Friday, January 29, 2021


Hey! We've got author M.A. Frechette with us today to answer a few questions. Let's get started.

SC: Tell me a little bit about your main character of this book.

MAF: Main characters of this book are Elora and Vincent (dual POV). Elora is a woman who’s in an abusive marriage that’s mostly emotional and verbal abuse, but eventually turns physical. She’s a published author of children’s picture books and has a master’s degree in teaching young children. Although she’s never been able to follow her dreams of working in a kindergarten, she still holds onto hope that, one day, things will get better in her life. Vincent, on the other hand, works multiple jobs to keep busy―if he’s not busy, he gets in trouble, and he’s trying hard not to go back to the life of crime he used to lead. Because of his childhood, he tries to help any domestic abuse victim he comes across, but when he meets Elora, something inside of him urges him to not only help, but to save her as well.

SC: Do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?

MAF: I love the paranormal―in fact, my first two published books are paranormal romances―but whether I believe in it or not… I’m actually not sure. All I know for sure is that we don’t have the answers to everything in the world, and that sometimes, weird stuff happens. This may not be a paranormal experience, but when I was around 11 years old, I used to go walk my dog in the forest near my house. Part of it was a large field that eventually turned into a dense wooded area, and that’s usually where we went. This one time, I went with my little sister and two of the neighborhood kids, but we stayed in the field area and went toward the other side instead of the woods. I let my dog off her leash, and she ran over this small hill, but then came back running to us, shaking and whimpering. I didn’t know what happened, and being curious, I went over the hill, and followed it down. It led to this kind of deeper clearing with a blackened tree in the middle. Everything around―plants, flowers―had withered to black as though it had burnt, but it couldn’t have been fire since there would be ashes, not actual black withered plants around it. There was something just really eerie about the tree, and despite there not being any leaves to hide the sun, it felt colder around it. My dog continued whining, running back and forth between us to the top of the hill, but when I noticed how scared the other kids looked… well, I was the oldest, so of course, it was my job to scare them lol. I decided to tell them about how I had heard of this tree, and that it was a gate to Hell. I dared them to touch the tree trunk, but no one did, so I planned to touch it and pretend that it hurt me or something. Thing is, I touched it, and it was like an electric shock went through me―like ice had fried my nerve endings for a split second. I actually screamed in surprise, and the kids all ran off screaming while my dog barked like a maniac. I just kind of backed away from the tree, and left feeling weird. Years later, they tore down the fields and forest to construct a bunch of new houses. Strange thing is, the one house that stood where the black tree used to be was for sale the longest―no one seemed to buy it. Then, when it did sell, the people moved out just a few months later. The place was constantly for sale or rent until one day, it burnt down. I don’t know if there’s anything there now since, for a long time, it was just torn down and left as an empty plot, but… yeah. Just weird. Funnily, that experience is what inspired the paranormal romance books I wrote.

 SC: What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?

MA: I’m working on around six or seven manuscripts, but one I’m going to jump into finishing is the first book of the entire universe I’ve created (multiple series, which include the paranormal romance books). It’ll lay down the myth and religion that the people of our parallel world follow, but it’ll tie with every series’ stories at the end as well, so I’m looking forward to finalizing it! It’s called Untold Secrets, but it still a working title.

Sounds great! Let's take a look at A THOUSAND WORDS now.

A Thousand Words
Book One
M. A. Fréchette

Genre: Dark contemporary romance
Publisher: M. A. Fréchette
Date of Publication: January 29, 2021
ISBN: 9781777069827
Number of pages: 374
Word Count: 99,856

Cover Artist: Magali Fréchette

Tagline: She’s trapped in a nightmare. Unleashing his own could set her free.

Book Description: 

From the outside, Elora Reverie’s life is a dream. A handsome husband; a passion for writing children’s books; a beautiful home. In reality, she’s living a nightmare of abuse in a house that’s little more than a prison.

On a rare escape to a book convention, she’s shocked to win a raffle for a photoshoot with Vincent Voden, a stunning male model. Yielding to the temporary fantasy is an exercise in madness, especially with his phone number hidden in the lining of her purse. But when her husband turns violent, she’s forced to admit her marriage is truly a sham—and she dials that lifeline to Vincent’s safe, strong arms.

Vincent instantly recognized the hopeless look in Elora’s eyes. His mother wore it, too. That’s why he secretly entered Elora’s name into that contest—to shield her, however briefly, in his arms. Now he’s got a second chance to show her love doesn’t have to hurt. When a murderous crime organization re-emerges and targets abused women, Vincent will do whatever it takes to protect Elora from more than just her husband. 

No matter what favors from his violent past he needs to call in to make it happen…




Thunder rumbled in the sky, and Elora rubbed her arms at the sound. At least most of the wall was closed off already since the workers were busy focusing on the outside construction.

She slowed as she approached the dining room, her pulse throbbing in her ears. Vincent stood at the window, staring at a familiar paper. She’d doodled on it a few hours ago.

He glanced over his shoulder and gave her a charming smile that sent her heart fluttering. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to poke my nose in here.” He put the sheet on the table and leaned against the chair. “Did you draw this?”

Heat crept into her cheeks that had nothing to do with the temperature. “Where are the other workers?”

“They left early because of the storm. I told Larry I’d let you know, but when I came inside, I found this, and got distracted.” He pointed at the paper. “So did you?”

“Did I what?” she asked, adding an innocent tone to her voice. It sounded… flirty.

He chuckled, taking a step toward her. “Did you draw this?” He grabbed the pad and stopped in front of her.

His scent wrapped around her senses―sweat and the heat of sunlight―and a sudden flush of warmth spread through her. “I was… doodling.”

“It’s great. Are you an interior designer on top of a picture book artist?”

She couldn’t help the burst of laughter escaping her mouth as she shook her head. “No, no. I just enjoy drawing.”

He glanced at the sketch of the sunroom. “Would it be okay if I showed this to Larry? He’d love to use some of these concepts.”

“Richard wouldn’t want me getting involved―”

“I won’t tell him it’s yours.” He took another step closer, and she caught the hem of her shirt, stopping herself from backing away. “If you don’t mind losing the credit for your brilliant ideas?”

She grabbed the drawing from him and frowned at it. “You really think it’s good?”

“I do. You’ve got hidden talents, apparently.” His voice turned husky, and she swallowed hard as she stared at him. “I bet you’re full of surprises, darling.”

Heat engulfed her body at the pet name, and she drew a shuddering breath at the way he stared at her. Not just in interest and lust, but something deeper.

She cleared her throat, putting the paper on the table. “So, are you good at everything?” When his smile turned lewd, she couldn’t help grin. “I didn’t mean it that way. I meant… you’re a construction worker and you model? That’s quite the different professions.”

“And it’s not the only two, either.” He pulled a chair and sat, then motioned for her to do the same. Once she took a seat, he leaned his elbow on the table. “They’re not so distinct, when you think about it. I mean, I need to stay in shape… This incredible body doesn’t happen overnight.”

She giggled. Great. She sounded like a fourteen-year-old infatuated teen. With a loud sniff, she tried to get rid of her embarrassment, but it turned into a snort, and they both burst into a fit of laughter.

When was the last time I laughed like this?

“Have you modeled a while?”

“A few years. I worked construction on a building in the city when an agent approached me. Thought she was kidding when she offered me a contract, but it turned out legit, so I accepted.” He ran his fingers through his dark brown hair. “I don’t take on contracts often since it’s just a side job for me. I’ll usually only say yes if it’s for a charity event or something like that. The Book Fair donated the contest ticket price to an animal shelter, and I just couldn’t resist helping out.”

As she stared into Vincent’s brown eyes, the twinkle behind them seemed to hide a darker side. But it wasn’t threatening; instead, it cradled her.

I’ll have to thank Liana later for putting my name in the contest.

She smiled. “So construction is your primary job?”

“No. I take these jobs when a foreman needs an extra man, and since it’s quiet at my workplace…” he shrugged. “What about you?”

She didn’t mention the sudden shift in his voice; like he wanted to avoid talking about his primary job. Still, she wasn’t one to push considering she wouldn’t give him much information either.

“Just the children’s books, but it’s slow. I have several tasks to do each day, but whenever I get a few minutes, I love to put books together. Stories that’ll inspire children not to suffer alone, feel loved even if they may not have someone in their lives.” She traced a small dent on the wooden table. “But I also enjoy drawing for fun,” she said, glancing toward the paper.

Ever since she had imagined a greenhouse attached to the living room, design ideas had filled her imagination.

A flash of light ripped through the sky, followed by a crash of thunder, and she bolted to her feet. Her breath came faster, memories of Richard throwing objects against the walls resonating in her head. The first time she’d showed fear during a storm, he purposely jump-scared her at every opportunity.

Vincent stood and took her hand, squeezing lightly. She froze, his touch so gentle, yet firm, letting her know he had her.

“Elora?” He tried pulling her closer, but she winced, her shoulder still tender. “Can I see?”

She’d kept the sweater on, covering the nasty bruise that had turned a shade of green, purple, and blue. Unable to speak as he held onto her hand, she nodded slowly. He pulled the clothes to the side, his eyes narrowing on the wound, but he said nothing as he pushed her clothes in place.

“It’s sore, but nothing too horrible.” She tried pulling away, but he took a step closer, closing the gap between them. “I’ll have to be more careful with the boxes next time.”

“We both know that’s a lie.”

Before she could reply, thunder echoed, feeling like it shook the house from the ground up. She yelped, instinct pushing her toward Vincent as he wrapped his arms around her. He held her, and they both stood unmoving. As though even the smallest of breaths would break the moment. The safety she felt with him was… indescribable.

Guilt churned her stomach as she thought of Richard. This was unacceptable. She couldn’t feel these things for another man. She was married, and through better or worse, she loved her husband.


She pulled away, averting her gaze. “Sorry. Loud noises make me jumpy.”

He chuckled, cutting through the heaviness in the air between them. “These big powerful arms are here whenever you need them.”

She laughed. “Thanks.”

“I should go. I won’t be working here tomorrow, but I’ll be back next week.” He walked to the entrance and opened the door. “Have a good evening.”

She hated that not seeing him for a while hurt this much.


About the Author:

M. A. Fréchette writes the darker side of romance.

Being an extremist, she loves both the dark aspects of life and everything sweet. All her stories are either set in Canada where she lives or in alternate worlds she made up while living within her imagination. When not writing, she thinks of the next scene or plot while enjoying her work as a cover designer. Although she has a fascination for monsters, with a bachelor degree in criminology, she understands there’s no need to create the paranormal; humans are capable of inflicting nightmares of their own.








Monday, January 25, 2021



Here we are, almost to the end of the month. Was it a better one for you? It's looking fab for us today, as we have author Lynne Hill-Clark here with us to answer a few questions.

SC: Tell me a little bit about your main character of this book

LHC: Baya is a super tough young woman. Not in the fighting, kick-ass sense but in mind and body. She carries the weight of the world on her shoulders and perseveres through more than anyone I’ve ever heard of. She was born into a leadership role. Even though she is reluctant to be a leader, the skill comes naturally to her. She is infinitely fair and loves deeply. Her biggest fault is jealousy that rears its ugly head from time to time. 

SC: Speaking of things rearing their ugly heads from time to time… do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?

LHC: Boy that is tough. Well, for better or worse, vampires don’t exist. Witches, on the other hand, that is a matter of debate. I think we all have abilities beyond what most of us know or use on a daily basis. It isn’t really magic in the sense of say, Harry Potter, but rather we can learn to manipulate or use the energy around us. And we can tap into an intuition that guides us on the right path. Some people might call this magic but I call it our natural abilities that most people haven’t utilized or tapped into. 

SC: What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?

LHC: I’m currently writing the 3rd book in the Woman’s World series. Which is a companion series to my first trilogy, Lords and Commoners. A Woman’s World is about a primitive culture on a distant planet were women have mystifying powers that keep men subservient. I got the idea for this world from my time in Jordan as a Peace Corps Volunteer. I took a very conservative Muslim society and reversed the gender roles. When the shoe is on the other foot, the ugliness of sexism becomes even more obvious. 

A Woman’s World can be downloaded for free for signing up to my newsletter.

Or my fist book, Of Lords and Commoners, is free for signing up to my newsletter

Thank you for that! Let's take a look at OF LORDS AND COMMONERS now!



Of Lords and Commoners 
Of Lords and Commoners Trilogy
Book One
Lynne Hill-Clark 

Genre: paranormal, alternate history, fantasy, 
fantasy adventure, dystopian, occult fiction 

Publisher: Future Classics Publishing 
Date of Publication: 2/22/2018
ISBN: 978-0997635645
Number of pages: 388
Word Count: 100,000

Cover Artist: We Got You Covered 

Tagline: Entertainment that brings a fresh new perspective to cultural and social issues.

Book Description: 

Over 20,000 Downloads

Vallachia doesn’t know much…

But she does know that she loves her simple life.

This becomes even more apparent when that life is ripped from her.

Who will care for her widowed father and younger brother?

But she doesn’t have time to worry about that when she has to learn how to keep herself alive.

Not to mention she has to constantly thwart unwanted male attention.

She quickly finds herself on the wrong side of a brewing battle for vampire domination.

Not knowing whom to trust could have fatal consequences …

For everyone.

Live through the latter part of the Byzantine Empire and into the dark times of the Black Plague, where our heroine finds herself fighting to defend humankind.

The only future Vallachia could have imagined, as well as her wonderfully simple life, disappears when she finds herself in a struggle to figure out the rules of a strange new world - a world that involves superhuman strength, heightened senses and inescapable bloodlust. She must make new allies and learn the ways of supernatural politics during the decline of the Byzantine Empire.

As the pressure mounts, she faces the deadliest pandemic in history as the battle for vampire domination rages across Europe.

This is the first installment of the Lords and Commoners Trilogy written from the viewpoint of a common girl forced to contend with powerful vampires and lords in a struggle to control the world.

Both history fanatics and supernatural fans will love this story as it provides a fresh new look at the dark days of the Black Plague and a glimpse into the paranormal conflicts that are hidden in the shadows.

Fair warning: It will leave you wanting more. So don’t forget to check out the other books in the Lords and Commoners Trilogy…

Meet the Author Video: 

About the Author:

Lynne Hill-Clark was born in Colorado and raised in a small town of eight hundred people. She received her Master of Science from University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and her Doctorate of Psychology from the University of the Rockies, Colorado Springs, where she majored in criminology and justice studies. She has enjoyed living overseas on several occasions; including her time as an American Peace Corps Volunteer in Jordan and a semester abroad in Xin Xeo, China. She is an advocate for Restorative Justice. 

Monday, January 18, 2021



Alex Mckenna and The Academy of Souls
Alex Mckenna Series 
Book Two
Vicki-Ann Bush

Genre: YA, Paranormal, LGBTQ
Publisher: The Parliament House Press
Date of Publication: October 20, 2020
ISBN: 979-8697729533
Number of pages: 314
Word Count: 61,823
Cover Artist: Shayne Leighton Machova

Tagline: The Dead Need Him

Book Description: 

After surviving a harrowing case, Alex McKenna just wanted to rest. Unfortunately, his plans are interrupted by the ghost of Seven-year-old Haven, who is lost in an in-between realm.
Despite his great-grandmother's warning, Alex crosses the bridge between the living and the dead, sending him and his girlfriend into the world of the Academy of Souls, a high school for dead teens who are unable to complete their journey.
There, Alex meets Ophelia, Haven's teenage sister, who's been searching for her for more than a century. Together, with a few friends he meets along the way, Alex must cross the treacherous terrain of the Underworld in-between, to save Haven from the clutches of the Soul Gatherer and reunite the sisters.

Amazon    BN     Kobo


The streetlamps illuminated the black empty sea of asphalt. A quiet calm laced the row of sleepy houses. Alex reveled in the tranquility. So much noise constantly filling his head, any semblance of stillness wrapped around his mind like a child's favorite blanket.

            In the center of the glass, a small sphere of light caught his attention. At first, he thought it was in the yard. Leaning forward and squinting, he realized it was a reflection coming from directly behind him.

            Jumping up, he spun around. Growing in diameter, it was beginning to spin.

            "Hey, whatcha doin?" Margaret said groggily.

            "Stop. Babe, slowly move to your left and come over here by me."

            "Why? What's going on?"

            Margaret gingerly slid to the left as Alex instructed, and then quickly scurried by his side. "What do you see?"

            "It's the vortex opening, the gateway to that girl, Ophelia.”

            "Alex, please be careful. Remember what your Gram said. Don't get too close," Margaret pleaded.

            "She's there, it looks like a bedroom."

            "What's she doing?"

            "Sitting on the bed, she's covering her ears."

            The wind whipped around the vortex howling like a wolf speaking to the full moon.

            "I don't hear anything?" Margaret turned to Alex.

            "It's like a high-pitched howl. It's deafening. Wait. It's quieting down. She sees me."

            "What's she doing now?"

            "She's coming closer."

            Alex leaned closer to the anomaly.

            "Alex, back up." Margaret tugged at his t-shirt.

            "Babe. I gotta do this. Please. Let go of my shirt."

            Margaret reluctantly let the fabric fall from her fingertips.

            Alex inched closer.

            "You are Alex McKenna, right?" Ophelia asked.

            The anxious teen widened her eyes in anticipation.

            "Yes. I've seen Haven. Who is she?"

            "She is my sister."

            "I think she's in trouble," said Alex.

            Ophelia floated off the bed and stood directly in front of the entrance to the living.

            "I've been searching for her for years. She was taken by a man, a Soul Gatherer. I think she is counting on you to help."

            "I think she is, too."

            "Can you?" Ophelia's eyes widened.

            "I can try. Where are you? Is it The Academy of Souls?"

            Ophelia’s chin dropped.

            "Yes. You know about my school?"

            "I do."

            "Oh no."

            "What is it?'

            "The gateway. It's closing!" Ophelia shouted.

            Alex heard the desperation in her voice as he helplessly watched the circle shrink. The wind cried out once again, as it violently thrashed around the outer edges of the bridge between the dimensions.

            "I have to go." Alex tasted Margaret's lips. "I'll be back soon."

            "What the hell? No. Alex. You can't," Margaret shrieked.

            "I love you," his voice trailed.

            Alex stepped into the center of the storm. The vision of Ophelia rippled, traveling to the rim of the circle, and splashing into the void. "This shield is my power to protect against evil, this shield keeps out harm. No dark entities shall pass through this shield. As I will it, so shall it be."

            Sawing to fill his lungs with air, he pushed forward and landed on the floor of the dorm room. Gazing up, Ophelia stood in front of him, her mouth wide open.

            "Ugh. My head hurts. Where are we?" a voice echoed.

            Alex winced. His heart punching the walls of his chest. Whipping his head around in a frenzy, Margaret was lying on the floor beside him.

            "No, no, no, no. What the fuck, il mio amore." Alex scrambled to her side.

            Ophelia moved closer. With her pointer finger, she quickly poked his shoulder and retracted.

            Alex didn't respond. His focus was Margaret.

            "How could you do this? Why did you do this?" his voice strained.

            "I couldn't let you go without me."

            Alex kissed away the saltiness from her cheeks. With the back of his sleeve, he gently patted dry her eyes.

            "Alex?" Ophelia murmured.

            The couple turned to the bewildered Ophelia Wetherton.


About the Author 

Originally from New York, Vicki-Ann currently resides in Nevada. Writing Young Adult paranormal, she finds inspiration from events that have been in her life for as long as she can remember. Inheriting the sensitivity to the supernatural from her family, they continue to be an endless source of vision and access to behind the veil.

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