Friday, September 29, 2017


Immortally Yours
Book 26
Lynsay Sands

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Avon Books

Date of Publication: 9/26/2017

ISBN: 9780062468956
ASIN: 0062468952

Number of pages: 400

Tagline: Irresistible chemistry and thrilling suspense combine in this electrifying new installment in New York Times bestselling author Lynsay Sands’ Argeneau series

Book Description:

One hundred and twenty-five years is a long time to nurse a crush. That’s how long it’s been since Beth Argenis first met Cullen “Scotty” MacDonald, and he instantly became the star of her most X-rated dreams. Back then, he was rescuing her from a Rogue Immortal. Now Beth’s a Rogue Hunter—a damn good one. She doesn’t need saving anymore, despite what Scotty thinks. What she does need is the fierce, wild desire that finally erupts between them.

Scotty has hesitated to claim Beth as his own. But one explosive kiss confirms what he’s long suspected: She’s his life mate. But Beth is tough, fearless, beautiful…and in immortal danger. Unless he wants to lose her forever, he’ll have to rethink everything he once believed about love and destiny as well as confront an enemy who’s terrifyingly close.

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Chapter One
"Tybo, it's time to move," Beth said into her headset as she watched the garage door drop closed.

"And thank God for that. We've been camping out here all night in the cold and mud. I'm done in," came the complaint over the headset.

"We all are," Beth said grimly. "So quit your bitchin' and move into position or I'll come find you and kick your arse."

"God, Beth, I love how your accent comes out when you're annoyed. It's so Eliza Doolittle." Tybo's voice was smooth and full of laughter this time. It made her suspect he'd complained just to get a reaction out of her, especially when he added, "I like it best when you talk dirty. It just revs my engine."

"Dirty?" she asked with surprise.

"Ummm hmmm," Tybo crooned. "You said arse."

Beth covered the mouthpiece of her headset as a bark of laughter slipped from her lips. She hadn't worked with Tybo long, but was quickly learning the man was a character. Shaking her head, she removed her hand from her mouthpiece and said, "Stop flirting with me, you cheeky bastard, and move into posit—"

A choked sound and the rustle of cloth from her earpiece made her stop talking and listen instead before she said, "Tybo? Tybo?"

Beth paused a heartbeat to wait for a response, and then said, "Valerian? Do you see Tybo?" Silence was her only answer.

"Ah hell," she muttered. Slipping out from behind the tree she'd been using for cover, Beth started moving quickly in Tybo's direction. She had the dart gun she'd been issued in one hand, but her sword in the other. It was the sword that saved her. Before Beth reached the spot where she'd ordered Tybo to take cover, the dart gun was abruptly kicked from her grip. She never saw it coming, but reacted instinctively, sword hand coming up and swinging hard even as she turned toward her assailant. She caught him at the base of the throat where it met his shoulder. The blade went deep, slicing better than halfway through his neck.

Beth yanked it out, grimacing at the sucking sound it made. She watched the man topple sideways to the ground, and then quickly wiped the blade off on her attacker's coat before grabbing up the dart gun she'd dropped. Shooting him with it to ensure he didn't heal and rise too quickly, she then turned and continued forward. Beth found Tybo on his back in the mud some twelve feet from where she'd been attacked. There was a knife in his chest.

"You should have moved when I told you to," Beth muttered as she bent to tug the ivory-handled knife from his heart. He didn't open his eyes and sit up at once, but she hadn't expected him to. He'd need some time to heal. Beth reached into the satchel hanging at her side, pulled out a bag of blood and then opened his mouth. She had to massage his upper gums briefly to get his fangs to slide out, but then she slapped the bag to them.

Leaving Tybo where he lay, Beth straightened and glanced around before continuing along the path. Valerian had been positioned another thirty feet ahead in the woods surrounding the house. She found the hunter exactly where she expected, also with a knife to the heart. As she removed it, Beth noted that it was a duplicate of the knife that had been in Tybo's chest.

Tossing the blade aside, Beth slapped a bag of blood onto Valerian's fangs as well before turning to peer through the bushes at the house they'd been watching since just after sunset. It had been empty by the time they'd got their orders from Mortimer at the Enforcer house and made their way here. The inhabitants, a rogue immortal and his minions, had already been gone by then, probably to hunt up new victims. Beth, Tybo, and Valerian had sat here awaiting their return for most of the night and now it was almost dawn, but a few minutes ago a van had pulled into the driveway. The garage door had opened, the van had pulled in, and the door had closed without them ever seeing how many people were in the vehicle. Which was why Beth had ordered Tybo to approach the house. They needed to know how many rogues they were dealing with and what the situation was. It was vital to their approach. If there were innocent mortals who needed saving, for instance, it would affect how they handled everything.

It seemed, however, that their presence hadn't gone unnoticed, and one of the returning rogues had managed to slip out unseen and sneak up on them. Her question now was whether that was the only one. Had the newly turned rogue just been sent out to check around and happened upon them? Or had they been spotted and he was sent out to take care of them? And if so, how many others, if any, were out scouring the trees surrounding the house, looking for them? Aside from whether there were innocents around, Beth also needed to know many rogues were inside besides Walter Simpson, the master rogue of this group. Unfortunately, getting those answers and doing anything with them would be hard since her entire, and very tiny, team was now incapacitated except for herself.

Cursing under her breath, Beth took a quick glance around and then moved to the nearest tree and swiftly climbed up into the branches. She settled on a large, sturdy branch fifteen feet up, took a moment to be sure that she had a good view of the surrounding area and that no one could sneak up on her, and then slid her cell phone from her pocket.

Mortimer answered on the first ring. "Problem?"

About the Author:

Lynsay Sands is the nationally bestselling author of the Argeneau/Rogue Hunter vampire series, as well as numerous historicals and anthologies. She’s been writing stories since grade school and considers herself incredibly lucky to be able to make a career out of it. Her hope is that readers can get away from their everyday stress through her stories, and if there’s occasional uncontrollable fits of laughter, that’s just a big bonus.


Normally the weather in Vancouver, BC is great in September, but this has been a bit of weird summer. No rain, humid temperatures, forest fires galore. I'm actually happy to wind down this month this year.

Today author Marita A. Hansen brings us her book STELLA MARIS. Let's take a look inside.

Stella Maris
The Legendary Rosaries
Book One
Marita A. Hansen

Genre: YA Fantasy, PNR.

Date of Publication: September 29, 2017.

ISBN: 9781548606749

Number of pages: 320 pdf
Word Count: 117342

Cover Artist: We Got You Covered Book Design.

Book Description:

At her first Confirmation lesson, Catherine Lovich is given a beautiful rosary known as the Stella Maris. Unaware of the danger attached to it, she accepts the gift, soon discovering that each bead on the rosary holds a unique power, powers that only Merges can use. Descended from angels and demons, Merges have the innate ability to manipulate the elements as well as bring the past to the present through dreams.

After meeting Christopher Laboure on her first day back at Agnaru High, Catherine learns that the arrogant but heavenly-looking boy is a Merge—like herself. But unlike Catherine, Christopher is a Seraph, a Merge who controls the fire beads.

When a heated kiss goes wrong, Christopher finds out that Catherine is wearing the Stella Maris—the water rosary his grandfather wants to destroy.

Along with its owner.

STELLA MARIS will transport you into a realm where nothing is what it seems and everything holds hidden danger.

Teaser Excerpt:

Her eyes widened. She quickly backed up into the locker, fear colouring her expression. I knew why. The fire inside of me had lit up my eyes, turning them from brown to red. I clenched my hands into fists, willing them to change back, the flames already trying to burst forth. But it wouldn’t stop, my panic and hers now fueling the fire. ~Chris.


NATIONALITY: I am a New Zealander with Croatian heritage.

SPORTS: As a teenager my favourite sports were karate, badmington, and running. I also did unarmed combat and played in a touch rugby team (my gym teacher made me do the last one!) Now, I stick to coaching soccer and running. I have completed two marathons, numerous half-marathons and one 30K run.

CAREER PATH: I started off as a Graphic Designer, then went to Auckland University, where I got a BA degree in Art History and Italian Studies and a post-graduate Honours degree in Art History. I worked in the Art History field, then became a full-time artist, doing commissions. I eventually lost all of my senses and gave it up to be a writer :)

BAD HABITS: I'm a major procrastinator, I stay up way too late writing, and I get distracted easily unless it's doing something I love.

STATUS: Married to my high school sweetheart (which he hates me calling him). We have two kids.

Thursday, September 28, 2017


Today I want to set you up to WOW! them on Halloween. Sure, you can say you studied with (pick Food TV host) for hours until you had the inner structure just perfect, but really all you need is a basic white cake mix, and purple, orange and black food colouring. The gel kind works best.

I found this recipe on the COOKING WITH SUGAR website and have never looked back. I get lots of oohs and ahhhs whenever I make it. It's like magic and no two cakes are ever alike. Makes great cupcakes too.

Don't fret about it, just pour. The colours will all intermingle enough to make Donald Trumps mind implode. Watch Sugar's video below.

I know, awesome right? Even I can do it. See the pictures below. And if I can do it, you can do it. Get ready peeps, October is just around the corner.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


The Divine Heart
Danielle R. Mani

Genre: YA Paranormal

Publisher: Crooked Cat Publishing

Date of Publication: September 27, 2017

Number of pages: 180
Word Count: 58,000

Tagline: Elle spent her life waiting for someone else to die…

Book Description: 

Seventeen-year-old Elle Collins spent most her life waiting for someone else to die…

When a heart donor is found, Elle awakes from surgery gifted with more than just a new heart—clairaudient messages and spiritual apparitions haunt her until she is convinced that she must be insane. Either that, or her donor is sending a message.

Desperate for answers the medical community can’t provide, Elle’s divination leads her to the family of her donor—a young girl named, Cas. With the help of her best friend, Rob—the guy who’s a testament that her new heart is capable of love, Elle must make sense of the clues Cas is sending.

As pieces of Cas’s life and death emerge, Elle will discover that she and Cas share more than just a heart.

I slide the glass shower doors open and turn on the water, adjusting until I find just the right temperature.
As I step under the spray, the water hits my face in hard pellets. It feels good. Begrudgingly, I reach down to grab a bar of soap. A sharp pain shoots down the left side of my arm. For a moment, I feel paralyzed. My immediate thought is to yell for help, but I can’t find my voice. I try to take a deep breath, but can’t. I crumple to the tub and feel a strange, tingling sensation zip through my fingertips.
“Mom!” I let out a bloodcurdling squeal in a voice I don’t even recognize.
My mother runs into the bathroom and slams the shower door open.
“What is it?” She is the color of her bleached white towels. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s my heart! Something is wrong. Call the hospital.”

About the Author:

Danielle R. Mani is a fan of the paranormal in both print and film. In her first book, The Divine One, Ms. Mani combines supernatural fiction with the everyday dramas of young adulthood. Her newest YA paranormal novel, The Divine Heart, is scheduled to be released later this year. Ms. Mani holds a Bachelor of Arts in education and a Master of Science in communications. She is currently a doctoral student studying parapsychology. She resides in Westchester, New York, with her husband, four children, two dogs, and two rescue cats.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Angels and Vixens
Millie’s Angel
Book 2
Kim Petersen

Genre: Paranormal Romance, Urban fantasy

Publisher: Whispering Ink Press

Date of Publication: 09/26/2017

ISBN: 978-0-6481595-0-6

Word Count: 58,000

Cover Artist: Chris at Kudi-Design

Book Description:                 

Her love has no limits. His vengeance knows no bounds.

With her brother Ace dangerously lurking in her dreams, Millie finds herself captive in a delicately woven love-triangle between past desires and her faithful fiancé. When she finally decides to follow the path which beckons her heart, Ace and his black witch lover sweep into town; leaving a poisonous trail of death and vengeance in their wake.

Millie’s life blackens as her brother’s vendetta becomes her reality and she is drawn into a savage game where the stakes are higher than she could have ever imagined. Can she save her brother from the evil that clutches his heart before he is lost to her forever?  And will the men in her life learn to accept her truths?

Millie’s Angel Book Trailer:

About the Author:

When Kim found herself divorced with 3 kids in 2007, she did what any thirty-something woman would do – she went to see a clairvoyant for the very first time.

The elderly woman peered into a crystal ball, studied her palm and deciphered a deck of playing cards in a way Kim had never before witnessed, while foretelling a vivid future laden with happiness, abundance and a mysterious dark man from across the seas.

Although it was determined there would be more children in her life, the gifted woman warned Kim against the notion, instead encouraging her to embrace the freedom that would come along with the growth of the three that already waddled behind her.

Kim left the aroma of scented candles and zesty tingles with her mind whirling with excitement and a new-found adventure buzzing through her thoughts – the prospect of more children the last thing to inflict upon her fantasies. Not when there was a dark mysterious man out there awaiting a magical rendezvous.

Two years passed until one evening a friend invited Kim to a birthday bash at a local pub. Her mother was in town so she eagerly accepted a night away from the kids where she would get to act and feel like an adult. She dressed in her winter dressy threads, drank way too much wine and sizzled up that tiny dance floor like tomorrow would never come – when it did arrive, she awoke with a throbbing headache, a churning stomach and phone call from a mysterious man who came from Holland.

It wasn’t long before they became inseparable and two more children emerged from her overly fertile womb, lending to the frantically busy life she now leads while writing her heart out between feeding and cleaning after small army of kids!

Kim discovers abundance around every dusty corner, every load of washing and every cooked meal each day – even when at times she is certain she might be better off if they put her away someplace safe!

INTERVIEW WITH MARK. W. CURRAN (The Witches of Wildwood)

September is almost over. It's hard to believe. But we look forward to October. Cooler nights, falling leaves...Halloween. But we're not there yet. Here's something fun though, Mark W. Curran has stopped by to answer our three fave questions.
SC:Tell me a little bit about your main character of this book.

MC:  This is a collection of short horror stories so there are many main characters. Since the novella is the cornerstone of the book, I can tell you a little bit about the main character in that. THE WITCHES OF WILDWOOD novella is about a group of modern day witches, four young beautiful sisters, who are using the Jersey Shore as their personal hunting ground. They scour the night clubs, boardwalk and beaches looking for victims, and use sexual seduction to ensnare and weaken them.

Their main opponent is a witch-hunter and preacher named Billy Wilkes, who has spent his life roaming the United States hunting down modern-day witches and killing them. He discovers, however, these four girls have a collective power much greater than a single witch would have, thus, he has met a match that will likely result in his own destruction.

SC: Do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?  I believe there are powers and dimensions we cannot perceive, but I am not at all sure the things that seem to be paranormal have anything to do with those said dimensions.

MC: I don't have any personal experiences to share on the paranormal but I can tell you that we as humans seem to be fascinated with myths, legends and stories, and those stories have common denominators that echo down through the ages.

As a storyteller, all we can do is tell a different version of the same stories – all we can do is pour old wine from new bottles.  

SC: I have always found that the more open you are to these sort of things happening to you, the more often they do, so who knows. Maybe someday you will.  What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?

MC:  I'm currently writing a screenplay set during the American Civil War about a young girl coming of age in the South who must defend her homestead against a murderous band of thieves.

SC: Thanks for stopping by. Come back anytime. Let's take a look at your novel.

Witches of Wildwood: Cape May Horror Stories and Other Scary Tales from the Jersey Shore 

A Collection of Contemporary Horror Fiction

Mark W. Curran 

Genre: Horror/Speculative Fiction

Publisher: NMD Books

Date of Publication: Sept 15, 2017

ISBN: 978-1-936828-51-7

Number of pages: 300
Word Count: 83,365

Cover Artist:  Robert Gonzales

Book Description:

Werewolves... vampires... swamp beasts... zombies... even a Jersey Devil... all of these chilling creatures and more await you in this haunting collection of 11 contemporary horror fiction stories by Mark Wesley Curran.

Uniquely set 'down the shore' in South Jersey's Cape May County, these scary tales are sure to terrify and entertain both adult readers as well as young adults.


There was no doubt among the sisters that the murders were increasing their power. Each felt the surge of energy that coursed through them with each kill.
“I feel so alive!” Zoey exclaimed on the morning after they’d tied Harlan Clemmons to a chair and stabbed him multiple times through the heart, “like I’m 
plugged into some bitchin’ electrical source!” she marveled.

The other girls felt it too. Both Jaz and Ali would lay awake at night and feel it running through them - bringing them even more vitality and strength than even their young ages provided. 

About the Author:

Mark Wesley Curran is a writer of contemporary fiction, specializing in the horror and suspense genre. Born and raised in Suburban Philadelphia, he spent many summers living and working in Wildwood, New Jersey during its heyday. He now resides in Los Angeles where he enjoys creative pursuits as a writer, filmmaker and musician.   


Today we welcome back one of our favourite authors around here, the lovely Laura Bickle! There's even a bonus, Laura's got a quick donut fixin' that you can really bite into. Read on...
Laura Bickle

Genre: YA Horror

Date of Publication: September 19, 2017

ISBN: 9781537857992
ASIN: B074XBJ697

Number of pages: 307
Word Count: 76,573

Cover Artist: Danielle Fine

Book Description:

The dead are easy to talk to. Live people, not so much.

Charlie Sulliven thinks she knows all the secrets of the dead. Raised in a funeral home, she’s the reluctant “Ghoul Girl,” her reputation tied to a disastrous Halloween party. But navigating her life as a high school sophomore is an anxiety-inducing puzzle to her. She haunts the funeral home with her parents, emo older brother, Garth, their pistol-packing Gramma, and the glass-eyeball-devouring dachshund, Lothar.

Chewed human bodies are appearing in her parents’ morgue…and disappearing in the middle of the night. The bodies seem tied to a local legend, Catfish Bob, who has resurfaced in the muddy Milburn river near Charlie’s small town. When one of Charlie’s classmates, Amanda, awakens in the cooler as a flesh-eating ghoul, Charlie must protect her newfound friend and step up to unravel the mystery…and try to avoid becoming lunch meat for the dead.

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Glittery Ghoul Donuts
By Laura Bickle

When I saw vampire donuts come across a friend’s Facebook feed, I knew that I had to give them a try. I’ve had my own share of Pinterest disasters, to be certain, but I think this is something I can handle. The worst thing that could possibly happen would be that I’d have a dozen mangled donuts, right? I could eat all the evidence before anyone was the wiser.

1.         I gathered my materials. I picked up a dozen glazed donuts, a bag of plastic vampire fangs, and a package of candy eyes. For fun, I got some edible glitter. I originally thought I might make sparkly vampire donuts with silver glitter, but decided to get green so that the completed creatures would remind me more of ghouls.

2.         I squished some vampire fangs into the donut holes to make mouths.

3.         Then I added the candy eyes. They stick very well into the donut glaze.

4.         Then I dusted the donuts with edible green glitter. I was pretty pleased with my green choice…they seem particularly monstrous.

5.         And ta-da! A horde of flesh-eating ghoul donuts!

I’m counting this as a Halloween craft win. Do you have any Halloween crafts you’re going to make this season? Any raven wreaths, bat cookies, or carved pumpkins on your agenda?

About the Author:

Laura Bickle grew up in rural Ohio, reading entirely too many comic books out loud to her favorite Wonder Woman doll. After graduating with an MA in Sociology – Criminology from Ohio State University and an MLIS in Library Science from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, she patrolled the stacks at the public library and worked with data systems in criminal justice. She now dreams up stories about the monsters under the stairs, also writing contemporary fantasy novels under the name Alayna Williams.

The latest details on her work are available at:

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