Tuesday, November 28, 2017


November. Always a busy time. That's why it's great when an author has the time to sit and talk to us, like Suzanne Madron did recently.
SC: Tell me a little bit about your main character of this book.
SM: Where to begin? His name is Nemesis, and he’s a minor deity who is a little more than insane, but given what he’s been through after his resurrection, I think we’d all be a little insane.
SC: It's never good when a deity is insane.  Power trippers aside, do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?
SM: Very much. I’ve had experiences since I was a child, and as an adult I’ve seen what I thought were re-enactors, but that turned out to not be re-enactors. (My house is built on a former battleground of the Civil War and has had some weird goings-on since the day we started fixing it up.)
While renovating our house, I’d hear a phone ringing in the foyer by the front door where there’s no phone nor phone lines (we did discover an old cut phoneline, but it’s not connected to anything and ends in just wires, but at the time we didn’t even have phone service to the house). One time I heard a doorbell that isn’t the doorbell we have. It sounded like my grandparents’ old doorbell, and when I went to see who was at the door, no one was there. I closed the door and turned to see the long bell chimes on the wall. When I pressed the doorbell button it sounded like church bells instead of the meek little ‘ding-dong’ of the doorbell I had heard.
Every once in awhile I smell a very floral perfume in my office, or I’ll catch a whiff of hand-rolled cigarettes in the house (no one smokes).
SC: It sounds like you are pretty congnicent of things around you. Probably good fodder for your stories.  What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?
SM: Currently I’m working on the fifth book of the Immortal War series: A God in a House of Crosses.
SC: Thanks for stopping by today. Let's take a look at your book now.

Immortal War Series
Book 1
Suzanne Madron

Genre: Horror

Book Description:

When an amnesiac deity is accidentally resurrected by an ancient evil, his only hope of remembering who and what he once was is a vampire named Lamia. When she runs to him for protection, an inescapable fate is unleashed upon them both as they fight to survive.

NEMESIS is the first installment in the Immortal War Series.

About the Author:

Suzanne Madron was born in New York City and has lived up and down the east coast. Currently she resides on a house built over a Civil War battlefield in the wilds of Pennsylvania where she has been known to host some interesting Halloween parties. She has authored several novels and stories under various names including Suzi M, James Glass, and Xircon.

Monday, November 27, 2017


Hello and welcome to Monday.

Finally! A week without the major arcana's hanging over our heads. But that doesn't mean you can slack off, quite the contrary.

The Queen of Swords is our card this week, and she's not big on b.s. Don't seek the if you're not willing to listen. Sometimes the truth can hurt, as her sword reminds us.

A stronger ally you won't find, but be wary. She wants to dance but she's not leaving that sword behind. This isn't a good week for betrayal or lies. Consider yourself warned.

Have a good one.


Shari Nichols

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Liquid Silver Press

Date of Publication: 11/27-2017

ISBN: 978-1-62210-452-9

Number of pages: 234

Word Count:  80.000

Cover Artist: Valerie Tibbs

Tagline: No matter how he tried, he couldn’t give her up.

Book Description:

When medium Karly Matthews agrees to move into a haunted inn, she’s not sure what’s more dangerous, the ghost or the sexy innkeeper she tries to resist. She’s can’t deny the intense rush of desire she feels every time he’s near. When she agrees to embark on a no-strings-attached relationship, she finds herself thrust into a world of mind blowing pleasures. Now she must face the aching truths of her past.

Hotel heir Thayne Harper has a laser-like focus on success that doesn’t include the help of his family. He’s always been the black sheep, living in the shadow of his dead brother. His dreams are put to the test when a supernatural entity threatens to ruin everything. The one bright spot is the woman who intrigues his mind and heats his blood.

If only he can convince her that, despite his bad boy ways, he can change for the good. Her love becomes his only salvation. Passion burns white-hot as a dark threat looms. The ghost doesn’t want them to be together and sets her sights on Thayne, luring him to a place that goes beyond death. Will Karly be able to save him before it’s too late?

Karly made sure to keep her head down, wanting to avoid another run-in. Her gaze skittered over fallen leaves and flagstone tiles. Through the corner of her eye, she spotted a man in a suit and a few servers. Her fingers tightened around her key chain with every step, wanting to be far from the chaos of the evening.
She was almost to the main street, when she bumped into a solid wall of muscle that threatened to knock her on her ass. Her keys flew from her hands as she began to fall backward. Before she hit the ground, two strong hands reached out and caught her around the waist. She glanced up and into the gorgeous face of the god she’d seen earlier.
Up close, he was even more stunning and taller than she’d calculated. He exuded strength and masculinity, and when he focused that intense magnetism on her, all the air left her lungs, along with her ability to speak.
Genuine concern flashed in his whiskey colored eyes. “I’m sorry. Are you okay?” His voice was like warm chocolate, melting her insides. When he dropped his hands, Karly could still feel the imprints on her skin.
“Y-yes, I’m fine. I’m the one who should be apologizing. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” Her heart pounded wildly in her chest. The man smelled incredible, like sandalwood and clean laundry.
“No need for apologies. Maybe you should sit down for a minute and have a drink with me.” There was elegance in the way he spoke that made her think of old money and private school.
For a moment Karly thought about taking him up on his offer, but she wasn’t in the frame of mind to pull off light conversation or flirty banter at this point. “Thanks, but I have to pass. This night, well, it didn’t turn out the way I’d hoped so I think it’s my cue to go.” She did her best to school her features, but inside she was feeling raw and vulnerable. The only thing she wanted to do was go home, soak in a hot bath, and lick her wounds.
His searing gaze swept over her and made butterflies flutter in her stomach “Perhaps I can make it better. Stay and have a drink with me.”
Karly glanced at his jacket for his nametag, but like her, he wasn’t wearing one. “I’m guessing you’re in either sales or politics, and if this is all for a campaign donation, I’m sorry, I already gave at the office.” Immediately she got a vibe telling her he was his own boss, which wasn’t hard to figure out. The man exuded confidence and power.
The throaty sound of his laughter raised goose bumps on her flesh. “So you’re funny and beautiful that’s quite a rare combo, Miss….?”
His words slid over her like a warm caress. A flush spread across her cheeks. She shook her head, a little dazed by the compliment. It would be hard not to succumb to his charms. If she was honest, his scent alone was driving her crazy. No, the man spelled danger. “I’m sorry. I should go. Good night and uh, nice running into you.” She sucked in a breath, turned and took a step toward the street.   
“I don’t think you’ll get far without these,” he said in a bone-melting voice that forced her to turn around. He held up her keys in his hand.   
“Right. Thanks.” She’d become so dazzled by his looks, she’d completely forgotten about them flying out of her hands
“My pleasure.” The way he said the word pleasure conjured images of their bodies tangled together, rolling around in satin sheets. The air sizzled with sexual tension. Slowly, he closed the distance between them and placed the keys in her hands. She purposely avoided touching him, but his fingers grazed hers, sending a spark of awareness up and down her arm.
“Don’t go,” he whispered.
“Why?” Karly was curious to hear what he’d say next.
“I can’t let you disappear into the night without telling me your name.” The words were spoken in a commanding tone that normally would've irritated her, but for some reason when he said them they hit every one of her buttons. “You can give me that much can’t you? It’s not every day I meet someone that captivates me and you have, quite thoroughly I might add.”
The scorching heat in his gaze made her shiver. She swallowed and tried to regain her equilibrium. It’d been a long time since a man had looked at her with such blatant desire. “I’m impressed— that’s quite a pick-up line. I’m curious, does it usually work?”
His smile was pure sin. “I’m not using a line on you. I just want the chance to talk to you. Give me five minutes, that’s all I ask.”
What happens after that?” His charisma began to melt her resolve. Karly stole a glance at his clothing. His sweater looked like cashmere and his suit jacket was perfectly tailored and cut to fit his body, only adding to his commanding presence. 
“You decide. If you want to continue the conversation, I get your number, if not, then we part ways. No harm done.”
How could she say no when his approach was so refreshing “Nothing like cutting to the chase.” A guy that looked like him probably had women falling all over themselves to get his attention. It didn’t take a psychic to glean the man was a player. He was too smooth to be anything else. “Five minutes is all you get.”
“Five minutes is all I need.” He was persuasive, not to mention cocky as hell and yet for some reason she couldn’t seem to say no where he was concerned. Besides, his vibe was positive and cool with no warning signs. 

“You’re pretty sure of yourself. Do you always get what you want?”

About the Author:

Shari Nichols grew up in a small town in Connecticut where haunted houses, ghosts and Ouija boards were common place, spurring her fascination with all things paranormal. Ever since she read her first Barbara Cartland novel, her life-long dream has been to write sexy, romantic stories. Shari has been married to her own alpha hero for twenty-five years. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, going to the gym, or hanging out with family and friends.

She lives in New Jersey with her husband, two teenagers, and her adoring golden retriever. She’s thrilled to spend her days in sweats, eating chocolate while pounding on her keyboard to create her next novel. Shari’s a member of Romance Writers of America, New Jersey Romance Writers, Liberty States Fiction Writers and Fantasy, Futuristic, and Paranormal Romance Writers.

WHISPERS OF THE PAST by Heath Stallcup

Whispers Of The Past
Book 1
Heath Stallcup

Genre: Horror, Paranormal, Occult

Publisher: Devil Dog Press

Book Description:

When grave robbers disturb the tomb of Sheriff James ‘Two Guns’ Tolbert searching for Old West relics, a force is unleashed, hellbent for blood.

How does a Sheriff’s Department from a small North Texas community stop a brutal murderer that is targeting criminals? A murderer that leaves no physical evidence and commits acts so heinous that seasoned officers find the crime scenes too morbid to imagine.

Over a hundred years in the making, a vengeful spirit now hunts for its killers. If those responsible can’t be made to pay, their progeny will.

About the Author:

Heath Stallcup was born in Salinas, California and relocated to Tupelo, Oklahoma in his tween years. He joined the US Navy and was stationed in Charleston, SC and Bangor, WA shortly after junior college. After his second tour he attended East Central University where he obtained BS degrees in Biology and Chemistry. He then served ten years with the State of Oklahoma as a Compliance and Enforcement Officer while moonlighting nights and weekends with his local Sheriff's Office. He still lives in the small township of Tupelo, Oklahoma with his wife and three of his seven children. He steals time to write between household duties, going to ballgames, being a grandfather to five and being the pet of numerous animals that have taken over his home. Visit him on Facebook.com or heathstallcup.com for news of his upcoming releases.

Monday, November 20, 2017


Hello and welcome to Monday.

We have a major arcana card again this week, and it's all sunshine and sunflowers. It reminds me of a line from a Trooper song "…and the sun is shining, in this rainy city." Don't let the weather fool you, this week will bring some inner peace and calm despite any exterior influences. You are ultimately in charge of your own happiness, and it's okay to feel good about your achievements, especially this week. It's a good time to be thankful for what you have and share it with others. Hold someone's hand. They might need it more than you think.

Have a good one.


First of all, sorry to everyone who experienced a glitch with their work on this site. We were without phone and internet for a week. So much for modern technology. Anyway, we are back up and lucky to have an interview with author Alexandra Christian!
SC: Tell me a little bit about your main character of this book.
AC: The main character of the Phoenix Rising series is Cage St. John. He’s a former agent with MI:6 who had a bit of an accident involving DNA splicing which has given him shapeshifting ability. At the beginning of Naked (Book 1), he’s a spy for hire.
Cage can shift into almost any sort of creature you can imagine from a cat to a dragon. The only problem is, with these supernatural strengths, also come the weaknesses. For example, he can become a vampire with incredible speed and strength, but he also has the bloodlust and weakness during the day. He can become a wolf, but there’s an animalistic rage that comes with it. The process of shifting is also quite painful, so it isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Cage has been solitary for a long time, so he isn’t what one might call friendly.
SC: Speaking of supernatural strenths, do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?
AC: This is a very interesting question. My husband Tally is also a writer and he writes books of true ghost stories. We have gone to numerous haunted sites researching his books. My favorite incident was several years ago in Manteo, NC. ICYMI, the town of Manteo sits on the site of the original Roanoke colony. Yes, the one where all the settlers disappeared with no sign except for CROATAN being carved on a tree. Anyway, we had a friend who had been working on The Lost Colony outdoor drama over the summer. She invited us out to the park because she’d seen some strange stuff and wanted to get Tally’s opinion. Our first mistake was going  out on the path in the dark. First, the temperature dropped dramatically and the wind began to blow. My husband takes off through the woods thinking he’s seen something watching us through the trees. I kept walking, becoming more nauseated with every step. Finally, I got so dizzy and sick that I had to turn back. It is probably the most frightened I’ve ever been at a haunted place.
SC: Yes, when you start to feel ill, it's a good time to just walk away. Thanks for sharing your story. And speaking of stories…  what titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?
AC :My brain is split in three pieces right now! I’m working on book three in the Phoenix Rising series. It’s tentatively called In Absinthia and takes place on a space colony that’s basically a Victorian Era theme park. Very Agatha Christie murder mystery. I’m also working on a novella series about Dr. John Watson (yes, sidekick of Sherlock Holmes) and his adventures in monster hunting. The first of that series should be out soon under my other pseudonym, A.C. Thompson. And finally, I’m working on a fluffy contemporary romance about a retired rock star and a kindergarten teacher who fall in love and save an elementary school. They’re all wildly different stories, so hopefully I won’t get confused.
SC: Thanks so muc h for popping in for a chat. Let's take a look at your book now.

Phoenix Rising
Book One
Alexandra Christian

Genre: Sci-Fi/ Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group

Date of Publication: April 13, 2017

ISBN: 1545383235 
ISBN: 978-1545383230

Number of pages: 210
Word Count: 70,000

Book Description:


Librarian Phoebe Addison has lived her entire life within a seventy-five mile radius of her small Louisiana town, but when she receives a strange medallion from her adventurous, off-world sister, reality tilts toward the bizarre. Everything Phoe thought she knew is…well, wrong. Dead wrong. But bone-numbing fear has no place in this brave new world—nor by the side of the dangerous, exquisite man who saves her life.


Following the tragic slaughter of his family, operative Macijah “Cage” St. John understands evil in a way no man ever should. He traded happiness for a magnificent and terrible power, and fate isn’t done with him yet. He wasn’t looking for comfort. He didn’t need tenderness. But today he’ll play hero to a damsel in distress, and his quest will deliver him to the uncanny Martian colony of New London—and his heart to the demure Phoebe Addison. The bookish beauty’s hidden talents and deep abiding love just might save Cage from himself.

Boroughs Publishing      Amazon       BN      Kobo      Smashwords      Print

Excerpt  Naked:

“Hey…” she sighed, taking the curve of his jaw in the palm of her hand and raising his eyes to meet hers. “I’m okay. You saved my life. For like… the millionth time.”  He didn’t move, so she didn’t pull away, finally able to observe him. His jaw was set, tense as he stared at her with those dusky, changeable eyes. But Phoe could feel a tremble there. A fear lurking underneath that she would never have expected a man like Cage to possess. “I’m fine.”
“And what in hell were you doing?” he said, snapping his head up to glare at her. “I told you to run away and you did exactly the opposite of what I said! You could have been killed! Or worse, bitten! You just… you don’t understand, Phoe. I’m supposed to protect you, and I didn’t protect you. I can’t lose another…”  His words trailed off. She could tell he wanted to say more but wouldn’t. She held his gaze, but he looked away, as if he were hiding some weakness he couldn’t stand for her to see. There was some trauma lurking there.
“What are you talking about?” she said. “Help me understand.” 
“I can’t,” he said, pulling back and shaking his head as if to clear it. “I won’t.”
“But why…”
He rolled back on his heels and rose quickly, his shoulder brushing against the bedside table and nearly toppling the glass of tea, an uncharacteristically clumsy movement. “Just leave it alone, Phoe. My demons are my own.”  The weakness was gone, and now that hard-edged, barely contained anger returned. She knew if she pressed him that he would lash out. She was starting to understand, to be able to read his moods that had seemed so random and mysterious when they’d first met. There was a scab, healed over but still burning. “Rest up,” he said, turning to walk away. “We’ll leave at sunset. Addie has a car.”
Swallowing her nausea, she threw back the blanket and stumbled out of the bed toward him. “Wait… Cage…”
He stopped but didn’t turn.
“Look, I don’t know what’s happened to you in your past. But we all have demons. Some of us, more than most people. I get it.”  She lay a hand on his shoulder, feeling the tremble of muscles pulled tight. The sensation of gentle touch had evidently become a foreign concept, and his first reaction was to flee. His head turned, staring down at where the cool, pearlescent flesh of her fingertips rested against him. Such a profile, his eyes gazing downward and just the faint glisten of a single tear resting just under his eyelashes. Phoe’s heart broke for him. “You can trust me.”

“I do trust you, Phoe.”  She slid her arm along his shoulder, and he turned, enveloping her body in a gentle embrace. He brushed a hand over her brow, smoothing back the stray locks that fell around her face. Being so close to him, she felt small and skittish. If he loosened his grasp even just a little, she feared she would retreat. He took her hand, bringing it to his lips and then pressing her palm against his cheek. Instantly his body relaxed, as if her touch were some sort of calming drug. Phoebe could actually feel the tension melting from his embrace. His eyes were full of fire and his breathing labored. Phoe couldn’t believe that it was her doing this to him. That all of this was for her. “I don’t trust me,” he went on. She was mesmerized by the curves of his lips as he spoke and without even realizing, she’d moved closer. Only a breath between them, and then their lips touched. He kissed her, lightly at first then more insistent. Phoe was stiff, the sensation so unfamiliar as his sumptuous mouth caressed her lower lip, worrying it gently, teaching her what to do. She melted into his embrace, and he teased the crease of her mouth with the tip of his tongue, coaxing it open before taking possession. Cage stole her breath and then offered his own. His arms tightened around her waist as he pulled her in against him, letting his hands rest on her hips as their kiss went on and on. When he let her go, Phoe stumbled, holding her dizzy head. A fluttery feeling rose in the pit of her belly, and all she wanted to do was kiss him again.

Phoenix Rising
Book Two
Alexandra Christian

Genre: Sci-Fi/ Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group

Date of Publication: October 26, 2017


Number of pages: 167 pages
Word Count: 65,500

Reluctant to become a spy again, Macijah "Cage" St. John's instincts prove correct when all hell breaks loose for him and his lady love, Phoebe Addison, who is also his new partner.

Book Description:


Macijah "Cage" St. John' didn't want the spy life anymore. He would have been thrilled to spend every morning lying in the field behind Phoe's home in smalltown Louisiana watching the clouds roll by. But his Miss Addison wanted to spread her wings, literally. So Cage accepted a mission that teamed him up with his lady love. If only he had trusted her.


Everything about being a spy was a million times more exciting, and scarier, than the books she'd read in her former life as a librarian. When her first mission with Cage turned into a colossal clusterf*ck because he withheld information and kept secrets, Phoebe's world narrowed into a long tunnel of betrayal. Captured by space pirates and delivered to a horrible fate, she wished the last words between them had been of love, because she was certain she would never see Cage St. John again.

Amazon      Boroughs Publishing

Excerpt Neo-Geisha:
Phoebe stood there letting the steaming water pour down over her body, wishing it would wash away the doubt. She didn’t hear the swish of the door opening so when Cage stepped into the shower behind her she screamed, coming at him with the tiny penknife she kept on hand at all times.
“Whoa,” he chuckled, grabbing her wrist. “Calm down. It’s me.” She held firm to the hilt of the knife for a few seconds before letting him slip it from her grasp. “You’re all right.”
“Am I?”
He nodded. “You’re always safe with me, love.”
“Is that a promise?” She met his gaze, searching for sincerity in it.
“Always.” He leaned in and pressed his lips to her forehead. “You really must stop taking weapons into the shower. That’s a nasty accident waiting to happen.”
All the pent-up emotion and stress from the last several weeks bubbled to the surface and she crumpled against him, her tears mixing with the falling water in a mixture of relief and fear, exhilaration and uncertainty. “There now, baby. You’re all right.” He wrapped his arms around her, brushing the matted tendrils away from her ear and kissing her lightly at the small hollow beneath. It made her feel small and protected. She craved the strength she felt in the hard muscles cording through his arms and chest.
“Is it like this every time?” she sniffled.
He chuckled. “You get used to it.”
“I didn’t think you were supposed to be afraid.”
“Where on earth would you get that idea?” he said. “Fear keeps us on our toes.”
“It didn’t do so well for me,” she replied, rubbing at her burning eyes. “I fucked up everything.”
“No you didn’t. It isn’t anyone’s fault. It just happened.”
“If you hadn’t been there…” she sniffled. “I’d… I…”
He took her chin between his fingertips and forced her head up. “You would have figured a way out. You’re smart and managed to keep your cool. As soon as the antidote took hold, you were able to shift. That confusion you created saved both our skins. So no more of this doubt, all right? You need to not worry so much,” he purred, nudging her back under the spray. The steam was a comfort, wrapping her in a blanket of humid warmth and she began to relax. “You’re so tense.” He turned her around brushing his fingertips along her spine.
“You know I’m a worrier,” she muttered.
“It’s a useless endeavor, I’m afraid.” His fingers came to rest at the swell of her ass and began tracing circles at the base of her spine. The callouses at the tips tickled at her skin and she shivered. He pulled her against him, so close that she could feel his lips fluttering against the cuff of her ear. “You have to let that go. Let me help you forget all about the wolves in the dark.”
She leaned back, luxuriating in the sensation of his hands slip-sliding over her body. Her skin was slick with the water and the remnants of expensive bath oil. “I think you’re trying to seduce me, Mr. St. John.”
“Of course I am,” he replied, pushing her hair away from her neck so that he could feather gentle kisses under her hairline. “Do you mind?”
“I’ll tell you when I mind,” she mumbled with a groan as he pinched her fleshy earlobe between his teeth. She reached back, tangling her fingers in the soft curls at the base of his skull. They were short, but long enough to wrap around a fingertip and tug lightly. She could feel his body so close behind her, hard against her softness. The contrast was so erotic that she was breathless even before his hands slid over her breasts.
“It isn’t fair,” she sighed as the blunt edge of his thumbnail slid over her nipple. “To let me get all clean only to make me dirty again.”

“I’ll gladly scrub anything you have, Miss Addison.”

About the Author:

Alexandra Christian is an author of mostly romance with a speculative slant. Her love of Stephen King and sweet tea has flavored her fiction with a Southern Gothic sensibility that reeks of Spanish moss and deep fried eccentricity. Lexx likes to keep her fingers in lots of different pies having written everything from sci-fi and horror to Sherlock Holmes adventures. 

A self-proclaimed “Southern Belle from Hell,” Lexx is a native South Carolinian who lives with an epileptic wiener dog and her husband, author Tally Johnson. Her long-term aspirations are to one day be a best-selling authoress and part-time pinup girl. She’s a member of Romance Writers of America.

Amazon Author Central:

Sunday, November 19, 2017


So, having had my phone and internet down for a week, I was reminded why bundling all your services together is probably not a good idea. Telus is usually dependable but someone clipped our wire in the phone box on the street, so we were left with our Shaw tv. I'm not so happy with my Shaw HDTV service, but this week it came in handy as it was actually working. But I digress...

I spent some time watching KINDRED SPIRITS Season 2 on Shaw on Demand/TLC on Demand.

For those that don't know, this is the paranormal series that features ex-Ghost Hunter veterans Amy Bruni and Adam Berry. I know these shows aren't everyone's cup of tea, but this one is a kinder, gentler version of a paranormal investigation. One thing I like about it, is that family members or employees of the haunted premises get to take part at least for a bit, during the investigation. That's the way my own paranormal group, VANCOUVER SUPERNATURAL, works.

I've seen a couple of times that the continuity person on the series fell asleep, but everyone should know that these shows are not shot all in one day, as much as they would like you to believe they were.

My tastes run more GHOST HUNTERS than GHOST ADVENTURES. How about you?

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

A CHAT WITH JACK WALLEN (For Whom The Reap Tolls)

AUTHOR IN THE HOUSE! Today we're pleased to welcome Jack Wallen.

SC: Tell me a little bit about your main character of this book.
JW: The main character in the Reapers series is Grim, the Reaper. He’s been around for centuries serving a singular purpose—Guiding the souls of the dead back into the Universal Pool, so that they may be re-purposed for other living beings. Centuries of life have made him a bit bitter and sarcastic … a character trait that is very much challenged when he accidentally reaps the love of his life (in the first book of the series). Grim is charming, funny, and self-aware to a fault. I will also say that there is more of me in Grim than any other character I’ve written to date.

SC:  Do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?

JW: I certainly do. I come from a very broken home and family. My mother suffered from numerous mental issues and had me and my sister convinced (as children) she and the house were haunted. Once upon a time—this was during undergraduate school—I was going through a rather hard period in my life. I was living with some friends and things were spiraling out of control. One day I came home from rehearsal for a nap. My roomies were all quite concerned about me (especially considering I never nap) and were watching me from the door of my room. They all swore I was laying in bed, with both arms at my side, when the blanket at my feet slowly made its way up my body to cover me. My friends insisted it happened—and had no reason to lie to me. I’ve had other, similar, instances—such as, where I saw my guardian angels floating above me (one of which wears a stovepipe hat).

SC: What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?

JW: I am currently in the editing process with my book “Dead Twin Sister” (the sequel to “The Dark Seduction”), as well as about to finish up the first draft of “Suicide Machine” (The sequel to “Suicide Station”). I will then be embarking on co-authoring a new series, for Devil Dog Press, with Jaime

SC: Thanks so much for stopping by, Jack. Let's take a look at your book.

For Whom The Reap Tolls
Reapers Series
Book 3
Jack Wallen

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Publisher: Devil Dog Press

ISBN: 978-1542311281

Number of pages: 290
Word Count: 61,782

Cover Artist: Dane

Tagline: All is fair in love and death.

Book Description:

A Reaper’s job is never done!

The Scythe has been eradicated. Now it’s time for Grim and company to enjoy much-needed rest, pizza, and romance. Thing is, Death has darker plans and deep-seated secrets to reveal.

With the help of a bookstore dedicated to all things occult, Grim uncovers a truth that could very well set him at odds with Fate and send the natural order spiraling into chaos.

The soul-reaping Scooby Gang is back to help the spirits of humanity return to the Universal Pool and challenge the Eternal status quo.

For whom will the bell toll? Inquiring minds want to know.

Amazon     BN      iTunes     Smashwords

Check Out Book One
A Tale of Two Reapers

About the Author:

Jack Wallen is what happens when a Gen Xer mind-melds with present day snark. Jack is a seeker of truth and a writer of words with a quantum mechanical pencil and a disjointed beat of sound and soul. Although he resides in the unlikely city of Louisville, Kentucky, Jack likes to think of himself more as an interplanetary traveler, on the lookout for the Satellite of Love and a perpetual movie sign...or so he tells the reflection in the mirror (some times in 3rd person). Jack is the author of numerous tales of dark, twisty fiction including the I Zombie series, the Klockwerk Movement, the Fringe Killer series, Shero, The Nameless Saga, and much more.