Wednesday, November 25, 2020



Another lucky day…we have author Titus Murphy in the house to talk about the first book in his series BLACK OAK. Welcome, Titus!

SC: Tell me a little bit about your main character of this book. 

TM: His name is Mark. He is the hero of the tale and he reminds me a lot of myself. A self-made man who has dreams bigger than his relative circumstances and his heat is big and has been conquered by the sweet woman of Sharon in his hometown. His story –arc will take him through quite a bit by the time the story have evolved through the series and where I envision him being by the time it is all over, will be quite a transition from the man we met in Black Oak.

SC: It sounds like he is going to go through a lot. Do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?

TM: I do. Although I don’t have a specific story myself, I have friends and family from Louisiana and they’ve shared their experiences with me about visitors from the ‘other side’ that they totally believe are real. Ghost stories, are only fake to those who have not experienced them and I believe that we all have the power to tap into the spirit world if we so desire.

SC: What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about? 

TM:I have a slew of ideas for continuing the Black Oak series with 3-4 books, along with spin-offs that follow the stories of other characters as the tale evolves. I really connected with the characters in this first book and ultimately want to see them grow and have readers follow them on the journey and grow too.

SC: Thanks for joining us today. Let's take a look at your book now.

Black Oak 
The Loveless Chronicles 
Chapter 1 
Titus Murphy 

Genre: Horror, Fantasy
Publication Date: October 31, 2020
Publisher: Cosby Media Production 


In the town of Black Oak, nothing is ever what it seems. Besides the wrangling local country-types, the city is marred by a history of indiscretions, murders, and no-named civilians perpetrating as heroes. But beneath the surface of this "run of the mill," Midwestern locale lurks a pervasive past that is about to come full circle: like a blazing blood moon.

Mark is an unassuming trucker who has fallen for a beautiful clerk working at a “Mom & Pop” store named Sharon, and nothing else in the world matters more than stealing her heart. But after making a run into the Bayou to deliver a package, destiny steps in and serves him a plate of "the unexpected," which sparks the flames of wickedness that will set his hometown ablaze. And as the secrets buried in this town begin to unearth, the truth will fan those burning flames until there is nothing left but ashes and chaos.

In the end, the only mystery left to solve will be if this is isolated to one town or involve the fate of the entire world...

FOREWORD REVIEW: "...full of interesting characters who hold attention...the secrets of their home are a binding force that brings the tale together."

CLARION RATING: 4/5 "In the fantasy novel Black Oak, citizens across two ears reckon with strange creatures among them."

Exclusive Bewitching Excerpt:

“I don’t mean to sound pushy,” Beth started, “but earlier you said that I’m a Dreamer. Tell me more about what that is.”

Zack turned away from Frank, walked over to Beth, and took a seat back at the table next to her. “I’m going to give you the short version,” said Zack, “only because I need to get to the real reason for our visit.”

“Of course,” said Beth.

“So straight to the point, you are a Dreamer, as I said before,” Zack said. “That makes you part witch and part psychic but with an added benefit of being more powerful than both. The main difference between you and normal witches is that you can see into the future without using magic because your psychic side empowers you to do so naturally. And you don’t even need to train this skill. Where other witches fail, you succeed because they don’t have the natural psychic ability you do. They have to use magic to see into the future.”

Beth gawked in amazement at Zack’s words. “So how far into the future can I see?” asked Beth.

Zack shrugged. “To be honest, I don’t know. But what I do know is that the answers you seek can only be found in the grimoire. The grimoire is the most powerful spell book among witches and warlocks. Every spell from growing flowers in your garden to conjuring up lightning is recorded in that book. Every name of every witch and warlock, whether good or bad, down to every war, including the Great War of 1782 is recorded in that book. You can even find spells on how to create magical objects like amulets and talismans.”

“And even the mystical arts of performing magical charms and divination, on summoning or invoking supernatural entities, is also a part of that book,” Zoë chimed.

“Do you know how many supernatural beings would love to get their hands on that book?” Zack added. 

“Where is the book now?” asked Beth.

“Long gone,” Zack said. “It was given to a very powerful witch like yourself to keep safe. She also was a dreamer, the first of your kind, and the only one until now. You are the second, my sister, in our 250 years of traveling on this earth.”

“Only the second?” said Frank. 

“Yes, only the second, and we’ve been everywhere in this world, so that should tell you something. Your wife’s kind is rare.”

 “Well, the question here for you to answer now is, who and where is the first?” asked Beth.

“Her name was Tiara. And she died along time ago,” replied Zack somberly.

“I’m sorry to hear that. Did you know her? I mean were you close with her?” asked Beth.

“Yes…very. She was the one who taught Zoë and me how to use our powers,” said Zack. His eyes beat over to Zoë. “She protected us during and after the Great War. If it wasn’t for her, we would’ve been dead long ago.”

“God, I miss her,” said Zoë, finally speaking up.

“Well, now that you know everything there is to know, keep this in mind. Power is innocent. The one who wields it…” said Zack with a brief pause. He pointed directly at Beth. “Well, that is what taints it. He or she must decide to use it for good or evil. That choice makes a difference.”

“Just remember who you are,” said Zoë, cutting in.

“I will,” said Beth.

“Good, now let’s get to the real reason why we’re here,” said Zack. “After the great battle back in 1782, Jackals and witches all went their separate ways as the town was no longer viable. The fallout of the fight was tremendous; houses were burned to the ground. Bodies were everywhere, and the land was saturated in blood and rotten flesh. The stench was unbearable. It was all a complete mess. So some witches migrated to the east while others went north. Zoë, Tiara, and I headed west. After settling down for a few months, we split up again and went our separate ways. Tiara told us she was going on a journey to find someone very important and that she would be back in approximately one year.”

“If you don’t mind me asking,” said Beth, “why didn’t you two go with her?”

“We wanted to, but she forbade it. She insisted that we remain behind and give aid to any stragglers that needed assistance,” said Zoë.

“Yes, she did,” said Zack as he nodded in agreement. “There is not a day that goes by that I don’t live with the regret of my decision that day.”

“So what happened to Tiara?” asked Frank.

“We never saw her again,” said Zack, his voice raspy and soft. “But anyway, after 30 years away from Black Oak, we had grown very powerful, teaching ourselves the ways of mysticism and sorcery. And then one day in the fall of 1812, Zoë and I felt something: a surge of power we’d not yet experienced before. Not since the Great War. It was all in the air, calling out to us. So we packed our things and followed the surge to its source until it led us back here to our original home of Black Oak.” Zack took a moment to smile as Zoë placed a gentle hand over his. “I could see the town in the distance and, as Zoë and I approached, we started preparing ourselves for a fight because we didn’t know who or what was living there. But the closer we got, our minds began to calm. The visions before us were heartwarming. People were everywhere. Families and friends were bustling about. The town was good as new. It was like nothing ever happened and the magic we felt there was good and pure and untouched by evil.”

“You could sense it,” said Zoë.

“And now it’s happening again, but only this time, the magic feels different. It’s evil for sure, I know it,” said Zack.

“How can you tell?” asked Beth.

“Answer one question for me,” said Zack, staring intently at Beth.

“Okay,” she replied.

“What did you sense from my sister and me when you first opened your door?” asked Zack.

“Good. I felt good in both of you,” said Beth. “Nothing bad…not even a little bit.”

“And I too felt the same thing when I saw you. And I’m not talking only about tonight,” said Zack. “But what I feel in this town now is wicked. Mark my words. Something is coming. What’s more, is that something is already here. And that should be impossible. Do you know why?” asked Zack as he stared at both Frank and Beth for an answer. 

They were both speechless, but Beth took a stab at it anyway. “There’s some special magic protecting us?”

“Yes. A force field—placed over this town hundreds of years ago by the witches, that was supposed to stop dangerous beasts or any other supernatural creatures from passing through,” said Zoë. 

“But I’m afraid the force field failed against whatever forced its way in. Now Zoë and I need to find out who or what it is before someone gets hurt or maybe worse…killed.”

“Killed?” Beth inquired.

“Yes. On the way over here, we came across a sea of dead bodies in the woods. Most likely campers who were mauled to death, and it looked like the work of Riffs,” said Zoë nonchalantly.

About the Author:

Titus Murphy was born and raised on the streets of New Orleans, Louisiana.  From a small child, there was an overarching desire for Titus to do one thing: win. His drive and determination drove him to succeed. Armed with a strong mind, a quick wit, and a sharp tongue, he set out to emblaze his mark on everyone he would encounter. Unknown to him were the overwhelming obstacles and seemingly insurmountable tragedy he would have to endure. From this devastation came a resolve fueled by an uncompromising commitment that resonates through every aspect of his life. Forced from the city he knew and loved, Titus relocated to Atlanta, Georgia. It was there his desire and commitment came together resolutely to birth a dream that had long been held in his heart. Oblivious to detraction, and beyond all doubt, Titus would become an author. From the streets of New Orleans that marked his life, to the ink-graced pages upon which he now pours his soul, Titus Murphy has come to show the world that he is truly…something more. 

Monday, November 23, 2020

INTERVIEW WITH ELEXIS BELL (A Heart of Salt and Silver)


Come on in, we've got the coffee on. We're welcoming author Elexis Bell today, to find out about her novel A HEART OF SALT AND SILVER. Have a seat, Elexis!

 SC: Tell me a little bit about your main character of this book.

EB: A Heart of Salt & Silver follows three main characters, Ness, Nolan, and Elias.

Ness is a demi-demon who just wants to be better than her blood. She’s deeply reclusive and terribly ashamed of what she is. She’s been through a lot, and she needs to heal. But the only person she ever truly let herself rely on, Nolan, couldn’t take her half-affections anymore. Years of holding back because he deserved better, because he had more important things to do with his life than waste his time with a half-demon… actually pushed him away.

Nolan is a werewolf, a war veteran, a former slave, and a hero in recovery. After accidentally alienating those he cares for most by rushing off to save everyone else, he’s trying to play a bigger role in his own life so he can piece his relationships back together, namely the one with Ness. And that starts with facing his demons and seeing why he always has to be involved, why he always has to be the hero. Having been alive for over a century, there’s a lot to sort through.

Elias, reckless as he may be, has good intentions. He’s impulsive, but caring. And he’ll stand up for anyone he cares for, even in the face of grave danger. After finding out that his dad isn’t dead, that he just abandoned them, he says goodbye to his mom and sister and rushes off in search of the deadbeat. It just so happens that Elias’ father is a werewolf, and thus, Elias has to travel through the Forest of Immortals to get to him. Not exactly a safe journey for a mortal.

SC: Sounds like your characters will fit right in around here. Do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?

EB: I don’t have any personal experiences with the paranormal, but I don’t like to rule things out. I have no idea what is or isn’t out there.

SC: What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?

EB: I have several projects in the works. In the editing stage I have:

Allmother Rising is a dark high fantasy romance with druids and princes, god battles and companion animals, magic and blood.

Where Darkness Leads (though I may change the title) is a dark romantic high fantasy novel with blood magic, war, and chosen ones ( a couple created by the Gods to prevent the magical enslavement of an entire species).

Second to None is a thriller novella set in a haunted house, but with one member of the party harboring some dark secrets, the ghosts are definitely not their biggest problem.

I’m also editing a few short stories.

As far as writing is concerned, I’m working on a sci-fi series called The Regonia Chronicles. It’s a dark take on what can go wrong in the pursuit of knowledge and revenge. There’s a lot of collateral damage, and the characters go through some genuinely terrible circumstances. It includes 5 planets, 4 space stations, 3 books, 2 alien races, and 1 unique language. 

SC: It sounds like you have a full plate. We'll let you go while we read about your novel. Thanks for stopping by today.

A Heart of Salt and Silver
Elexis Bell

Genre: Dark supernatural high fantasy romance

Date of Publication: 11/3/2020

Cover Artist: Elexis Bell 

Tagline: With eternity on the line, is love worth the risk?

Book Description: 

Ness, a demi-demon with a conscience, just wanted a peaceful afternoon in the Forest of Immortals. But Elias, a reckless mortal, went and spoiled it. Not that he wanted to be chased by psychotic vampires.

After saving his life, Ness agrees to help him find his estranged father and his Pack. But that means facing Nolan, the werewolf ex that holds her heart.

Now, Ness must decide. Use Elias to forget Nolan at the cost of his soul or crawl back to her ex and hope he still wants her even though she broke his heart.

But in a world sprinkled with immortals, broken hearts might be the least of their worries.

Fans of gritty fiction, compelling romance, and imaginative takes on magic and the afterlife will love this dark supernatural high fantasy romance.

Excerpt 2:

With my good arm, I pull my leg up to bend the knee. Hiking the hem of my dress up, I reveal torn muscle and shredded skin. I wince as the fabric moves over it, tugging flaps of skin in directions they aren’t meant to go.

Elias’ hands set to work, scooping water up, and pouring it over my thigh. Each drop, gentle as the administration of them may be, pulls a moan of pain from my lips. Wrapping fingers tightly around a stone, I do what I can to bear the pain without making Elias feel worse.

The blood washes away, revealing the true devastation wrought by the dead wolf’s jaws. My leg hangs open, dark muscle showing itself to the sky as it was never meant to do.

“Itand have mercy,” he whispers, calling on the goddess of fortitude.

But she’ll spare no blessings for the likes of me.

“What do I need to do?” he asks. His eyes roam over me, and one hand finds its way to my cheek. Brows knitted together, he clearly longs for something to do, some reassurance that I’ll be ok.

Does he want me to be alright for the sake of spending more time together? Or merely for the sake of having an escort for the rest of the trek?

I hope for his sake that it’s the latter. But the well of loneliness within me wishes for the former.

Either way, there’s nothing he can do.

“My body will mend itself,” I tell him. “It’ll hurt, but it’ll mend. It’s already started.”

His eyes drop to my arm, my leg. The bleeding has stopped, and the cuts aren’t as deep as they were mere seconds ago. Had he seen it when the wounds were first inflicted, he likely would’ve been sick.

“I wish you would’ve let me help,” he murmurs, sliding his hand along my jaw until his thumb finds my earlobe.

Exhaustion pulls my inhibitions low. Despite myself, despite the guilt churning within me, I lean into his caress.

Nolan won’t want me back, anyway.

My heart shrinks from the thought, and I close my eyes, nuzzling my cheek into Elias’ palm.

“Letting you help would’ve been a terrible idea. They could never kill me. They had no salt, no silver. They couldn’t say any incantations.”

I pause, squeezing my eyes tight against the horrid images which flash before them. I don’t want to see the ways they could’ve hurt him. I don’t want to watch them tear him to shreds. I don’t want to see his blood on the ground.

“They could’ve killed you, though,” I whisper.

Suddenly desperate to see him alive and healthy, to ease my conscience just a bit, I open my eyes. Sure enough, he’s there, face inches from mine. The moonlight glows in his magnificent eyes, but the blood of the Howlers still adorns his face.

Reaching for his sodden shirt, I lift a corner of it to his face. Wiping away the dried blood, I memorize the strength in his jaw, the kindness in his eyes. I trace the small kink in his nose, a remnant from a previous fight.

From a distance, it’s almost impossible to notice, but this close…

My eyes drop to his lips, full and soft. They part, but only to speak.

Confusion wrinkles his brow. “If they couldn’t kill you, why were they sent after us? To maim you and kill me?”

“No,” I say, shaking my head. I stifle a groan as my thigh stitches itself together. “They sent them to find us. They know where we are, now. They know which way we were headed. They’ll find us.”

Those words sew our lips shut, for we both know. This won’t be the last of the vampire and his pledge. And if this was just the search party, what awaits us down the path?

About the Author: 

Elexis Bell is a quiet nerd with too many hobbies, including everything from gaming to shower-singing and even archery, weather permitting. She specializes in sarcasm and writing stories that make people feel. She's made a home for herself with her husband, their dog, and a small army of cats.

She writes dark, gritty stories, sprinkling gut-wrenching emotions over high fantasy romance, thrillers, post-apocalyptic romance, and science fiction.

For further information, follow her on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, or check out her blog on her website.













How was your weekend? It was a bit of a rainy one here in Vancouver, but that's not unusual this time of year. Come on in and have a cup of coffee with us and author Jade Royal. Welcome, all!

SC: Tell me a little bit about your main character of this book.

JR: There are actually four main characters because there are four different stories inside. Each of them get their chance at revenge. None of the characters know each other but they have the same goals. Getting down to the truth and exposing it is all they care about. Each of these Reapers are women too, but that doesn’t change what they’re willing to do to seek payback.

SC: Sounds like they have demanding jobs that involve some weirdness.  Do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?

JR: I do believe in the paranormal. I don’t personally have any “experiences” so to speak. But my belief is that all tales, myths, and legends began somewhere. No matter how small or big and that has to account for something.

SC:  What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?

JR: I am working on a book called For Love, Not War. It’s a paranormal romance book that is the first in a series called A Battle of Legacies Series. There is a cursed king and kingdom where corruption is definitely happening. He can’t tell anyone the truth because he’s crazed. It’s up to his children to break the curse and restore their legacy. Problem is they’re in different parts of the world and they have to be unified and mated to amplify their powers and go back to their realm. Until then, the king and queen are being tormented for fun while the kingdom is run by those who cursed them.

SC: Thanks for chatting with us today, Jade. Let's meet your characters now.

The Reaper Collection
Jade Royal

Genre: Paranormal Thriller
Date of Publication: 10/29/2020
ASIN: B08KC7237Z
Word Count: about 80K
Cover Artist: V Designs

Tagline: Death will soon find you...

Book Description: 

They're coming without mercy…

The Optimist
The Child
The Scorned Woman
The Best Friend

They want revenge...

A chain of lies spoken by trusted parents, stolen possibilities from a lover, the wrongful conviction of a stranger, and betrayal by the greatest ally. Pain corrupts their minds, twists their souls, and schemes a plan for death. Their victims will face karma, delivered as retribution.

And nothing will stop them…

Excerpt 1

“Thirty,” Remi blurted.

“Thirty what? It’s going to take more than a measly thirty bucks to get you out of this, Remington.”

“Thirty seconds,” Remi pushed anxiously. She needed more time.

“Fourteen. No more. No less.”

Remi mumbled to herself. Maybe this was just a sick joke that would reveal itself after the fourteen seconds were up.

“Ready, little rabbit?” Zachary’s voice was low and threatening. Danger.

About the Author:

When the voices begin to speak, Jade Royal sits down in her lab to write the tale. The story unfolds with each keystroke as she listens to her instincts bring the words to life. For as long as she can remember, Jade has always expressed her creative nature artistically, especially by writing. She refers to herself as “Slave to the Pen” because it’s difficult for her to resist the call to write.

Jade resides in Cincinnati, Ohio where she was born and raised. She has many siblings and is very family-oriented. She spends Sunday evenings eating dinner with them keeping the bond between family nice and strong. 

As an international bestselling author, Jade hopes to pull in her readers to experience a community of stories that they can relate to on various levels. The emotional roller coaster that is bestowed will hopefully make her readers stalk her words and provide literate entertainment. 

For more information on Jade Royal, follow her on her website and social media avenues.

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