiced cologne intoxicated me as if I could taste it on my tongue.

The server asked if we needed another round, but we both declined. Langston waved him off kindly and said we should get some air.

Outside, the cool night air felt good against my skin. The stars twinkled above us, and Langston pointed out constellations like reading a book. Orion, Cassiopeia, and others. I let out a small gasp when he told me there was one that resembled a man with a star for a crown.

"Wow. That's the first time anyone's ever shown me that," I whispered, goosebumps prickling my arms.

He smiled. "Imagine how people used to look up at stars, see images, paint pictures." He blew out a breath in a cloud in the cold air. His nose was starting to turn red. He looked adorable. But he didn't seem to notice the cold as he looked up. "Fantasies in the sky."

He looked down at me but said nothing as he wrapped his arms around himself to stay warm.

"So, tell me about your fantasies," he murmured into the silence.

"Huh?" I blinked, caught off guard by his directness.

He chuckled. "You know, what do you like to dream about when the stars come out? What turns you on?" His voice was deep and husky, sending shivers down my spine.

"I don't know," my eyes lowered nervously. "I've never really thought about it." My cheeks flushed as I realized how naive that sounded.

"I don't think that's true," he began, taking my hand into both of his. He blew onto them, his hot breath hitting my cold skin. And his lips, so soft, brushed against the palm of my hand.

A moment later Langston pulled me in for a warm kiss. When our lips met, a fire ignited, spreading like wildfire through my veins. Langston's mouth moved against mine with a fervor that matched the intensity of the kiss. His lips were soft and pliant, molding perfectly to mine.

I tasted the remnants of the wine on his lips, an intoxicating blend mingling with the sweetness of his breath. His heat enveloped me, seeping into my skin. Gathering my hair peeking from under my hat, he tangled it in his fingers, willing my head back, my lips parted. His other hand slipped past my bomber jacket, onto my butt, pulling me closer.

A moan escaped me instinctually. It was all he needed to pull me in further, his tongue exploring my mouth.

My pulse pulsed, feeling him press against me.

"God damn it," he said, pulling away, searching my eyes as I searched his back for answers to unasked questions.

"I think- I think I should head home." I took wobbly steps back, cold air rushing between us. I did not come to Chicago for this - the last thing I needed.

I waved briefly and left him confused on the cold Chicago street. And if he felt only a pinch of what I did, I also left him horny as hell.

About the Author:

Explore the captivating narratives of Morgan Sterling, a seasoned wordsmith whose storytelling prowess transcends boundaries. Spanning various genres, from contemporary to paranormal and urban romance, Morgan's narratives challenge conventional norms, spotlighting the allure of imperfection. Within Morgan's literary universe, characters are intricately layered, diverging from traditional romantic archetypes. Here, protagonists may embody antiheroic traits, and heroines navigate their journeys with authenticity and fortitude, illustrating the boundless nature of true love.

As a minority woman blerd (black nerd) with a penchant for romance and an imaginative flair, Morgan draws from personal encounters to craft authentic and diverse tales. Motivated by a quest for representation in literature, Morgan embarked on a creative odyssey to fill a void, merging romance with the fantastical realms of science fiction and fantasy.

Beyond her literary endeavors, Morgan is a polymath of varied interests. From indulging in cosplay to immersing herself in anime, comic books, and lingerie, she draws inspiration from her eclectic passions, infusing her creative process with vivacious energy. Influenced by literary luminaries like Octavia Butler, Dean Koontz, and Rebecca Roanhorse, Morgan's narratives transport readers to both familiar and fantastical worlds, captivating them until the last page.

Morgan lives in the Southern United States, but fully embraces her 1st generation status as a Caribbean-American. Though her pen allows her to live many lives, she lives real life with her husband, children, and pets.

Embark on a journey through Morgan Sterling's enchanting realm, where love transcends conventions, and imperfections are celebrated with reverence.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Reflections of Michael Trilogy
Book Three
LJ Ambrosio

Genre: Fiction/Coming-of-age
Publisher: Film Valor
Date of Publication: May 2024
Number of pages: 150
Word Count: 40,241
Cover Artist: Seamus C 

Book Description: 

In this final chapter, Ron's story concludes from Reflections on the Boulevard (2023). 

Michael's wish was for Ron to exile himself in the heart of Paris with its beautiful culture and citizens as they protest and fight for the soul of the city. 

Ron's journey is met with life-affirming friendships and lessons along the way. 

The final book in the Reflections of Michael Trilogy, which started with A Reservoir Man (2022).

Amazon      BN       Smashwords


A cool autumn breeze, in the twilight, wrapped around our exile who sat on a bench in front of a bookstore that resembled a place we might find in a Tolkien novel. On this street, rue de la Buccheri, was the bookstore Shakespeare and Company. The store itself was famous for housing the books of many great literary artists on their shelves. They also supported any young or old artistic vagabonds by allowing them to sleep in the aisles of the bookstore on makeshift beds when finding themselves homeless.

Ron, who managed the store, sat on this bench every evening thinking of Michael. Ron thought of things he remembered and how much he learnt from Michael. He felt the emptiness in his soul, yearning to have that connection just one more time. He had lived in Paris for six years now, a brief time for an exile, yet he was free from a society drowning in untruths; his refuge was the bookstore.

Just like every night, as Ron prepared to close the store, he occasionally checked the front of the store, looking for his friend. Then, he noticed another young man still looking at books on the outside shelves.

Ron moved outside to get a closer look at the late customer under the guise of moving the outdoor book bins back inside. He suddenly noticed that the young man was putting a book down his pants.

Ron raised his voice and shouted for the thief to put the book back on the shelf. The young man, caught in the act, ran away.

The young man sprinted and tripped while running past the café. In this stumble, he decided to turn the corner and make his way rapidly toward la Seine.

Ron, weak in the legs from forgetting the spirit of his youth, had been managing bookstores more than living life. His legs pumped forward. but with the awkwardness of an old man who had forgotten how to walk. In a few seconds he was up to speed and ran faster to catch the thief.

Near the corner, Ron had missed his opportunity to slow and check for other people walking, so he slammed into a group of women. He especially blasted into an old lady whose groceries flew into the sky, and a yogurt splattered against a wall and the faces of the other women. She turned to condemn her assailant, but he was already on the next block in pursuit of the thief.

He spotted the thief at the Notre Dame Hotel, out of breath, leaning against a pillar. Surprised at the thief’s choice to stop here, he slowed down and let his feet pound the street into a halt.

Ron grabbed at him but still missed his shoulder.

“Give me the book back!” he said, very loudly.

The thief just shrugged his shoulder, a mocking smile. His smile made the act of chasing him through the streets feel silly, as if this were a game that had been played and he took it too seriously.

The thief looked at Ron and asked, sarcastically, “What language are you speaking?”

“What do mean? I am speaking French!”

Our thief laughed, turned to a random man who walked down the street, and said, "This young man thinks he is speaking French Go ahead say something to this stranger; he will tell you are speaking some other language other than French!”

“I will call the police,” Ron said firmly.

About the Author:

Louis J. Ambrosio ran one of the most nurturing bi-coastal talent agencies in Los Angeles and New York. He started his career as a theatrical producer, running two major regional theaters for eight seasons. Ambrosio taught at 7 Universities. Ambrosio also distinguished himself as an award-winning film producer and novelist over the course of his impressive career.

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Thursday, June 13, 2024



Supernatural Central Short and Quick Interview

1. Tell me a little bit about your main character of this book.

Maddy Donovan

Strongminded. Rebellious. Ready to run.

Maddy Donovan has been working hard and paying her own bills since she was 16 years old. She just wants to graduate and get the heck out of town. She doesn't believe in werewolves or any of that paranormal nonsense. That is, until she starts dating one. Gareth calls himself her lifemate, but can she really rely on him? The protection and stability he offers seems too good to be true. Sometimes learning to trust is the greatest adventure.

Gareth Delarosa

Car guy. Army vet. Werewolf. 

A lone Alpha wolf on the run, Gareth came to Black River with no territory and no pack. While hitchhiking through the Adirondack Mountains, he runs across a young girl hiding in a hollow tree during a rainstorm. He helps her back home, but notices something unusual about her scent. That’s when he recognizes his lifemate. 

But how’s he supposed to approach Maddy? She doesn’t know she’s a werewolf. Where is her pack? What is she doing out here all alone? Why hasn’t she Changed yet? He wants to help her, but first he has to gain her trust, and . . . well, Alpha blood runs hot. He’s a little rough around the edges.

2. Do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?

I do believe in the paranormal and I’ve had a lot of experiences! Most recently I was staying at a little AirBnB called Whitehorse Ranch out in the Cascade Mountains. I had a very vivid dream of an old woman hanging around the farmhouse where we were staying. So on the last day of our trip, when my husband was loading up the car to leave, I took a few minutes alone in the house to greet the spirit and ask the spirit why she was hanging around. I encouraged her to leave and move on, and said some prayers for her. Five minutes later, I went to pick up the coffee pot and pour myself some coffee, and the glass pot shattered in my hands! It literally just fell apart and broke all over the floor. Maybe it was a coincidence, but I think that spirit was none too happy about my asking it to leave the farmhouse. Some people might think this kind of stuff is spooky, but I think we live in a world that’s rich in spirits, and we are surrounded by those spirits all the time. Talking and interacting with them is just another way of perceiving the world around us. And yes, my husband thinks I’m a little crazy, and that’s okay. 

3. What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?

“Heart of the Wolf” is my current ongoing serial novel. I’m separating it into three seasons, so you can think of this first book as Season One, and the next book will be Season Two. The story takes place in a little town called Black River, NY. I had a lot of fun researching the upstate New York area and its local history to add flavor to the book. Maddy and Gareth’s story isn’t just about finding your lifemate, it’s about the natural beauty of living in small town America.

In the world of Black River, not a lot of people know about werewolves, but they're definitely "a thing." The Grayridge Pack have come to town, and now they're stirring up all sorts of trouble for Maddy and Gareth. They're not too happy about another Alpha being on their territory, though technically Gareth was there first. It might lead to an all-out turf war!

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Listen to the Audiobook Podcast:

Heart of the Wolf
Black River Moon
Book One
A. Mariposa

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Black Butterfly
Date of Publication: 05/31/2024
ISBN: 9780999310298
Number of pages: 300
Word Count: 120,000
Cover Artist: Theresa Shreffler

Tagline: A steamy paranormal romance about forbidden first love!

Book Description: 

Maddy Donovan is trying to survive her senior year of high school. Her life is far from normal. Her stepdad is a shameless alcoholic. The power bill is due. And she has a math test tomorrow. She's living in survival mode, and she has no time to date that spicy older guy who keeps coming by the hardware store. What's his name again? Right. Gareth Delarosa. Black hair, hazel eyes, over six feet tall--guys that hot don't belong in Black River. He's been her secret crush for the last five years, but there's an age gap, and he's way off limits.

But it seems like fate has other plans. When Gareth saves her life the night of a break-in, she wakes up in his bedroom, in his bed, wearing his shirt. Her secret fantasy is staring her in the face. Oh wait, he's a werewolf? Right. Seems like her luck. True love is about to upend her world.

Welcome to a love story about crossing boundaries, taking risks, healing from trauma and learning to live on the wild side. This is not your grandma's love story! 

Recommended for readers 18+, contains spicy scenes and adult content.

Excerpt: Waking Up in Your Forbidden Crush’s House. Wearing His Shirt. You Know. Normal Things.


She stiffened. Her heart gave a little flutter. She knew that voice. His deep, husky baritone was unmistakable.

Maddy looked back over her shoulder.

It was him.

Oh good lord.

He stood at the entrance to the kitchen, a towel over one shoulder.

Their eyes met.

She felt a little zap of lightning.

She swallowed. Hard.

Maddy turned around slowly to face him. She was shocked. He was her secret. Secrets were supposed to remain hidden. Not standing before her, face-to-face.

This was her first time standing so close to him outside of work, in broad daylight, without a dark moonlit forest obscuring his physique. His honey-hazel eyes glimmered beneath stern brows. His black hair, a warm tone like rich earthen humus, fell freely past his shoulders.

His massive chest made two little mountains under his white T-shirt. He was very tall and packed with muscle; she guessed him to be three or four inches over six feet.

A full sleeve of tattoos covered each arm. She had never really looked at them before. Up near his left shoulder, partly hidden by his shirt, she saw a vibrant, grinning skull in the sinister style of Dios de Los Muertos. The word LOBO in rustic Southwest font ran down his right forearm, while LOCO ran down the left. If his arms were both down, it read “lobo loco.” His right arm also carried the astrological symbol of a Scorpio, or maybe it was just a big fucking scorpion. The rest of the sleeve was too intricate for her to really appreciate at a glance.

His skin was deep tan. He wore blue jeans and steel-toed work boots. Something like car grease stained his shirt. She wondered, not for the first time, if he worked at a garage.

Maddie realized she was staring with her mouth slightly open. She shut it. She met his eyes again. She really didn't know what to say.

“You hungry?” he asked.

Then he walked back into the kitchen.

Maddy followed him with some hesitation. She felt like a stray cat who had wandered into someone’s house. He set a plate of bacon down on the kitchen table, and she pulled out a chair and sat down. Next to the bacon was a plate of scrambled eggs and two big waffles with maple syrup.

“I didn’t know what you liked,” he said, like he needed to explain why he’d served her an entire breakfast buffet. “Eat up. I’ll finish the rest.”

“Uh . . . thank you,” she mumbled.

She picked up her fork and speared one of the waffles onto her plate. The sight of so much food made her suddenly ravenous. She felt like she had burned ten-thousand calories the night before. She started shoving warm, syrup-covered waffles straight into her mouth.

He continued washing the dishes. The voice on the TV droned on. Maddy’s ears suddenly perked when she heard her name. “Now on local news, five bodies were found in the woods just outside Black River, NY . . . Police are saying animal attack . . . nearby mobilehome abandoned . . . currently searching for Madeline Donovan, a student at Black River High School. If you have any information about her whereabouts, please call . . . .”

So the police were looking for her. Wow. Color her impressed. Someone must have reported her missing. Maybe because of the gunshots. Certainly not her father. Sounded like Dean still hadn’t come home.

Another voice interrupted Maddy’s thoughts, a memory from the night before: “Rough up the guy. . . Toss his place . . . Leave a message.”

Maddy’s hands started to shake.

Her fork slipped through her clumsy fingers. It clattered to her plate. Then to the floor. It made a lot of noise.

The man turned to look at her.

“Sorry, uh . . . sorry,” she muttered.

Her hands clutched the bottom of her shirt as she tried to stop trembling.

He was still watching her. That made it worse. This isn’t normal. Nothing about this is normal. She was in his house. Her head was bandaged, and she was sitting in his boxers and a T-shirt. She felt a weird sense of vertigo. Everything was surreal.

She stared at her plate. Her cheeks were burning. She tried not to think of the unnegotiable fact that she was wearing his clothes, which meant someone must have undressed her the night before, which meant he absolutely saw her naked.

“You okay?” he asked.


He shut off the sink. Then he passed through the kitchen and into the living room, where he picked up the remote. He turned off the TV.

“Sorry if that bothered you,” he said.

“It’s alright,” she said.

She turned in the chair. She could see him clearly; he was only about ten feet away. She studied his face again. The light from the window cast shadows beneath his high cheekbones.

Devilish. He had a masculine neck, a cleft chin, a straight nose and a slightly prominent brow that gave his face a stern appearance. His lips were firm and sensual. His lashes were long and dark. His eyes were a bright, unusual hazel color. Sometimes they were green, and sometimes they were gold. She couldn’t tell if he was Native American, Mexican, Brazilian or a little bit of everything. To her, he looked like an exotic model from somewhere warm and tropical.

She felt a flutter in her stomach. It was not a shy tickle, but a steroid-enhanced butterfly striking her ribcage. She liked him so much. But . . . he was an adult, and she was only nineteen.

So, like, probably too young for him. God, she could not stop blushing.

“So what happened last night?” he asked. 

About the Author: 

A. Mariposa is penname for YA Fantasy writer, T. L. Shreffler. She writes Paranormal Romance that's steamy, spicy, a bit gritty, a little messy, and a whole lot of Happily Ever After! Her first PNR series The Wolves of Black River can be described as Shameless meets True Blood. For fans of Alpha males, shifter romance, forbidden first loves and historic small towns, this series is for you. <3

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

INTERVIEW WITH E.W. SALOKA (Dragon Masters: Silver Leaf Legacy Book 1)

Supernatural Central Short and Quick Interview


1. Tell me a little bit about your main character in this book.

I’m going to say Dredd Domino. He’s our “rock star” dragon rider with a bad-boy attitude and the mad skills to back it up.   He lives life on his terms and doesn’t follow the pack.  Still, he has a good heart but sometimes makes bad choices.  Of course, my wife wrote him handsome and sexy with girls everywhere.  But I gave Dredd his adventurous spirit.  As co-authors, we try to compromise.

2. Do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?

A few years back our golden Persian cat Mr. Sanders passed away. Of course, our family dearly missed him. I had an especially close bond with him. He would tap me on the back to get my attention and cry like a baby when he wanted me to come upstairs and go to bed.  In the following weeks after he was gone, I was missing my little buddy. One night I was playing a video game and looked over to the kitchen. I saw a fluffy gold tail swish by the door.  We have another cat, a smoky grey Persian. I knew it wasn’t Starla.  Then I wondered was that fluff of gold Mr. Sanders?   I remember my wife felt a calm peace fill the room when his sweet spirit whispered goodbye.   She said, “Go to Grandmom little man.” Her mother had passed away the month before and she believed Sanders’ spirit went to heaven too.

3. What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?

The next book in the Silver Leaf Legacy is Ever Dark. This is a continuing story from Book One- Dragon Masters and a few new characters have been added.  Book two should be released in April 2025.  My co-author wife Elaine is part of a new shared author series, Enchanted Elemental Empires. Her book Deadly Force is on pre-order and will be released in December 2024.  She’s also finishing her romantic suspense novel in between. 

Dragon Masters 
Silver Leaf Legacy 
Book One
E.W. Saloka

Genre: Fantasy romance
Publisher:  E.W. Saloka
Date of Publication:  May 29, 2024
Number of pages: 260
Word Count:  112,395
Cover Artist:  Blue Valley Author Services

Tagline:  Let the Games Begin 

Book Description: 

Zach was an ordinary guy living a mundane life. Attending classes, playing video games, and hanging out with his friends at Sal’s Pizza. Typical stuff for a fifteen-year-old, until one snowy night when a winged horse suddenly appeared. After that, nothing would ever be the same. Orcs, wizards, and dragons!   

Zach couldn't believe this was his new norm. Now instead of playing fantasy games, he was living one.

So, when he receives an invitation to join an elite group of Dragon Riders, things really heat up, especially when he meets two beautiful girls vying for his attention. The sweetly innocent Shanna, and Lux, an enchanting, but mysterious fae.

Zach didn't know how to ride a dragon; he couldn’t follow a manual online. No "How to Ride a Dragon in Six Easy Steps" guide. It was no wonder Dredd called him “Kid”
Dredd Domino, the Dragon Masters’ Champion. with an attitude and swagger to match his celebrity status. Droves of girls willing to do anything to be with their hero. But Dredd only desired an ethereal beauty who played dangerous games with the dragon rider’s heart.
The Dragmar Wizard told Zach, that receiving an invitation to join the Valdorian Order of Elite Riders was a high honor. Only a select group of dragon riders were chosen to participate in their annual death-defying race. Refusing their request would be an insult to the Race Council and not taken lightly. Once a rider was selected, there was no turning back. Not ever.

Enter the realm of Brandiss-Dor where intrigue, steamy romances, and prophecies abound. Family bloodlines and secrets steeped in the legacy of the coveted Silver Leaf lie within. Some will lie, steal, and even kill for it.

Book One of the Silver Leaf Legacy ends on a cliffhanger.  Dragon Masters is a mash-up of cozy and epic fantasy with heart-stopping romance.  Tropes are snarky dragons, forbidden love, love triangles, and morally grey villains.

Are you ready to take flight?


The Ice Wizard ground his teeth and looked away. “I’m not your hero, Mella.”

 “To me you’re heroic, not the beast you think you are. You saved me today from being kidnapped by the orcs, they were taking me to the Norbe Swamps!” She shuddered at the thought of slimy hands on her as they chained her and threw her over their riding-beast. Their putrid breath as they hovered and gloated over their captured prey.

“Daksha called me a beast, so she’s gone now. I drove her away.” His blue eyes darkened.

The pain in his voice ripped through her. With shaky breath, Mella drew close to him. She took Rianor's strong hand and held it up to her lips.  

He could feel the whisper of her soft breath; his ice-blue eyes met hers. “You should go now.”

“Is that what you want Rianor?” she gazed into his eyes; those eyes so full of darkness and passion.

Suddenly, he pulled her closer; his mouth found hers. His lips whispered against hers as he gripped her waist tightly.

She melted into him. “I never stopped loving you. All those years trapped in that lonely existence my heart yearned for you. I couldn’t tell you because you were with .. with Daksha.” Tears stung Mella’s seafoam eyes.

“No... don’t cry.” He tasted the saltiness of her falling tears as he kissed each one away. He had to hold back his Blue Ceress magic. Mella was a sweet and gentle siren, but only the Emerald Fire could match his darkness, and Daksha was the white heat the Ice Wizard craved.

“You’re thinking of her, aren’t you?” Mella pulled away. “You desire her, but do you love her?”

“I can’t feel love. I told Daksha I loved her, but she needed to hear those words. To me, love is nothing but a hollow emotion.”

Mella touched his arm gently. “But why would you do that if you knew it would hurt her?”

“I have no easy answers, do you see why I can’t be your hero?” 

About the Authors:

E.W. Saloka are writers, artists, conceptual designers, and a husband and wife team.

Welcome to the Kingdom of Brandiss-Dor. Their Silver Leaf Legacy series is the culmination of twenty years of working in the fantasy collectible industry. William began sculpting professionally several years ago with fantasy being his preferred subject.

Elaine began writing the storylines to accompany William's sculptures for his art shows and Ren Faires. Eventually, those stories grew into an outline for Dragon Masters. William is a dragon expert so she relies on his expertise to bring the dragons to life in their story. Between his fantasy and her romance their characters shine.