Thursday, January 31, 2019


Dragons of Fate
The Gaian Otherworld
Book Two

CR Robertson

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publisher: CR Robertson

Date of Publication: 31st January 2019


Number of pages: 303
Word Count: 84347

Cover Artist: Maria Spader

Tagline: Sometimes love is the most powerful and dangerous magic...

Book Description:

The underrealm was in turmoil with revelations of the evil that had taken root there.

It was no longer a safe haven for the Gaians.

Darius was a golden warrior dragon from an ancient clan. Evanora descended from the purple dragons of healing. They were destined to become fated mates four hundred years ago before Evanora was stolen from the heartland of the dragons.

Her dream of escape became the nightmare of reality.

Even in the light the past haunted her present.

Evanora’s soul was broken by her long years in captivity, until Darius started to fit the pieces back together again. Some fragments no long fit, some slotted into a different position, but the woman who emerged was stronger and more powerful than anyone ever imagined – the Gaian enchantress.

Was it too late for their love?

Or would Fate intervene to light their way to the future?

Sometimes love was the most powerful and dangerous magic...

***WARNING*** Includes a deadly hero willing to fight the monsters of this world to claim his fated mate, and a heroine who powerful enough to bring the world to its knees.

Dragons of Destiny is the second in The Gaian Otherworld. It can be read as a stand-alone paranormal romance.

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Excerpt 1:
I sauntered out of the room in search of Darius. If he thought he could avoid me, he would need to rethink his strategy. He was in his bedroom with his hip braced against the window frame, staring out at the ocean.
“I thought we agreed you would break the bond and leave,” he snapped without looking around.
“No, I didn’t agree to either of those things, Darius. Just because you are my mate doesn’t mean you can tell me what to do.” I sat on the end of the bed.
His back stiffened at the word mate.
“You can’t stay here.”
“I can stay anywhere you are. We share a blood link.”
That got his attention because he spun around. “I could block access to all my homes...”
I sighed and stood up, letting some of my power loose. His arms were pinned against the wall beside his head, and his feet stuck to the floor. “The problem is, Darius, that you belong to me just as I am yours. I have no intention of going anywhere.”
I stepped against him and watched as he swallowed and glanced away. He could neutralise every feature, but his body betrayed him. I ran my fingers over his chest to his waist, deliberately moving closer to sniff his mating mark on his neck.
“Definitely no nymphs or succubus scents, Darius. You’ll need to try harder if you want to make me jealous.” My breath mingled with his. “We are made from the same energy. If I am unable to stomach the thought of another lover, the same applies to you.”
I pressed myself against him, and felt his automatic reaction to my presence. I nipped his mating mark with my teeth, and his quick inhale of breath made me smile. Tracing the outline of it with my tongue, I held onto his waist as an anchor. My lips kissed a path up his neck, even as he held his head away from me. The tips of my fangs dragged against the artery that pulsed in his neck.
Sexual tension pulsed off him in waves, and my dragoness purred in contentment.
“You belong to me, Darius. Make no mistake, I will annihilate any female you try to take as a lover.” His head spun towards me, and my lips connected with his. I grabbed his head in my hands and poured every emotion that vibrated through my body into my lips.
He had always initiated our previous kisses. I needed to show him that I’d made a choice and he was the winner. I refused to let my past paralyse me anymore. Hecate wanted me to be a worthy heir to her magic. I would not allow anyone to hold me back from my fate.
Darius tried to resist me, but his dragon had other ideas. I felt him shimmer to the surface as his heat increased, gold flecks flashing across his skin. My tongue demanded entry to his mouth, because every breath of his belonged to me and vice versa.
The rest of the world faded into insignificance, my only focus the man in front of me. He struggled against the invisible restraints that held him, his dragon trying to get closer to his mate. I dropped my hands from his face and pressed one last kiss on his lips.
“You are mine, Darius. That is as true now as it was four hundred years ago. You can ignore me and leave a room when I enter it, but it will not change the fact that we belong together.”
I turned and walked towards the door, releasing his restraints.
My lips spread into a smile when I heard him screaming FUCK into the empty room.

Darius had spent his whole life being in charge, but I was the Gaian Enchantress, and I would no longer let my life be stolen away from me. The time had arrived for me to take what was mine.

About the Author:

CR Robertson is a paranormal romance writer who lives in Ireland, the most magical country in the world. From an early age, she loved faerytales and mythological stories. She delved into the pages to go on an adventure with the characters, sparking a lifelong love of the literary world and story craft.

The Otherworld Chronicles started when the characters evolved in her head, constantly jumping in to tell their story until one day that nagging voice said, “Why not write their faerytale?” The rest resides in the pages of the Otherworld. Her in-depth knowledge of mythology and faerylore weaves the background for the characters in each of her manuscripts.

It may be cliché, but she has a cottage by the sea on the east coast of Ireland. Gardening is one of her favourite pastimes and is evident in her garden that is overflowing with crystals and seasonal flowers for the birds, butterflies, and her favourite bumblebees. Her dogs enjoy the sleepy seaside town and spend their time playing in the sea.

Otherworld fb group for freebies and teasers:

Monday, January 28, 2019


SC: T ell me a little bit about your main character of this book.

CS: Asha is the main character of Unbalanced. She was born with the power of fire, and her temper is as hot as her element. After a mysterious and deadly fire kills her family, Asha is forced into hiding with her guardian and handler Father Sean. Asha works to control both her crippling guilt and her frightening power. Father Sean sees the potential in young Asha and sends her out on various missions as a trained mercenary with a gift for explosions. Though her personality reflects her element, Asha is an extremely skilled fighter with a sharp military mind. She is tough, serious, and mostly angry. Her passion and temper rule her, but after meeting her sisters for the first time, she changes from angry rebel-mercenary to fierce protector.

SC: . Do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?

CS: I do believe in the paranormal.

Years ago, a very strange thing happened to me once. I was at a friend’s place for the evening after a long night out of dancing and fun. Her place was a refurbished outbuilding, a makeshift shed transformed into a suite, and she needed a space heater to heat it in the winter. We were both tired from dancing so hard all night, we passed out quite quickly.

The unsettling moment was when I heard someone calling my name. It came from far away at first, like a distant murmur, but it got louder and louder until I recognized the voice. It was the voice of a great love who was killed in a car accident when I was a senior in high school.

His voice continued to get louder like an increasing alarm, until he shouted in my ear, “Courtney, wake up!”

I was startled awake, my heart thumping in my chest. I still felt him in the room, like he had just left the moment I opened my eyes. My heart pounded with that unnatural speed of ‘something huge just happened’ but I didn’t know what. I looked around for him, because still in a sleepy-dream-like-haze I expected him to be there, for his shouted voice still echoed in my ears.  But then I realized as my heart slowed, the room was full of smoke.

I’ll never forget the visual of the smoke hovering and collecting in layers in the small room.  One of us, probably me, had knocked a decorative pillow off the bed onto the space heater. The cushion was slowly burning, causing the room to fill with smoke.

I still believe, though we may not have burned up or suffocated in that room, my boyfriend was there to warn me.  And when he wasn’t able to wake me up easily, he had to shout in my ear.

SC: Whew! Sounds like your friend arrived just in time.  What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?

CS: Unbalanced is the first book in the Unbalanced Series, and I am currently working on Unbent the second book in the series. Unbalanced deals with Asha, the fire element’s story, while Unbent deals with Mere, the water element’s story.

SC:  Thanks so much for stopping by. Speaking of Asha, let's look at your novel now.

Unbalanced Series
Book 1
Courtney Shepard

Genre: Urban fantasy, light romance

Publisher: Champagne Books

Date of Publication: June 1st, 2015

ISBN: 9781771551502

Number of pages: 224
Word Count: 75,000

Cover Artist: Trisha FitzGerald

Tagline: Four sister, one destiny.

Book Description:

Every generation four sisters with power over earth, air, fire, and water are born to fight against a fanatical, secret faith. The Order exists only to sacrifice the sisters for their power. With each success their strength and control grows. They have never failed, for their rule depends on it.

The sisters, separated at birth, are unaware of what hunts them...but they are coming.

A handsome stranger discovers Asha in hiding, and swears allegiance to her cause. She falls for him; though he is not who he says he is. Betrayed and imprisoned inside the Order, Asha is without her power for the first time in her life.

As the war heats up haunting secrets and true motivations are revealed, but the sisters must unite and override their instincts and trust the untrustworthy if they are to fight their terrifying destiny.

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With a crack and rumble, the ground surrounding the cabin broke apart and water burst from the earth. It sprayed as strong as any fire hose up and over the cabin. The pounding force was like a waterfall in reverse, and the flames sputtered and died.
She had never seen anything like it, an enormous water fountain extinguishing fire burning that hot. The cabin door, charred and still smoking, flew off its hinges and onto the flooded grass.
Three figures ran out into the early morning glare. Asha took off her helmet and slouchy hood, but her eyes weren’t playing tricks. She could see them clearly, even across the distance, and her stomach dropped. They stopped short, facing an army with guns raised. No.
“Stop!” Her scream was too late; the soldiers fired. She didn’t have time to act; they were sitting ducks. She prepared for their thrashing bodies, but like a swarm of hovering locusts, the bullets stopped in mid-air and dropped.
What? She couldn’t get her mind around the scene unfolding before her. She’d lost control of her body. Her muscles wouldn’t move.
“Hold your fire,” Clay shouted, but the soldiers continued shooting.
His brothers were the only ones not attacking. They had to be as shocked by the falling bullets as she was. She couldn’t blame them. She was as still and as useless as a rock, unable to move or act, only watch in growing disbelief. Three young women stood against an army.
“Asha,” yelled one of the girls, her eyes were even brighter green than Clay’s. “We’re your sisters. We’ve been looking for you.”


About the Author:

Courtney Shepard is a freelance writer living on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia. After initially studying for a career in journalism, she switched to fiction writing.

Unbalanced is the first book in the Unbalanced Series published by Champagne Books.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

INTERVIEW with CECELIA MECCA (The Vampire's Temptation)

How is your week going so far? We have Cecelia Mecca in the house today to answer a few questions!

SC: Tell me a little bit about your main character of this book.

CM: Alessandra Fiore is a history teacher at Stone Haven High in a small town in Pennsylvania. When two strange men come into town, she suddenly begins acquiring abilities which she later learns are courtesy of her father’s bloodline, a father who left her family and died shortly after years earlier. One of the strange men is there to kill her. The other, to protect her. But thanks to Alessandra’s new-found powers, she can take of herself, thank you very much. At least, until the vampire who came to town to kill her grabs ahold of her heart and refuses to let go.
SC: Speaking of powers, do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?

CM: I don’t have an experience to share but will say honestly, I just have no idea. The thought that there could be something out there we just don’t know about yet seems more likely than the idea us humans have it all figured out.
SC: What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?

CM: I’m currently working on the third Bloodwite book which will be released in March 2019. The title of the second, coming in February, hasn’t been revealed yet, but I’m happy to share it with Supernatural Central’s readers: The Immortal’s Salvation!
SC: Thanks for stopping by. Let's take a look at your novel now.


The Vampire’s Temptation
Book One
Cecelia Mecca

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Altiora Press

Date of Publication: 1/24/19

ISBN: 978-1-946510-23-5

Number of pages: 278
Word Count: 60, 274

Cover Artist: Kim Killion

Tagline: Even cursed blood can fall prey to love’s bite.

Book Description:

Kenton Morley and Lawrence Derrickson have hated each other since they were feuding border lords in medieval England and Scotland…seven hundred years ago.
When their bloodlines were cursed, birthing the world’s first vampires.

Their feud has carried through the centuries based on an old argument: Kenton seeks to destroy the Cheld—the only line of humans capable of killing their kind—while Lawrence seeks to save them.

It’s said that men can forget, but never forgive. It’s also said that true love knows no bounds.

When the vampires move to Stone Haven, Pennsylvania, Alessandra Fiore will find out firsthand which of those old adages is true.

It doesn’t matter whether she believes in vampires or not…

Because they believe in her. And she’s on the very cusp of discovering her dormant powers as a Cheld—a potential vampire hunter.

With both of these strangely wealthy newcomers’ storming into her sleepy, peaceful town, warning her to stay away from the other, what is a girl to do?

Especially when Kenton—the one that supposedly wants to kill her—has a devilish twinkle in his eyes that she just can’t say no to?

No matter how dangerous she instinctively knows both men to be, strengths and powers of her own are beginning to bubble to the surface, encouraging her that she can take care of herself, thank you very much.

Love and Hate—two sides of the same coin. Literally.

The only thing left to do is flip that coin and hope for the best…to see which old saying is true. And how many innocents bet the wrong way.


Lawrence was here.
Taking a sip of a gin and tonic, Kenton stared out into the distance from the second-floor balcony of his new home. A train’s whistle broke the blessed silence, though “silence” wasn’t truly silent for him, and hadn’t been for some time. In still moments, he could hear shop owners in town putting out their trash and preparing to close for the evening.
Even so, the view was relaxing—the line of trees across from him was broken by only one discernible building, the courthouse that stood guard on Main Street. The downtown area of Stone Haven was lined with brightly colored Victorian homes and townhouses. He’d considered purchasing one of the latter, only to dismiss the idea.
Too confining.
Now, it would seem, the decision had been a good one. If his senses were accurate, and they always were, his temporary lodgings were located just next door to his nemesis. Purchasing the mansion had attracted attention, but no matter. He would be long gone as soon as the deed was done.
He sat, making a mental note to request that his maidservant purchase cushions. Apparently the previous owner had not found wrought iron as uncomfortable as he did.
Kenton took another sip of his drink as darkness fell. The maid he’d hired from the previous staff—the mansion had been a bed and breakfast when he purchased it—appeared around the balcony to his right. She’d not spoken yet, but Kenton could hear her breathing.
“Send him up,” he said without turning toward her. “But from the outside entrance,” he added. “He may not go inside. Ever.”

Whether the woman was startled by his knowledge of her presence—because he already knew a guest waited below—or because of the vehemence of his request, Kenton wasn’t sure. Nor did it matter. What did matter was the man who even now made his way up the winding outside staircase.
As Lawrence entered the room connected to the balcony, it struck Kenton that he’d made a critical error. He should have killed the girl—woman, more precisely—before Lawrence had arrived. Now his purpose in Stone Haven would be more difficult to fulfill.
“Beautiful, isn’t she?” Lawrence asked, walking around to stand just next to him. He didn’t need to ask who. The man wasn’t talking about his elderly maid.
“I’d offer you a drink, but regrettably, you’re not staying.”
“How long have you known about her?” Lawrence Derrickson had the sole honor of being the only person to almost make him lose his temper in over seven hundred years, and it would seem he still had the ability to get a rise out of him.
“Longer than you, apparently.”
He knew the barb would hit its mark, and it did.
“Yet you haven’t killed her?” “Regrettably not.”
Knowing it would anger Lawrence, Kenton took a slow sip of his drink and looked down at the town below them.
“A quaint little place. Didn’t expect as much, although I must admit, the only other time I’ve been to Pennsylvania, when—”
“I don’t give a shit when you were here last or what you think of the town that you plan to terrorize, Kenton.”
“Terrorize? A bit harsh, don’t you think?”
He didn’t give Lawrence a chance to answer. “Nice of you to move so close to me, though I wouldn’t have expected you to splurge on such a luxury.”
Two mansions sitting side by side in a town of this size. The irony wasn’t lost on him. “I won’t let you kill her,” Lawrence insisted.
He laughed, not to taunt the other man, but it did have that added benefit. “I will enjoy watching you attempt to stop me.”
“She may not pose a threat. Will you for once listen to reason?”
Kenton shot to his feet in an instant, so close to Lawrence he could stun him into silence if he so chose. Centuries of fighting this very same man had taught him not to attempt to kill the Scot. It couldn’t be done. But he certainly enjoyed trying.
“She is a Cheld,” Kenton said.
For Lawrence, that wasn’t enough. For him, it always would be. “She is,” the Scot agreed. “But you don’t know—”
He rolled his eyes, annoyed by the tedious predictability of the argument. “Nor do I care.” Lawrence narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists, telegraphing his intentions as clearly as if he’d punched him. “Are you alone?”
He could lie, but Lawrence would learn the truth soon enough—that his siblings were far away from this quaint little Pennsylvania town. Their kind could sense one another, an ability Kenton had more than most, so he did not need to ask the same question about Lawrence’s kin.
Clan Karyn consisted only of one man, for now. Odd, since Lawrence usually traveled with at least one member of his precious clan, although a four-person family could hardly be called a clan, truth be told.
Nothing like the hundred men Lawrence once led.
“I am,” he said. “And so it seems we will have a bit of fun here in”—he waved his arms around him—“Stone Haven.”
Lawrence ground his teeth. “Fun? If you call the murder of an innocent woman—”
“Innocent?” Kenton lifted his chin. “She is a Cheld,” he repeated. “And for that, she cannot be allowed to live.” He lifted his glass. “A toast to our little secret. And to Alessandra Fiore’s last days on earth, poor thing.”
He downed the remainder of his drink in one gulp, then set the empty glass on the table. Droplets of red remained. Mary was none the wiser about the real contents of his favorite bottle of sloe gin. Stepping around Lawrence, he gripped the railing of the balcony and looked down below. “Have fun attempting to save her,” he said over his shoulder.
Just as Lawrence turned to walk away, muttering a curse under his breath, Kenton added, “I hope you have better luck than you did in Caltabellotta.”
He wasn’t surprised when Lawrence pushed him from the balcony. Indeed, he allowed it. And laughed the whole way down to the ground despite the risk of discovery.

Taunting him had been worth it.

About the Author:

Cecelia Mecca is the author of steamy historical and paranormal romance that transports readers to another world.

Every heroine, from Lady Sara in the Border Series to Alessandra Fiore in Bloodwite, is your best friend– the one who kicks ass and takes names. When these ladies meet alpha-males who try to take control, sparks fly until the very last page.

Cecelia writes the Amazon bestselling Border Series which takes readers to an admittedly romanticized time of knights and castles in 13th century Northumbria along the Anglo-Scottish border. Next, she’s jumping into a new world which tests the patience of even the most steadfast romance heroine. After all, dealing with the ultimate bad boys– sexy, wealthy and swoon-worthy vampires– is not for the faint of heart. In other words, she’s releasing her first contemporary paranormal series in January 2019.

Our Highlander-loving, vampire-writing author can be found in Northeast, Pennsylvania, chai in hand, thinking up new ways to tame both medieval and paranormal playboys. She is firmly House Stark and Gryffindor.  (Newsletter signup)

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Good morning everyone.  As some of you may know I belong to Vancouver Supernatural.

One night recently we were on an investigation and the Kinect SLS camera (structured light sensor) picked up an entity that was not in front of the camera.

To me, it looks like a musician playing an instrument. What does it look like to you?

Monday, January 21, 2019


Island of the Flesh Eaters
Thomas S. Flowers

Genre: Horror

Publisher: Darker Worlds Publishing

Date of Publication: Jan 21, 2019

ISBN: 1791994369

Number of pages: 100 eBook
Number of pages: 137 paperback
Word Count: 27,500

Cover Artist: Michael Bray

Tagline: The Dead Have Risen to Eat the Living!

Book Description:

Houston, Texas, 1985, while investigating the affluent and seedy Gasper family, Rachel Hawkins, a junior reporter with the Galveston Daily News, stumbles upon a story that will make her career.

Billy Gasper, son to the billionaire tycoon Gasper Family is missing. His yacht found near the Port of Galveston, abandoned all but for a seemingly deranged captain. Where are the crew? And where is Billy?

Meanwhile, while searching for his missing sister who was last seen with her boyfriend Billy Gasper, RadioShack manager Mark joins an ex-military security team hired by Mr. Gasper to find his son. Hidden away, Hawkins joins Mark and the hired goons as they race across the Gulf of Mexico to a private tropical island resort.

All attempts at radio communicate with the island have failed. Its as if the entire resort with hundreds of vacationers and staff have disappeared.

What is really going on? And what will the rescue team find when they get there?

Chapter 1

Mary screamed.
Shocked by the sound of her own voice, she pressed her hands to her mouth, muffling the terror rising from her lungs in hitched breaths, spasming violently. She hugged her elbows against her sides, could see them. A slow lurching gait, shuffling outside her hiding place. Someone was shouting, a piercing howl as if they were experiencing the worst pain they had ever felt. Swallowing hard, she peered between the planks of wood of the hut. Pool equipment and toys and floats piled around her. If she moved—God! They would hear. And they would come. And they would consume her flesh. Just like they had Billy, her boyfriend. And Greg and Stacy. Pam. Vicky. Sammy, too. And most of the resort staff. Torn apart and consumed just like in a movie she saw once about cannibals in the rainforest of South America—except these flesh eaters were dead. 
What was left of the pool boy Bruce bumped against the hut.
Mary whimpered into her hand, trying not to look at the ruined corpse walking—somehow—despite all rational sense that he should be dead and buried, not moving around, not eating the flesh of the living. His once muscular arms were now riddled with purplish-yellow bite marks, chunks of meat and nerve exposed. Fingers gnawed to the bone. And his eyes were the worst, glassy and bloodied and horrid, but that wasn't just what bothered her. They were vacant; soulless orbs. As if whatever made him human was gone and lost forever.
He groaned and bumped into the hut again.
Did he know she was in there?
Did he hear her? Smell her?
Breathing rapidly, Mary's hands trembled against her mouth, elbows pressed hard against her ribs. Suddenly she could hear the Eurythmics song Sweet Dreams blasting from the tiny foam speakers around her neck.
"No!" she hissed, fumbling with her Walkman clipped to her large plastic yellow belt, searching for the large red button, silencing the music.
Mary looked between the wood planks again. 
More of the flesh eaters converged on the hut. Drawn by the rhythmic music, herding together like a pool of slow-moving sharks circling in the water.
She stifled a yelp, but not completely, cursing herself silently for accidently rubbing against the Walkman. The living dead began to bang on the outside of the hut. Gnashing teeth and bellowing a loathing, famished lament.
"Please!" she cried.
The wood of the hut groaned against the pressure of the horde of flesh eaters.
Moaning impatiently, cracks began to splinter. A large section busted inward as a bloated waxy arm shot through, grabbing hold of Mary's windbreaker, smearing dark-red grime against the sky-blue bomber.
"No!" she screamed as the dead man pulled her toward the opening in the hut.
Mary held her arms out, pushing against the wall, resisting—unable to keep her gaze from the splintered section in the broken hut wall and the large wood spike that protruded toward her as she inched closer and closer.
She groaned, swatting at the rotting hand that held her.
"Please!" she breathed.
Closer the dead man pulled her.
The wood spike was inches from her face—her eye.
Excited bellowing erupted around her, outside the hut, as if the living dead could smell the inevitable feast. They pounded against the walls, eager and impatient.
The dead man yanked on her again, tearing her windbreaker, pulling her closer.
She sobbed.
The wood spike pierced her eye.
She screamed—an unfathomable utterance.
The pain shot through her face and into her body like an electric bolt. Trembling, she grimaced, biting down, clenching her teeth as the wood pushed deeper inside her eye. Warm runny fluid flowed down her cheek, tasting of salt and iron.
And then the dead rotting man gave one final wrench.
The wood curved up as she slammed into it, penetrating deep and breaking the wood splinter inside her eye socket. The world spun, and she fainted from shock or blood loss, or both, she fell to her knees, ripping her tennis shorts and the skin of her legs.
All around, the walls came down, and the dead had their feast. Grabbing and ripping away shreds of clothing, hair, pounds of meat. The dead, rotting man that still held Mary's blue windbreaker shoved his head through the wood opening and sucked and licked at the juices on the spike, lapping all the moist cream from her burst orb.
Unconscious, Mary was unaware of the things happening to her body.
Unaware as dead, worming fingers clawed into her flesh.
Ravishing her red, oily innards. 

About the Author:

Thomas S. Flowers is an Operation Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom Army veteran who loves scary movies, BBQ, and coffee. Ever since reading Remarque’s "All Quiet on the Western Front" and Stephen King’s "Salem’s Lot" he has inspired to write deeply disturbing things that relate to war and horror, from the paranormal to his gory zombie infested PLANET of the DEAD series, to even his recent dabbling of vampiric flirtation in The Last Hellfighter readers can expect to find complex characters, rich historical settings, and mind-altering horror. Thomas is also the senior editor at Machine Mean, a horror movie and book review site that hosts contributors in the horror and science fiction genre.

PLANET of the DEAD and The Last Hellfighter are best-sellers on Amazon's Top 100 lists for Apocalyptic Fiction and African American Horror.

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