Sunday, July 17, 2022

EVA'S HOMECOMING by Celia Breslin


Eva’s Homecoming
Heartland Fae 
Book One
Celia Breslin

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Celia Breslin 
Date of Publication: June 13, 2022
ISBN: 9798201769512
Number of pages: 85
Word Count: 21K 
Cover Artist:  Brantwijn Serrah

Tagline: A curse stole her away. Can true love lead her home?

Book Description:

After several years away for school and work, Eva O’Reilly is finally home. The West Coast was fine, but her heart belongs to the Heartland and the town she grew up in. Sadly, with her mother’s sudden passing and no other living relatives, Eva is alone. And hurting.

Angus of the Tuatha DéDanaan is elated his one true love has finally returned, and he’s determined to win her heart all over again. There are just two problems: she can’t see him or remember the Fae folk even exist.

As Eva mourns, Angus fights to dispel the veil keeping them apart. With the aid of a gang of flower fairies and the kindly elderly Wiccan next door, these cursed lovers may well receive a second chance at their happily forever after…

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Angus stood in the center of the garden, throat tight and burning, a huge gulp of air trapped in his lungs.

Around him, a dozen diminutive flower fairies cavorted among the flora, chortling with glee. “She’s here, she’s here, our Eva is here!”

His gaze targeted the back door, body taut as he awaited his first glimpse of the female he loved. The only one he would ever love. Mo chroí, my heart. My heart walks the world, outside my body. “Come back to me.”

His voice was barely audible above the incessant chatter of the flower fairies. “We sang to her. She heard us! She liked it.”

“Hush,” he commanded, and they fell silent, vibrating with gleeful anticipation.

Seven years without her. The longest, loneliest bloody years of his basically eternal existence…


Eva stared out at the yard with haunted, brown eyes. Dark circles like the ones she’d sported months ago at the wake and funeral marred the perfection of her milky skin. He wanted to lay gentle kisses on her eyelids, nip the tip of her nose with its light dusting of freckles, lave her lips with his tongue then push it between those perfect lips…

“See me, Eva,” he whispered.

“See us,” Rosina echoed.

Eva cocked her head and touched her ear as if in response to their words. The incessant giggling of the flower fairies ceased, an expectant hush falling over the garden.

Though consumed with sorrow, Eva surveyed the yard with appreciation. Angus and the flower fairies had been tending to the yard and garden since she’d left. There was little to be done in the winter months but in the Fall, they’d trimmed and raked, then planted, pruned, and watered in Spring and Summer. Jasmine, lavender, and other blooming plants scented the air, and he watched his female take a deep breath.

Her shoulders seemed to lose some tension as she took in the neatly trimmed yard and carefully curated garden. “It’s perfect,” she said.

Angus’s heart swelled with pride at a job well done only to stutter in agony when her lovely brown eyes lingered on the central spot where he stood yet looked right through him.

“No. No, no, no,” he whispered. See me this time, Eva. Let the curse be gone.

Mrs. Murphy joined Eva near the door. “He tended it for you. From the moment you went off to school.”

“What?” Eva scanned the yard, then returned her attention to the spot where he stood surrounded by the flower fairies, all of them quivering with excitement.

“The garden, girl. He looked after it for you.”

Lines formed in Eva’s forehead, and her attention shifted to Mrs. Murphy. “I don’t understand, who did?”

He bowed his head and rubbed his brow. Each time she returns she still cannot See. My fault. All of this. Mine.

About the Author:

Celia lives in California with her husband, daughter, and one feisty cat. She writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance, and has a particular fondness for werewolves, vampires, and the Fae. When not writing, you’ll find Celia exercising, reading a good book, hanging and gaming with her family, or indulging her addiction to fantasy TV shows and movies.

Thursday, July 14, 2022



Witch of the Red Thorn 
Dawn of the Blood Witch 
Book Two
Maria DeVivo

Genre: Occult Horror 
Publisher: 4 Horsemen Publications
Date of Publication: June 5, 2022
ISBN: 1644505614
Number of pages: 254
Word Count: 58k

Tagline: Three years after the Salem Witch Trials, a new evil awakens to terrorize an unsuspecting town.

Book Description: 

The residents of New Haven Harbor, Massachusetts think they've escaped the madness of the Salem Witch Trials, but when a new Reverend is dispatched to their church to take over for their aging vicar, they soon realize the darkness is far from over. Dutiful Christian wife Barbara Flynn is immediately affected by the new pastor's presence. Intense thoughts and feelings she has never experienced before stir inside, drawing her close to the strange man.

When a series of grisly occurrences tear through the town, Barbara and the new Reverend join together to wade through the carnage. But on their journey, Barbara soon discovers she is part of a larger design - a plan that has been in the making since the dawn of time. As shadows loom over the quiet seaside town, the simple townsfolk grow frightened. Fear soon turns to anger as fingers point in every direction to snuff out the source who has once again brought witchcraft into their midst.

Can Barbara control the demons within her to assure the town's safety? Or will the mob force Barbara and the new Reverend to atone for the sinister magic devouring New Haven Harbor?

Reader Advisory: Witch of the Red Thorn contains violence, gore, Satanic rituals, and graphic sexual situations


I didn’t realize how long we had been out in the clearing of the woods until Tansy’s screaming snapped me back into reality. It was almost like a dream—when you fall asleep into that dream world and your story just picks up in the middle of a scene, yet you have all the memory and knowledge of the world your mind has temporarily created for you. One moment we were walking out into the forest in the purest daylight to gather fresh flowers for the chapel, and in the next instance, it was pitch black and Tansy was pulling hard on my pinafore dress and howling at the top of her lungs for us to run.

“Run, Barbara! Run! Go!” she commanded as I twirled at the edge of the clearing, awestruck at the sight that lay before me—strewn in a circle lay twisted animal parts covered in leaves and muck and blood. Symbols arranged neatly with twigs, flower heads drenched in the crimson sticky blood, and black candles burned to their nubs protruded from the ground. Something about it enthralled me, bewitched me, and I stared hard at the tableau—unafraid and somewhat curious at the peculiarity of it all.

With one final tug of my dress and a shake to my shoulder, I locked eyes with my sister. Her words finally registered in my head, and her urgency struck deep into my soul: Run. Go. Now. We both took off running, my legs swiftly carrying me to presumed safety, my hands still clutching tightly to the cluster of Bellflowers I had previously picked (with no recollection of doing so).

When we finally made it to the edge of the Black Wood, the both of us slumped forward, hands on knees, panting hard for air to fill our lungs back up.

“Did you see it? Did you see it?” Tansy struggled to force the words out.

“Yes, Tansy, I saw!” I answered.

“I… I… I thought we were done with all of that! I thought that was passed us! I thought…”

“As did I. As did I.”

Tansy’s upper body shot up with a sense of awareness. Her torso tensed and stiffened, and her face drew dark and contemplative. She furrowed her brow as if trying to piece some wild puzzle together or connect the dots to some great revelation. I saw it glittering in her soft hazel eyes, like words and images dancing in her mind, yet they were too fast for her to catch and put together. When it dawned on her, it was like a candle flame flickering to life. “Today’s the 20th, isn’t it?” she asked.

“Yes, why?”

She stepped closer to me and lowered her voice. “It’s been almost three years, Barbara. Almost three years to the day that Martha Corey and the others were hanged in Salem. You know, the last of the trial judgments. Do you think it’s happening again? Do you think what happened over there is now happening here?”

“Hush your mouth, Tansy Wilkins!” I snapped back. “We are God-fearing women of our community. Peace-loving. We reject Satan and all his minions.” I paused after those words. For some reason, it didn’t feel right for me to say them. A creeping feeling of doubt entered my heart, but I pushed it aside. “Don’t you be putting that energy out into the universe,” I continued my admonition. “And for God’s sake, don’t go saying that around anyone else. You know how on edge everyone has been since all that business over there.”

“But Barbara, I’ve heard stories. Been hearing stories…”

“And stories they just are. The same ones I’ve been hearing, too. Nothing but silly ghost tales and monsters under the bed. Now shush, and don’t go putting wood on someone’s fire. Because the last thing we surely need is what happened there to infect us here. It’s still fresh. It’s going to take a little while for that wound to heal.” That much was true! I knew our town of New Haven Harbor would never be able to survive the horrors of Salem.

Her face darkened again at my words. It was obvious she wasn’t fully convinced by what I told her. I knew I wasn’t convinced myself, but I had to say the words to quell my sister’s suspicions. It would be a shame if she had opened herself to the hysteria of our neighboring town. Who knows what influence or bogeymen she might allow in?
Like a pinprick in the back of my mind, I could feel the scene in the clearing calling me—beckoning me to go and investigate. But I ignored it, and instead, I tried to convince my sister nothing nefarious was afoot.

“Winnie Gordon told me that two young children went missing over in Salem just last week.

They were playing at the bottom of the ledge where the witches were hanged, and no one has seen them since. Winnie says those little kids must have awakened something because strange things have been happening since then.”

“You know I can’t stand that Winnie Gordon. Never could,” I barked.

Tansy’s eyes went wild. “Barbara, stop that! How could you say that! Winnie has been my best friend since grammar school!”

“And pray tell, why is it that she needed to repeat her studies multiple times? Winnie Gordon is not the smartest of women, now is she? There are at least four, maybe five children in this town who bear the face of her sweet husband Jedidiah Gordon yet do not belong to Winnie herself…”

With a swift shot to the shoulder, Tansy huffed, “Barbara!”

I smirked from the corner of my mouth. “I speak nothing but truth, dear sister. And as for Winnie Gordon, I don’t think she could recognize truth if it slithered its way from between…”
She gasped again at my seeming vulgarity. “Barbara! Enough!”

I must admit, I too was taken aback by the images in my mind and the words that formed on my lips. It was no secret that Winnie’s husband was a fine catch for her. A brokered deal among their families to afford the best financial possible outcome for all parties involved. And it was no secret that Jedidiah Gordon was the desire of many of the women in New Haven Harbor, to which he heartily obliged. I envisioned all types of women in our town lying on their backs, receiving the full weight and girth of Jedidiah at once in a passionate ceremony, as if he were shapeshifter who could penetrate them at the very same time, all at once, thrusting and pulsating and rising and… I shook my head to rid myself of the thought, but the pinprick sensation was still needling its edge in the back of my head, sending electric waves down my spine.

I gave Tansy the bouquet of bluebells and instructed her: “Take these back to the chapel.

Someone will probably be wondering where we are and why we’re taking so long. Not a word of this, though. To anyone. Not even Winnie Gordon, you understand me. Someone is clearly playing a cruel joke, trying to get everyone excited and spooked for the upcoming anniversary. I’m going to go back to the clearing to tidy up so no one else sees it. I’ll be quick and come back with more flowers. Say I was unhappy with what was out there and wanted prettier ones.”

Tansy gave a quick nod and went on her way. I turned on my heels and headed straight for the clearing—straight back to the scene of grisly ritualistic murder, straight back to the scene that seemed to call to me, that drew me in. On closer inspection, I realized the twigs were arranged in the shape of a makeshift circle with the five-pointed star in the center. At each point of the star, a black melted candle was stuck into the earth. The waxy pools at their bases held them in place. A squirrel’s severed head was in the center of the star and there was blood—so much blood— adorning the center and outside of the circle.

But the blood sings.

I knelt at the end of the ground altar, entranced with the precision at which it was constructed and thought: Who could have done this? Why did they do this? What is the meaning behind it all? But my internal questions were drowned out by the song of the blood and replaced with the only thing I could describe the feeling as—knowing. The scene was suddenly beautiful to me, and a wave of guilt tumbled into my soul. I should not feel this way. I should not feel this way…

Yet something in me did.

About the Author:

Maria is the Author of the Amazon bestselling and award-winning series The Coal Elf Chronicles, the YA psychological horror series The Altered Experience, and the NA Urban Fantasy series The Aestrangel Trinity. 

When not writing about dark fantasy and horror, she teaches Language Arts and Journalism to middle school students in Florida. A lover of all things dark and demented, she takes pleasure in warping the comfort factor in her readers’ minds. Just when you think you’ve reached a safe space in her stories, she snaps you back into her twisted reality.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022


The Blood Mage
Blood Magick Trilogy
Book One
Marie-Hélène Lebeault

Genre: YA Fantasy and Magic
Publisher: Beaches and Trails Publishing
Date of Publication: December 21, 2021
ISBN: 978-1777945541
Number of pages: 178
Word Count: about 60k
Cover Artist: MiblArt

Tagline: Will Tom embrace his new destiny, and can he make it out unscathed?

Book Description: 

A Chosen One YA Fantasy Adventure!

On his sixteenth birthday, Tom is bestowed with strange new magical powers. And when his sister is kidnapped, he discovers he was actually the intended target. Now, a group of villains with terrifying superhuman powers is after him because he might be the Last Blood Mage. 
Will Tom embrace his new destiny, and can he make it out unscathed?

The Blood Mage is the first book in a new YA series, and a spinoff of the fantastical Evers Series. While fans of Lola Evers’ adventures will be especially excited about this new story, new readers do not need to have read the Evers Series to enjoy this book.

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Excerpt Book One

The place was dark and creepy, especially on an overcast winter’s day. It was cold, too. Even so, he almost would have rather stayed outside. He sucked in a deep breath of courage and strode to the massive oak doors and lifted the heavy door knocker.  

The ancient butler who greeted him at the door led him down a dark hall without uttering so much as a word. Tom tried to make conversation but gave up, instead of paying attention to the placards on the doors he passed, offices of the numerous teachers that worked at the school. This school was much larger than The Academy as it offered full-time instruction to students from twelve on up. 

Set in an old castle in Northern Scotland, the exact location unknown, the school was rumored to be invisible to non-magical humans. That is, the fourteenth-century castle appeared as a ruin to passersby, with no road leading up to it to tempt would-be visitors. Should the odd hiker venture near the perimeter, they would instantly feel compelled to go around the building, never actually finding a true path to the summit of the hill. 

The butler eventually stopped in front of a very ordinary-looking door. When the butler started to knock, Tom stopped him. “It’s okay,” he said. “I can take it from here. Thank you.” The butler bowed and left. 

Tom stood a moment, concentrating on his breath to steel himself for this meeting before raising his hand to knock. A sound behind him stopped the downward movement of his hand. When he looked over his shoulder and saw a boy about his age leaning against the wall. The youth was staring right at him, without blinking. His eyes were a startling shade of amber. 

Blood Magick
Blood Magick Trilogy
Book Two
Marie-Hélène Lebeault

Genre: YA Fantasy and Magic
Publisher: Beaches and Trails Publishing
Date of Publication: May 16, 2022
ISBN: 978-1990656102
ASIN: B09Y29L832
Number of pages: 170
Word Count: about 60k
Cover Artist: MiblArt

Tagline: Will Tom embrace his new destiny, and can he make it out unscathed?

Book Description: 

Tom Callaghan’s life has been completely turned upside down. 
In a matter of months, he went from being the boy next door to the Last Blood Mage, and chaos now seems to be at its peak. Between attacks on his home, his family, and his friends, Tom must face the internal war raging inside him: should he remain in the safe and comfortable haven that he now knows with his fellow Travelers at The Academy? Or should he face the unfathomable challenges that await him in a whole new world at the Harding Academy for the Magical Arts? 
In order to defeat The Master, it looks like there is only one path that Tom can take in order to succeed. But will he come out the other side?

Blood Magick is the second book in the Blood Magick Trilogy.

Excerpt Book Two:

The blood on Tom’s hands sizzled and spat like butter in a hot pan. Tom felt the heat collect in his chest as his pounding heart pushed fire through his veins. Power pulsed to the tempo of his beating heart. It was frightening and invigorating. The air around him crackled with energy as though lightening was stored in his chest ready to explode. His senses sharpened.

He could hear the chanting outside. As he looked, the wards shimmered and wavered. The Master stood outside of the gate, his black robes billowing in the winds. His outstretched hands looked as though they were reaching for the gates. Three neat rows of ten disciples behind him mimicked their Master with outstretched arms. Their eyes were closed in concentration and their combined power was beginning to weaken the wards. The wards were failing, Tom feared.

Tom supposed he should have been terrified. After all, Harding Academy had sent Witches to the Callahan residence every day for a week to set and strengthen them, layer by layer. The dark magic The Master and his minions wove was stronger than the wards. They would gain entrance to the house soon enough.

Tom braced himself for a fight. He felt his body tremble. If it was from fear or from the power coursing through him, he couldn’t tell. Perhaps it didn’t matter. He planted his feet firmly and willed himself to calm down. The Warlocks attacking the wards weren’t teenagers. They were fully grown men and women, very likely trained by The Master himself. Each and every one of them was probably stronger than Tom was, in more ways than just brute force. They knew more spells, probably ones he had never heard of. Dark spells no one was supposed to use.

He spun in a slow circle, trying to work out how to set things to protect himself. The second-floor landing gave him a clear view of the front door and entranceway. What if they came through the bedrooms? They may have been minions of a dark Sorcerer, but surely, they could still climb. Tom raced down the hallway, opening every door he could find. They weren’t going to sneak up on him!

He might have thwarted their plans once before, but it was doubtful they were here to kill him. At least, Tom had hoped his powers were still too important to them. It would give him precious moments to fight back as they tried to take him alive. Every part of Tom’s body trembled. The Professor should have been back by now with reinforcements. Was the Master so powerful that he could stop Doors? The thought sent another wave of chills through Tom’s body.

He pulled himself back. He couldn’t afford to be distracted, couldn’t allow himself to panic. Tom looked around the landing for possible weapons or tools. Mirrors, paintings, knick-knacks all received his assessing gaze. He thought that he should have a plan, but none came to mind. He filed away the inventory for future reference. What else did he have?

Professor Montague had taught him a few defensive moves. The truth was, he hadn’t learned nearly enough. Certainly not enough to prepare him for such a confrontation. He mentally ran through the block and shield maneuvers. Taking a deep breath, he prayed that he could hold down the fort until help arrived.

Tom had spent weeks learning to control his emotions, while tamping down his anger so he could focus his Magick. He could hear the Headmaster advising caution in the back of his mind, but this was different. Tom allowed his blood to boil now. His family was at stake.

When his mother was shoved through the Door to safety, he willfully forgot all of that and allowed his blood to boil. Professor Thunderbolt had looked back at Tom and gave him a nod of encouragement. As soon as he stepped through to the relative safety of The Academy, the Door had vanished.

The weight of the Key Tom wore was reassuring. He was a Traveler, after all.

Escaping this place would be as easy as summoning a Door from nothing and vanishing in an instant. But this was his home. His family’s home. His father’s home. Tom would not and could not give it up so easily. Not after everything his family had been put through. He was ready to fight but he needed a plan.
The chanting at the gate grew louder. Under the cadence, Tom heard the gate begin to creak open. He took another deep breath and tried to center himself. Looking out the window, he saw the house wards still held and took some comfort in that. Still, they were not as powerful as the ones at the gate, the ones The Master had already obliterated.

He had a wild thought. If his Blood Magick could be integrated into the wards, would that strengthen them enough to buy him time? Professor Thunderbolt had promised to return with reinforcements, Tom only needed to delay long enough for him to return. Tom was alone. He would never ask a friend to put themselves in harm’s way. The sheer number of robed Warlocks, not the least of which was The Master, made it far too dangerous. Tom felt that he had a chance to put an end to this before anyone else got hurt.

The part of his mind that was not concentrating on the wards raced with questions. How could The Master even see the house? The wards were supposed to hide the house from those not invited. That was what the Witches had promised, were they wrong? Was The Master just that strong, or was there someone at Harding Academy working against them? If so, who? He began going through the roster of people he had met at the new school and, to his horror, realized that he had lost focus and the wards were failing again.

He poured more energy into the wards and felt the house shake as the wards fought to stay put against dark forces. The house moved like it rode an earthquake, doors and windows rattling. Somewhere, glass shattered. The light from Tom’s energy poured into the ley lines from both sides, and it grew painfully bright. Tom’s eyes burned and itched, and a pinpoint of blinding pain exploded in the back of his head, growing to a searing pounding. He was too afraid to look away, lest he lose focus again but just then, the light flared, forcing him to automatically shield his eyes.
* * *

The chanting stopped. For a silent moment, Tom stood in utter darkness. His eyes were so used to the blinding light that no longer existed; they took their time adjusting to the relative gloom. He strained to hear any sounds while waiting to see again. But outside, the Warlocks had gone as silent as a tomb. The hair stood on the back of Tom’s neck and goosebumps chased themselves up and down his arms.

As his eyes found their focus again, the only sounds were the tick-tick-tick of the grandfather clock. He tried to look in every direction at once. There were no sounds. No chanting. Nothing. Tom realized that the eerie silence was more unnerving than the chanting.

Blood Legacy
Blood Magick Trilogy
Book Three
Marie-Hélène Lebeault

Genre: YA Fantasy and Magic
Publisher: Beaches and Trails Publishing
Date of Publication: June 20, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-990656-10-1
Number of pages: 223
Word Count: about 60k
Cover Artist: MiblArt

Tagline: Will Tom finally conquer Blood Magick?

Book Description: 

Will Tom finally conquer Blood Magick?
In the final volume of the Blood Magick Trilogy, the last Blood Mage unravels The Master’s unspeakably evil plan, joins forces with an unlikely ally, and witnesses the bravest act of personal sacrifice in the history of the magical world. 
Join Tom in this epic finale as he battles forces of dark magic in a quest for Good. 
Blood Legacy is the third and final book in the Blood Magick Trilogy.

Excerpt Book Three: (spoiler)

He wiped his hands on his jeans and said those lame words again. “I’m so sorry.” “Jessica told us you were here. We’re glad you came,” said Mrs. Honeywell, her face calm, patient, understanding.

Tom stood, rooted to the spot, unable to speak as tears suddenly sprung to his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, anything that might make things right, but the lump in his throat was choking him.

Tom hadn’t cried. He hadn’t let himself cry because he didn’t feel like he deserved to cry when other people had lost so much. Because of him and his psycho family, these people had lost a daughter. And the world had been robbed of one of the most exceptional human beings who had ever lived. The floodgates had opened now, here of all places, and shame crept up his cheeks before sinking down to his heart to blend with the guilt he already felt. Try as he might, he just couldn’t stop crying. Mrs. Honeywell came into the room and wrapped Tom into a hug.

At first, he just stood there lamely, arms hanging, feeling like such a coward. When Mrs. Honeywell started stroking the back of his hair and whispering, “It’s okay. It’s okay. You’re going to be alright,” in soothing tones as she rocked him back and forth in her arms, Tom lost it completely.

Ugly, retched sobs wracked his body and he clung to her. He clung to her because he needed an anchor. He needed a mother, someone to take his side. But then he clung to her because she was Mandy’s mother. These arms had held Mandy. This woman’s kindness had made Mandy into the kind and generous person she had been. Through her, he clung to Mandy.

When his sobs subsided, he held on, because he understood that he too was a proxy for Mandy. He took a deep breath and released the heaviness that had weighed him down. He had come here expecting anger and recriminations. Instead, he had found solace.


About the Author:

Marie-Hélène is a Canadian author. She writes young adult quest and adventure stories rooted in the world of fantasy, magic and time travel. With important coming of age lessons at the core of her writing, young children and new adults alike will revel in the fantastical journeys of her characters. When not immersed in the worlds of magic and mystery, you’ll find Marie-Hélène hiking, cycling, or lying on the beach with a good book. 

To date, Marie-Hélène has published two YA fantasy series, a standalone novel set in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, a short story anthology, and a series of whimsical picture books for children aged 3 to 7. A retired teacher, she lives in Quebec, Canada with her children. 


Monday, July 11, 2022



Her Dark Love
Dark Spell Series 
Book 1
Isra Sravenheart 

Genre: Dark Fantasy Romance 
Publisher: Isra Sravenheart
Date of Publication:  May 2018 
ISBN:  978-1739954956   
Number of pages: 312 
Word Count: 57,550
Cover Artist: Get covers.

Tagline: Isra and Everilda are at the tender age of seventeen. Enter in the tall, dark, brooding Jonathan into their world and both witches falling for him? Hell is going to break loose. Darkness is calling. You can't resist it. 

Book Description:

Those drawn to the dark side don't always start out that way. There is always a trigger that sends them into that vile world. It turns out that Lady Isra of the Dark didn't always reside in the shadows. She too, had a light side as you will soon discover.

Isra has come a long way to the prestigious Wingdom's Academy to learn the art of magic. The classes are dull but Isra quickly finds a companion in Everilda. They click instantly striking up a rapport. Isra finds Everilda to be rebellious towards the craft whereas Everilda finds Isra too innocent especially when it comes to romance. Imagine Everilda's shock when she discovers her part-time plaything Jonathan has taken a liking to Isra.

Isra is naïve and inexperienced in love but she sees Jonathan as quite charming and instantly takes a shine to him. “Everilda went out so I was alone, I ran into this handsome stranger named Jonathan. He's kind and gentle. I've never known love before, never mind a love so enchanting as this.”

Little does Isra know that she, Everilda and Jonathan are in an intense love triangle but she is sure to find out as Everilda grows tired of Jonathan's insolence

“Now on a cold, dark night. I witness none other than Jonathan and Everilda together. Oh, how could she do this to me? They've been carrying on behind my back all this time! How can I ever trust either one of them again?”

Amidst all of this, the light bringer Samuel has learned of Isra's tragic plight and sends in his loyal servant Astrid the raven to keep an eye on Isra since Samuel believes Isra's heartbreak is just the ticket to send her tumbling into obscurity. Samuel also brings in in another light being, James, to attempt to keep Isra on the light path. Astrid takes an instant dislike to James. However, James and Astrid's conflict quickly turns into a rivalry. But with Astrid watching Isra can the light get to her in time to stop her from becoming the ultimate dark foe that everyone has proclaimed her to be?

USA Today Best-Selling Author Isra Sravenheart takes us back in time to when Isra and Everilda are at the tender age of seventeen. Enter in the tall, dark, brooding Jonathan into their world and both witches falling for him? Hell is going to break loose. Darkness is calling. You can't resist it. 

Excerpt Chapter 1

On the warmest summer night, sounds could be heard echoing from the forest.

In the midst of the well-kept woods beside some well placed cherry trees was a quaint gray castle where a coven of young witches could be heard chorusing to one another, telling beguiling tales of yet another mysterious and harrowing day that had just ended.

The castle wasn't one you would expect of re-told fabrications from another world. It wasn't a grand palace where you would find queens, kings, and beautiful princesses with long, flowing golden hair! This enchanting establishment housed young witches and warlocks alike, a bountiful place where they could learn and hone in on their most gifted of skills: magic.

This place was owned and managed by a feeble man with silky black hair tumbling down to his neck. He went by the name Magnus Wingdom, and the establishment had been appropriately named Wingdom's Academy of Ancient Magics. It wasn't as much of a school at the moment, as the coven only contained thirteen girls. Yes, just girls. It prevented warlocks and witches from getting frisky with each other. That, among many other things, was forbidden!

Young witches would come here to be trained up in their craft, residing in their own coven quarters after the day’s learning was done. The school only housed up to a few at a time, but the students could leave whenever they pleased unless they were careless with their craft. Then they would be told to leave as soon as was universally possible. The last thing the coven needed was an embarrassment to their well-groomed establishment!

The winds grew violent as night was just in its beginning. A young witch hurriedly pulled her cloak close to her body, feeling the night’s chill upon her skin. She let her hood down gently for a moment to reveal chocolate-brown hair that almost surpassed her back. Her eyes were dominated by that of an emerald green, cleverly blending with the brown hue of her tresses.

Her name was Isra and she was just seventeen. She hadn't long passed her birthday, and now she had come to seek guidance from those who possessed knowledge in the greatest gift of them all. Witchcraft.

Isra had been born a witch. She had known this from her earliest years back when she was able to see those who no longer resided on this earthly plain to more enchanting ideals such as seeing fairies and nature spirits playing in the woods, dazzling her senses as she watched them with vivid curiosity.

She saw worlds beyond any childlike imagination, more than her earthly parents could understand or even encourage. In fact, they did much of the latter. Isra's parents were very grounded, human type people and so she quickly found she did not fit in with their dull world.

It was no trouble to Isra. She knew there had to be something more to this life than one of going to work all day, coming home and arguing with a respective spouse before once again going out to work the next day.

She sought refuge in fantasy, thrilled by entrancing feats where unicorns grazed upon heavenly plains of the greenest grass, delighted by fairies who stared at Isra as she felt gracious to be in their presence. When she felt a need for solitude, she would go down to the ocean where she found mermaids lying across ochre-colored shores, smiling in joy with one another as they combed their hair that glistened brilliantly with the white moonlight.

Alas, Isra was not a child anymore! She couldn't go back to those days even if she wanted to. She was becoming a woman, knowing that life held so many doors for her if only she willed them to open first.

She was here to learn, to excel in her craft. She had already begun basic spells, always having her nose inside the pages of a book, but now she was going to be under the teachings of some of the finest in the land with a hope that she would one day be among them.

About the Author:

Isra is an eccentric author whose heart resides with the dark fantasy but also the paranormal genres. Cats and coffee are her main interests. She's also a pretty badass witch and often envisions new adventures involving dragons, witches, warlocks and really likes villains.

Thursday, July 7, 2022



Ask The Girl
Kim Bartosch

Genre: YA Paranormal Mystery
Publisher: Woodhall Press
Date of Publication: 9/6/22
ISBN: 978-1954907218
ASIN: 1954907214
Number of pages: 110
Word Count: 47, 000
Cover Artist: Kim Bartosch and Wendy Bowes

Tagline: Revenge is her desire but forgiveness is her salvation.

Book Description: 

Nobody believes sixteen-year-old Lila Sadler, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Nobody believes that Lila’s sister Rose is possessed by the ghost of Katy Watkins. As Rose’s health worsens each day, the only way to save her is to uncover the awful truth of Katy's death so many years ago. 

And nobody knows what happened to Katy on October 31, 1925. Not even Katy. 

Unaware that she was murdered, Katy has wandered for a hundred years in complete ignorance, until the day she meets Rose and Lila. Together Lila, Rose, and Katy must confront their demons to escape this hell. But will they be able to escape? Can they forgive the unforgivable? 

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About the Author:

Kim is a young adult writer of paranormal mysteries and thrillers. She is fond of ghost stories and has experienced many hauntings during several paranormal investigations. She has contributed many articles regarding travel, hauntings, and more on various sites. Kim has been on several ghost hunts across the U.S. with her sister. She photographed a ghost at the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

As an advocate for Autism and Bipolar Disorder, Kim offers her support to many charities and programs, such as Joshua Center and Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA). Kim feels there aren’t enough programs for mental disabilities. Her goal is to give as much help to set up these organizations for success so individuals, such as her autistic son and bipolar sister, will have the support they need.

Kim is an avid member of the Society of Children Book Writers & illustrators ( contributing her time to many events and conferences.





