Friday, January 26, 2018


I bet this happened to you.

You have a favourite series you couldn't seem to catch every week, and didn't get around to recording, and then Santa started to get you the series on DVD and then along came Netflx...


Supernatural is one of those series for me.

Full disclosure, I live in Vancouver, BC where it (and a lot of supernatural series) are filmed, so I'm kind of partial from the get go.

But the series that Eric Kripke (why is The Big Bang Theory character suddenly in my head?) is endearing for more reasons than that.  Now in it's 13'th season, the trials and tribulations of brothers Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam Winchester (Jared Padelecki) still don't show any signs of fading unless the actors just want to move on. And let me tell you, the brothers have been pushed, punched and generally beaten up by every demon and freak out there.

The writing for most of the seasons has been pretty steady. I wasn't a huge fan of the Leviathan year however. Thankfully there are throw-away shows, the shows that don't follow any plot-line per se, from time to time that are a lot of fun.. Like what I refer to as the "Dean's a Dog" episode.

The relationship banter between the two brothers is always engaging, if not always happy. Huh, true dat. And there have been many fun characters introduced along the way. Take Crowley, for instance. I get the sense he had an initial short run planned for him, but  Mark A. Sheppard plays his so well that how can you let a gem like that go?

 And Rowena? Ruth Connell is killer in the role.

Then there's Angel nerd turned bad-ass Castiel played so wonderfully by Misha Collins. No shortage of great performances in this series.

 So if for some reason you haven't watched the series, or maybe just need a Supernatural refresher, catch it on Netflix.

Have a great day!

Thursday, January 25, 2018


Good morning, everyone. I hope your world is exactly as your wish it to be today. A lot to ask, I know. So let's start with something I really can deliver. Like a chat with Dani Harper!
SC:  Do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?
DH: Yes, I DO believe there are a lot of things we can’t explain away. I’ve had a lifelong interest in the supernatural for good reason! Both my family and myself have had more than one experience.
One that I like to share is about my dear old pug, Scooby. He was my Official Muse for almost 13 years before he passed in 2010. It wasn’t unexpected, but I was devastated just the same. A couple nights later, I found myself awakened by the sound of canine claws on the linoleum. The tick-tick-tick sound proceeded up the hallway at a slow, waddling pace, accompanied by the jingle of tags. Thinking that my remaining pug, Fiona, needed to go out, I sat up – but discovered she was snoring beside me! All was quiet once more, and I thought I’d dreamed the incident. 
However, the distinctive doggy sounds continued to occur. By the third incident, I realized that Scooby was still checking in on us. This was confirmed when one of my daughters flew to visit us the following month and was awakened in the night by the same phenomena – and no, I hadn’t yet told her of my own experiences! Scooby had been especially close to her and I wondered if perhaps he had lingered in order to connect with her. After she went home, the pugly visitations decreased to once every few months or so before ceasing altogether.

SC: That's interesting about Scooby. I had a similar story with my dog. But I digress.  Tell me a little bit about your main character in Storm Crossed.

DH: I think this novel is largely Trahern’s story. Lissy is a very strong character, but it’s Trahern who has the most to learn, and the most changes to make.
Trahern is one of the Tylwyth Teg, the ruling class of the faery realm. He’s accustomed to being in charge, and takes orders from only one individual. As for mortals? They’re widely considered to be inferior to the Fae. In fact, humans barely register on his radar at all, except when he’s patrolling with the Wild Hunt.
When he accidentally encounters Lissy one night, his entire world view is challenged!
SC: The fae. They're truly in a world of their own.  What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?
DH: I have a lot of projects simmering on the back burner, but I’m not a super-fast writer, and contracts must come first. My number one priority is working on Book 5 in the Grim Series for Montlake. The heroine is Hyleath, a female rider in the Wild Hunt, and I’m really excited to see how this plays out.

Plus, one of my characters (Ranyon, for those familiar with the series) is campaigning for a book of his own! I might have to appease him with a novella... Meanwhile, I’m plotting Book Two in my Haunted Holiday Series.

Storm Crossed
Grim Series
Book 4
Dani Harper

Release Date: January 9, 2018

Publisher: Montlake Romance

ISBN-10: 1503948943
ISBN-13: 978-1503948945

Book Description:

The latest stand-alone novel in Dani Harper’s Grim Series will delight old and new fans alike, transporting them to the ancient fae realm beneath the modern human world, where magic rules and menace abounds . . .

Heir to a noble fae house, Trahern is forced to watch helplessly as his twin brother is cruelly changed into a grim—a death dog—as punishment for falling in love with the wrong person. Trahern doesn’t believe love exists, but he will do anything to keep his brother alive—even join the Wild Hunt and ride the night skies of the human world.

Lissy Santiago-Callahan believes in love but has no time for it. She’s busy juggling her career as an academic and her home life as a single mom to a young son with Asperger’s. Her hectic life in sleepy Eastern Washington is made even more chaotic with the sudden arrival of a demanding fae and his unusual “dog.”

Mortal and immortal have nothing in common, and the attraction between Lissy and Trahern surprises them both. But when their desire places Lissy and her child in the path of a deadly faery feud, will the connection last, or will their separate worlds prove too great a divide?

Excerpt 3

He shook his head and wished he hadn’t as a trickle of fresh blood escaped his wound. The rock that surrounded them was the same that formed the palace foundations, rendering ineffective any spell that could whisk them away.
“Hold!” an imperious voice shouted, and the warths left off their attack, reluctantly crouching in place. Trahern narrowed his eyes, straining to focus—and saw a large band of mounted soldiers in ragtag armor. Gray skin was visible behind their strange helms, and their eyes shone green. He didn’t recognize them at all, but his sorcerer’s sight could not mistake the crimson aura that surrounded their swords and spears. Iron weapons. Very few in the Nine Realms could approach such things, and the cut of an iron blade was a slow but sure poison to any Tylwyth Teg. Faint and dizzy, he held on to Braith with one hand to steady himself and pressed himself harder against the rock to bolster his remaining power. Last, he eased off his boots. The ground was cool beneath his bare feet, and he drew in energy like drawing fresh breath, pulling it up from the very bedrock, renewing him, aiding him for one last—
A deep shadow abruptly fell across the forest, and thunder rolled from a formerly clear sky. The soldiers glanced around uneasily as their horses twitched and danced beneath them. The warths slunk silently away, and Trahern felt the hair on his head prickle and rise. Braith, get down!
The entire world erupted into white light and noise beyond hearing as a bolt of lightning crashed to earth before him.
Trahern wasn’t certain if he had lost consciousness or not, but it was an abysmally long time before he could see and hear again. Braith was on top of him, apparently trying to shield him. Move, he said in his mind.
Are you well?
I would be better if I could breathe. Move!
The great dog slid his bulk from Trahern’s chest, and he rolled over with a grunt, gratefully filling his lungs. His vision blurred and cleared, blurred and cleared, but he could make out that only a handful of the mercenaries remained, and most looked like they wanted to leave. He had to give the leader credit for nerve—but the man no longer looked at him at all.
“In the name of Eirianwen of the House of Oak, we have come to arrest the fugitive Trahern,” the man shouted.
“Her name means nothing here.” The new voice came from high above, and Trahern struggled to see. A burly stallion, as glossy and black as obsidian, stood upon the rocky outcrop behind him, and its tall rider was dressed in dark leathers. His hair was as black as his mount, falling to his waist in hundreds of braids and stirred by an unseen wind. Save for the dangerous glitter in his jet-colored eyes and the glow of the light whip resting on his thigh, it was like staring at Death itself.
“He—he is a traitor, My Lord, sir. We have a right—”

“As trespassers in the Nine Realms, you have no rights.” The great horse stepped down from the steep rocky outcropping as easily as if walking across a meadow. The mercenary captain paled visibly as Lurien, Lord of the Wild Hunt, placed himself squarely between the soldiers and their intended quarry. “Our laws state that betrayers and traitors are the rightful prey of the Wild Hunt,” said Lurien, then leaned forward in the saddle, his next words measured and menacing. “If he lives, he is mine. If he dies, he is also mine. Stay if you wish to join him.”

About the Author:

Legend, lore, love, and magic. These are the hallmarks of Dani Harper’s transformational tales of faeries, shapeshifters, ghosts, and more, for a mature audience.

A former newspaper editor, Dani’s passion for all things supernatural led her to a second career writing fiction. There isn't anything she likes better than exploring myths and legends from many cultures, which serve to inspire her sizzling and suspenseful stories.

A longtime resident of the Canadian north and southeastern Alaska, she now lives in rural Washington with her retired mountain-man husband. Together they do battle with runaway garden gnomes, rampant fruit trees, and a roving herd of predatory chickens.

Dani Harper is the author of Storm Crossed, Storm Warned, Storm Bound, Storm Warrior (the Grim Series), as well as First Bite (Dark Wolf), for Montlake Romance. She is also the author of a Yuletide ghost story, The Holiday Spirit, plus a popular shapeshifter series, which includes Changeling Moon, Changeling Dream, and Changeling Dawn.

For more, visit her website at

Twitter -  or @Dani_Harper

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

INTERVIEW with ALETTA THORNE (The Chef and the Ghost of Bartholomew Addison Jenkins)

Well now, we've got lots of fun in store today. Aletta has stopped by to answer our three fave questions.
SC: Tell me a little bit about your main character of this book.
AT: It’s 1982.  The ink is currently drying on Alma’s divorce papers; her drunken art professor of an ex is a nightmare—but still beloved by her meddling mom.  Alma’s a chef, much to her parents’ chagrin—and she has a brand new dream job running a kitchen in a private school.  She’s lonely, but too preoccupied with her new gig to date…until a date sort of materializes.  Her apartment is haunted.  What happens if you have a one nighter with a ghost?
SC:I think that would be a lot of fun to find out. Speaking of ghosts, do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?
 AT: I do.  I live in a house that was built in 1740, and we have ghosts.  The most dramatic episode (the one that made me call the local ghost investigators) happened right after my church musician husband and I got home from working at the funeral of a friend.  Organists and singers employed by churches do a lot of funerals, but when you have to sing and play for someone you knew, it’s really, really hard, and we were sad and deeply tired.  Ken went upstairs to nap, and I pretended to write at my computer in my study.  Suddenly, a heavy brass floor lamp in the room just behind where I work crashed over so hard that it took the radiator cover it was standing next to along with it—but when I picked it up, the light bulb wasn’t even broken.  We are still not sure about the how-come there, but the investigation picked up activity in that room.  People working on our house have also seen the glass artist who once lived here observing repairs from an almost grown-over path in the woods—and then disappearing.  
SC: Thanks for sharing those experiences. What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?
AT: The Chef and the Ghost of Bartholomew Addison Jenkins is my first grown-up romance.  I’m a YA author and a poet who has published quite a bit under another name.  My next release for the big-girl market will be a ghost story featuring an older heroine in a tiny house.
 SC: Thanks again for stopping by. Come back anytime. Let's take a look at your novel now.

The Chef and the Ghost of
Bartholomew Addison Jenkins
Aletta Thorne

Genre: paranormal romance,
mainstream romance, holiday

Publisher: Evernight Publishing

Date of Publication: October 26, 2017


Number of pages: 158
Word Count: 51,000

Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

Tagline: What happens if you have a one-nighter—with a ghost?

Book Description:

Autumn, 1982. MTV is new, poodle perms are the rage, and life just might be getting better for Alma Kobel.  Her ugly divorce is final at last. Her new job as chef at Bright Day School’s gorgeous old estate is actually fun.  But the place is haunted—and so is Alma’s apartment. Bartholomew Addison Jenkins’ ghost has been invisibly watching her for months. 

When he materializes one night, Alma discovers Bart—as he likes to be called—has talents she couldn’t have imagined…and a horrifying past. What happens if you have a one-nighter with a ghost?  And what happens if one night is all you want—and you end up ghosting him?  

Some spirits don’t like taking “no” for an answer.

Amazon      Evernight      BN

A ghost. Of course he was a ghost—even though before that night, she’d never felt anything spooky at her place in the almost-year she’d lived in it. Alma still had the plate with the omelet on it in one hand. Ghosts didn’t eat, did they? She held it out to him anyway.
“Go ahead and have your supper,” he said. “I don’t need food. I take it you understand why.”
Alma nodded, not sure what to say. For a ghost, the man looked rather … dashing, she decided was the world. He must have been muscular in life. There were nicely rounded biceps under that loose shirt, and they showed when he moved his arms.  His knee knickers fit tightly over a flat belly, and his stockings made his calves look like they were made out of smooth, white marble. His eyes were a startling, luminous golden brown.
“Sadly, we are still perfectly able to smell a good meal cooking.”
“We?” Alma said.
The man nodded. “Your dead,” he said, solemnly.
“My dead?” she said.
“Well, you live here, don’t you? So, I’m your dead, now.” He stopped looking so serious then and as if guys in knee knickers and white stockings were born doing it, he opened her refrigerator and pulled out the bottle of Chablis. “Here, give me your glass,” he said, and topped it off. The glow from the refrigerator’s light made him even more luminous—and just the slightest bit translucent.
“Thanks,” she said, although it was her wine. She put her plate and glass down on a little enamel-topped kitchen table she’d bought at a local church thrift shop and pulled out one of the table’s funky old chairs for herself.
“Fork? Napkin?” he said, pulling those things out of the drawers next to Alma’s stove. Alma used cloth napkins from the restaurant supplier—big white ones.
“You know where my things are,” she said, spreading the napkin across her lap.
“That shouldn’t surprise you,” he said. “Eat your omelet while it’s hot. Go ahead.”
Alma took a bite. “Um, the pepper grinder on the stove?” she said. “Could you, please?”
“My lady.” He smiled and handed it to her with a little bow.
 She ground a little pepper over her plate and took another bite and sipped her wine. He sat down across from her, put his elbows on the table, and his chin in his hands.
“I enjoy watching you eat.”
“Okay, I guess. It’s not … weird?”
 A ghost is watching me eat an omelet. “What’s your name?”
“Bartholomew Addison Jenkins,” he said. “These days, I just use Bart.”
“These days. But you’ve been here since you…”
“Since 1784,” he said.
“Which was when you died, I guess.”
“I must tell you, dear lady, saying that to one of us is considered rude. In better ghostly circles, that is. Some of us are not aware we are dead. Some of us do not like to be reminded of it.”

About the Author:

Aletta Thorne believes in ghosts.  In her non-writing life, she is a choral singer, a poet, a sometimes DJ, and a writer about things non-supernatural.  But she’s happiest in front of a glowing screen, giving voice to whoever it is that got her two cats all riled up at three AM.  Yes, her house is the oldest one on her street.  And of course, it’s quite seriously haunted (scared the ghost investigator who came to check it out).  She is named after a little girl in her family who died in the late nineteenth century, at the age of two. The Chef and the Ghost of Bartholomew Addison Jenkins is her first romance.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


This past week has been a bit of a challenge for me. I took a nasty fall and wound up on crutches. Nothing broken, thankfully. Stretched tendons in both feet are not fun however, so I have been a bit of a couch potato.

This of course leads to binge watching, and what better place to do it than Netflix. I love Netflix. It's a good deal.

It's not much of a surprise that I wanted something light hearted to cheer me up a bit. Enter THE SANTA CLARITA DIET. Yes, it's pretty much a zombie series, but it's a comedic zombie series, and sometimes that's just what a girl needs. Here's the trailer for you.

It helps if you are a Drew Barrymore fan (I am). Tim Olyphant plays her husband Joel, and his expressions, as he tries to come to terms with his new lot in life, are hilarious. Actually everyone in this series, including some recognizable guest stars, is fab. You can go to IMDB for a full list of credits if you so desire.

Check it out. Maybe not while you're having dinner, but check it out.

RELEASE DAY: SPIRIT OF THE SEA WITCH Keeps of the Stones Book Two (Tara West)

Good day everyone. We have a give away today, you'll find it as your read through our info about Spirit of the Sea Witch - Keepers of the Stones, Book Two by Tara West.

Spirit of the Sea Witch
Keepers of the Stones
Book Two
Tara West

Genre: YA fantasy

Publisher: Shifting Sands Publishing

Date of Publication: 1.23.18


Number of pages: Est 400.
Word Count: 100K

Cover Artist: Bob Kehl

Book Description:

Desperate to escape the wrath of the vengeful sky goddess Madhea, a group of brave young explorers flee to the sea in search of safe haven for their people while the apprentice witch Dianna steals away Madhea’s dragon to The Shifting Sands.

Though they are an ocean apart, the future of all humanity lies within their entwined fates.

Before they can defeat Madhea, they must stop the vindictive sea goddess Eris from destroying the world.

Amazon     Amazon UK    Books2Read
Sample Scene One

Dianna looked up when her environment shifted. She had been with Lydra long enough to know the long shadow that blanketed the ground like a heavy shroud and blotted out the sunlight was no bird.
            She barely had time to suck in a scream before the dragon’s powerful roar nearly flattened her to the ground. She shook when the terrible golden monster, with a wingspan twice that of Lydra’s, sprang from the cliff and landed on her dragon with an earth-shattering thud.
            The ice beneath them exploded. Dianna fell to the ground when shards as big as daggers flew through the air while the dragons wrestled and roared, a ball of flame consuming them. Lydra flapped backward, flailing in the water and blowing a curtain of ice at her nemesis. But Lydra was no match for the behemoth dragon, who melted her ice with his scorching breath, his fire lapping at Lydra’s jowls and causing the ice dragon to howl in pain.
            The golden monster puffed out his chest, his wingspan extending the entire width of the pond. Dianna knew the flame dragon intended to destroy Lydra.
            Instinct fueled her movements as she jumped to her feet, not knowing what to do but knowing she needed to do something. Sindri’s stone pulsed in her vest, sending ripples of warmth through her that made her blood pump faster. Fire raced through her veins, and energy pooled in her palms. She pointed her fingers at the golden dragon and screamed, “Stop!” and was knocked backward when bright bolts flew out of her hands.
            A hush fell, as if all sound had been sucked from the air by a giant vortex. Dianna sat up, dizzy, trying to uncross her eyes.
            The golden dragon was on his back, wings flattened against the ground, golden eyes staring at the sky, his jowls hanging open as if he was suspended in shock. Only his tail moved, twitching like a headless serpent, indicating threads of life still flowed beneath the massive scales.
            Had Dianna done that? Had she disabled a dragon? Had it been her magic or the stone’s?
            Lydra swam to shore, crawling toward Dianna. With a sigh and a shudder, she fell by Dianna’s side.
            She wearily eyed the golden dragon, smoothing a hand across Lydra’s burned scales. “Are you okay, my friend?” 
            Lydra answered with a grunt, nuzzling Dianna’s neck with her cold snout.
            Dianna didn’t know how long the golden dragon would be disabled, but they wouldn’t be safe there for long.
            Lydra’s wings were blackened with soot and sticky with blood. Would her friend be able to fly them to safety before the golden dragon recovered? If not, would Dianna have the strength to battle the golden dragon again? The stone in her vest had gone eerily still and cold, as if all of its magic had been drained, though she still wasn’t sure if it was the stone’s magic or hers that had disabled the dragon.
            She looked at her fingers, which were throbbing and charred at the tips. Never before had she been able to shoot bolts out her fingers. Then again, never before had she needed to break up a fight between two dragons. Dianna rested her forehead against her dragon’s chest. “Oh, Lydra, what do we do?”
            She jerked back at Lydra’s low growl, spinning around in time to see the golden dragon shudder. His wings struck the ground, then he jumped to his haunches with a roar that reverberated through Dianna’s bones. His eyes darkened as they narrowed on Dianna, and he roared again, his powerful breath hitting her from across the pond like the hot currents of a wind storm.

            Great goddess! That was one angry dragon.

About the Author:

Tara West writes books about dragons, witches, and heroes while eating chocolate, lots and lots of chocolate. She's willing to share her dragons, witches, and heroes. Keep your hands off her chocolate. A former high school English teacher, Tara is now a full-time writer and graphic artist. She enjoys spending time with her family, interacting with her fans, and fishing the Texas coast.


Monday, January 22, 2018


Hello and welcome to Monday.
Apologies for being a bit tardy today. The devil you say?
Yes, this is our card for this week.  It's a man versus machine kind of thing and there is this lurking encompassing fight. What the fight is though, only you know. Humanity has created this monster machine at least metaphorically, and it is trying to take over. Are we going to let it? Hell, no.
Stand your course but avoid fueling the flames.
Have a good one.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

AN INTERVIEW WITH MEGAN CASHMAN (The Dark Proposal-The End of Eternity Book One)

It's a busy day here at Supernatural Central with a few people wanting to stop by for a chat.

We were lucky to have Megan Cashman stop by today and here's what she had to say:

SC:  Tell me a little bit about your main character of this book.
MC: Claire McCormick is a recent college graduate, struggling to make it as a freelance writer while working at her alma mater. She’s ambitious, hardworking, yet naïve and immature. She has fantasies of living the rich life, and that blinds her at times. She meets a professor, Daniel Bertrand, and she seeks help from him with her freelancing. They then start dating, and just when things look like they are getting too good to be true, Daniel reveals to be a vampire. He also proposes something to Claire, that she can’t say no to.
SC:  Good men are hard to find, no? Do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?
MC: I’m open-minded to some degree. I could’ve sworn I saw ghost a couple of times.
SC:  What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?
MC:  is called “Between Light and Dark” and it is the sequel to “The Dark Proposal”.
SC: Thanks so muc h for stopping by today, drop by anytime! Let's take a look at your book now.
The Dark Proposal
The End of Eternity
Book One
Megan Cashman

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Date of Publication: September 14, 2012


Number of pages: 211
Word Count: 79,050

Cover Artist: Karri Kwaliter

Book Description:

A young woman copes with being forced to become a vampire as the man she loves reveals he is more evil than she can comprehend.

Claire McCormick has graduated from college and is eager for her childhood dreams to come true. She thought it would happen when she began dating Daniel Bertrand, who was everything she wanted in a boyfriend. But just as her dreams are about to happen, Claire’s life is turned upside down when Daniel reveals to be a bloodthirsty vampire, with the intent on making her his eternal companion. Frightened, Claire desperately tries to rid herself of him, but Daniel is too evil to defeat. She has to come to terms with reality, as she faces a vampire world fighting to survive in modern times, with many of them unaware of how devious Daniel can be.

The Dark Proposal is the first book in a trilogy that follows what becomes of Claire and the vampires.

WARNING: contains thematic elements, graphic content and some strong language

Amazon     Smashwords


There was a pregnant pause with both waiting for the other to speak or make the first move. For a second, she wondered if this was going to be the moment he would make her like him or kill her instead.
“No, Claire,” he spoke suddenly. She jumped, startled. “It’s up to you to say yes. And remember I did tell you I can read your thoughts.”
“Then please stop, because you’re freaking me out,” she said.
He arched one eyebrow, and for a moment, she feared he would attack her. But instead, he crossed one arm across his chest and put the opposite hand under his chin, as though contemplating something.
“I see you’ve accepted somewhat of what I revealed to you,” he finally said.
“A little.” She felt like she was preparing for war.
“What?” He sounded curious. “Is there something else you can’t comprehend?”
“Yeah,” she said in a shaky voice. Her eyes were downcast, and when she was ready, she lifted them to look right at him. “I did some research while in New Jersey. There’s a lot of websites about real vampires.”
“Yes?” Daniel raised his eyebrows.
Taking a deep breath, she said, “I think you killed Colin Willis.”
His face expressionless, he lowered his arms and closed his eyes, shaking his head. He ran one hand over his face as Claire continued.
“I read a blog about his murder. There are rumors going around that he had two holes on the side of his neck. There was no blood in his body.” She swallowed and asked, almost pleading, “Did you really do it? Honestly, Dan?”
Removing his hand, he looked right at her and said, “I think you know the answer to that question.”
She did, and whatever hope she had that he did not murder Willis quickly dissolved. She began to pant in horror at first, but then in anger. “I mean, you knew as everyone else that there was no evidence of foul play,” he was saying, nonchalantly watching her. “Plus, there were no suspects -”
Claire suddenly pounced on Daniel, arms flailing as she hit him in the face and chest. She was screaming about him being a murderer and how evil he was.
It didn’t last long because he soon caught her flying fists and held a tight grip on her wrists, holding them away from him. His grip was beyond solid, like a steel machine, and his eyes were hollow with rage. For a moment, she thought he was going to attack her again. No, he was going to kill her. She dared to hit him, dared to defy him and now she would pay the price.

He held her in his harsh eyes for a moment, and then shoved her hands away, practically pushing her away from him. “Honestly, who else would’ve done it?”

About the Author:

Born and raised on Staten Island, NY, Megan Cashman currently lives in Brooklyn, where she can be seen checking out the borough’s numerous coffee shops to work on her writing projects. She has a Masters’ degree in journalism, and has worked for cable news, both local and national, as well as a major New York newspaper. She is currently a freelance journalist and an adjunct professor at the City University of New York (CUNY). When she’s not writing or teaching, Megan can be seen taking nature photos with her iPhone, crocheting, doing yoga and Pilates, and trying out new dinner recipes.
