Wednesday, March 5, 2025

COVER REVEAL: DOORWAY TO THE SUNSET Book 2 Feather Down (Clemency Crow)


Cover Reveal HTML

Doorway to the Sunset
Feather Down 
Book 2
Clemency Crow

Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy Adventure
Publisher: Crowvus
Date of Publication: 4th July 2025
ISBN: 978-1-913182-20-5 
Number of pages: 290 
Word Count: Approx 68 000
Cover Artist: German Creative

Tagline: One girl. Two warring tribes. A deadly predator.

Book Description:

Freya thought life would go back to normal after she forged a fragile peace between the warring bird tribes. But when a terrifying supernatural creature targets her, Freya is pulled back into the hidden world of ancient rivalries and dangerous secrets.

Forced to take refuge among her enemies, she must navigate the icy politics of the owl king’s court and uncover the truth about her mother’s mysterious ties to the tribes. Teaming up with old friends and unexpected allies, Freya embarks on a daring journey to unravel the mystery behind the predator stalking her and stop the forces threatening to destroy everything she holds dear.

Time is running out, the peace is crumbling, and Freya must find the courage to stand tall. Can she unite the tribes—or will she become the next victim of an ancient curse?

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As the creature growled, she was sure its lips curled up into a grin.
Freya managed to find the strength in her feet and dragged herself backwards a step, never taking her eyes from the animal.

When she moved, however, the creature leapt the small fence and landed on the other side. Her side of the fence. There was nothing between Freya and it, and it crouched down and crept towards her, as though it was tracking rats.

Freya was sure that, if she turned to run, it would be faster. Her mind was whizzing through every possibility but, in her fear, she couldn’t make out any sensible thought. Walking slowly backwards, Freya hoped that steady movements would show she was not a threat but, as the creature walked at the same speed towards her, she realised it wasn’t going to attack her because she was a threat. It was going to attack her because it wanted to. There was a light in the narrowing of its eyes as it advanced on her that showed the pleasure it felt in the fear Freya knew she was showing.

Realising she couldn’t escape the animal, she cupped her hand in front of her and a blue flame ignited in her palm. She had learned this from the crows, and had been practising in the last four months, in any idle moment when she was safe at home.

The flame warmed her, but didn’t burn her, and it was enough to stop the creature approaching. It kept watching her, seeing if she would make a mistake with the blue light or trip up. The light glinted in the unblinking eyes and Freya found that she couldn’t take her own eyes off them.

Freya’s heart was thumping in her chest so loud that it made her head pound. One careless step could be the end of this staring contest, and she was sure of the outcome of losing.

In her time with the crows, she had never seen a creature like this before, but she felt certain that it used the same magic she was holding in her hand. It certainly wasn’t natural. She was sure she would remember seeing pictures of a creature like the one before her. The closest think in her memory were drawings of sabre-toothed tigers but, while they had been frightening, there was something about this being that spoke of something more than natural. Something, she was sure, that was supernatural. Something that shouldn’t be prowling towards her right now.

About the Author:

Clemency is a primary teacher in the tip-top north of Scotland, who enjoys reading middle grade adventures as much as she loves writing them.

Growing up in North Lincolnshire, in an old, haunted farmhouse, she developed her imagination from a young age. The garden provided not only plenty of opportunities for play and den building, but a chance to observe the wildlife, which gave rise to her series Feather Down.

When she moved to Caithness at the age of 16, she took her love of birds, nature and writing with her, beginning to develop her abilities as an author.

Clemency began a degree in Astronomy several years ago which she is slowly completing part-time. She has used the knowledge gained from her studies to write books such as “Tour of the Solar System: Not just the 8 planets” and plans to publish many more science books for children.

When Clemency is not writing, she is either gardening, playing with her two energetic spaniels, or looking after her quail and chickens, the latter of which has discovered a new hobby: escape from the coop and raid the orchard Viking-style.

Her upcoming book, Doorway to the Sunset, is the sequel to Taking Wing, and is due to be published by Crowvus on the 4th July 2025.

Friday, January 10, 2025


A House with Bad Bones
Adeline Tatum
Genre: Poetry
Publisher: Quillkeepers Press
Date of Publication: 11/23/2024
ISBN: 979-8-9891532-8-3
Number of pages: 85
Word Count: 4,555
Cover Artist: Quillkeepers Press
Tagline: A poetry collection that focuses on themes of childhood and religious trauma, love and loss.

A House With Bad Bones is an eloquently penned poetry collection that focuses on themes of love, loss, childhood and religious trauma, and self-discovery. 

Reflecting on past experiences, relationships, and mental health, to seek solace and understanding in the midst of turmoil and confusion. 

The writing captures moments of vulnerability, longing, and resilience, painting a vivid picture of inner turmoil and the search for love and acceptance.


I was born in a house with bad bones. I was seven when I saw him push her through the door, breaking her arm in a cocaine-fueled rage. I was dismantled at a young age.

He was never really around, you know he's gotta be a man. He had gone out to get himself a brand new life with no room for me or his past. She wasn't ready for the flood that would hit our home, drowning herself in bottles of rum. 

Perhaps nostalgia had began spilling secrets of the angry war vet she could never please as a little girl. I just don't know. I don't think I can blame her, though. Maybe she didn't know any better. 

But in the end, it was these two who gave me life; who sealed my fate. Who made me think that love feels like a punch in the face, Begging and going after people who just don't care. It was they, who left me to wonder if I was invisible. A deprived little girl with self-esteem issues.

Was it worth it? I know when you die, you'll know finally know who I am. I know you'll swim in a sea of my tears. Maybe then you'll know I was real.

About the Author:
Adeline is a poet who grew up in a small town in Illinois. She attended Kankakee Community College, pursuing a degree in Psychology, and is currently studying Creative Writing. She was first published in the 2022 winter issue of the literary magazine Sequoia Speaks. She since had been featured in several poetry anthologies including, Because I F*cking Said So, Harvest, and Sapling.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025



Fast Times, Big City
Shelly Frome

Genre: Historical Fiction 
Publisher: BCB Publishing
Date of Publication: February 27 2024
ISBN: 9798886330267
Number of pages: 284
Word Count: 77, 501
Cover Artist: Frank Federico

Tagline: Bud Palmer is in a bind as he finds himself at the crossroads where everything is on the verge

Book Description: 

Like most people, Bud Palmer felt this was just another day. Though the era was drawing to a close, he assumed his life as a sports columnist in the subtropics, in keeping with the benign fifties itself, would go on as predictable as ever. 

But that particular autumn morning he was thrust into a caper that was totally beyond him, forced him to leave Miami and take the train to Manhattan, and suddenly found everything in this restless "Big Apple" was up for grabs, on the brink, at a dicey turning point.

Excerpt from Chapter One

Bud Palmer slipped on his sunglasses and set off in his Ford Sunliner convertible on this balmy subtropical Satur- day morning. All the while he tried to convince himself he could get this meeting over with quickly no matter what his shady uncle Rick was up to.

Then again Bud wished he’d just hung up on him. Not put up with “Can’t tell you over the phone. I need you here in person, soon as possible.” That way he wouldn’t be driving across the MacArthur Causeway. Moreover, if his mother hadn’t asked him to look out for her kid brother while she and his dad were on their Caribbean cruise, he’d never have been reminded of Rick’s schemes such as hanging up a dual Realtor/ PI sign.

He wouldn’t be thinking of Rick Ellis at all.

As he drove on, more disconcerting images came to mind: a wiry little guy clutching a polaroid camera, hiding behind the poinsettias as some floozy snuck into a garish motel with some- one’s husband in tow.

Not that Bud himself was always straightforward. At twenty- nine, while his friends were married with kids he was still easing out of relationships the minute he was asked, “Tell me, Bud, how much does a sportswriter make?” Or, “I hear there’s a new subdivision going up in Miramar, each house with a Lanai. Perfect for raising a family.”

In comparison with Rick, however, Bud was always honest about his intentions whether it be his work or love life. In contrast, when playing tennis for instance, Rick was always looking for an angle. He’d crouch behind the net ready to pounce or cut off an opponent’s serve, always looking to throw the server off his game.

Bud crossed over onto Miami Beach, tooled around, passed the ballfield at Flamingo Park, eased by the pastel sidewalks taking him up to Ocean Drive and the fresh fruit juice stand at 10th Street Beach. He parked by a curb directly in line with the juice stand, got out and crossed the sun-dappled street.

Glancing around, he took in the cool tinge of fall blowing in from the ocean, fusing with the salty scent of the water. The sun’s rays streamed through the fluffy clouds; the waves rippled, beckoning the smattering of sunbathers to take a dip.

Everywhere Bud looked nothing had changed. Which included the sight of middle-aged women across the way in their flowery sun dresses, whiling away the hours on the patios of their pink-stucco efficiency apartments; shuffling mahjong tiles; glancing over at the white sands stretching off into the distance in hopes of spotting some lonely bachelor. It was all predictable. Even his paper, the Miami Herald and source of his livelihood, discarded on the empty green bench, seconded the motion.

There was a photo of President Eisenhower above the fold playing golf nearby at Jackie Gleeson’s country club, and a sidebar noting the U.S. was gaining in the space race with the Soviets.

Whatever Rick was champing at the bit about had to be taken with the proverbial grain of salt.

As if in agreement, a voluptuous blond in a fuchsia bikini came into view, turned on the outdoor shower a few yards away, casually washed off the salt water residue on her shoulders, and winked.

Bud smiled back, checked his watch and gazed beyond the mahjong ladies to a gap in the row of efficiency apartments at the end of the block where the weathered bungalow sat a few yards back. The one with the fading sign fronting the bamboo porch railing that read Walk-ins Welcome: Services Unlimited.

He crossed over, hurried past the row of squat apartments, pivoted by the sign, noted the rear end of the rusty Studebaker sitting in the carport, and nodded. It was all the same-old same- old promising more of the same. He bound up the steps, called out “Hello?” opened the screen door and walked right in.

And, sure enough, there Rick was ready and waiting, sporting that signature Charlie Chaplin mustache, flowered short-sleeved shirt and white linen slacks. The first worrisome signal, however, was his bleary, blood-shot eyes as he over-poured a carafe of steaming black coffee into a mug. He whipped out a handkerchief, plunked the carafe and mug on the edge of the desk in the center of the room, and mopped up the spill. At the same time, Bud took in the rest of the place and saw that it hadn’t changed a bit, starting from the girlie calendars on the walls, milk boxes full of paperbacks on the floor; the cluttered desk topped by a scuffed black rotary phone, notary stamp, and the Smith-Corona typewriter flanked by a hat stand with a random display. To complete the picture, there was the rack of glossy magazines so that Rick could keep up with the latest, plus a wooden perch that once accommodated a talking parrot on the near side of a shaded window and a sun-bleached deck chair.

Everything was the same and not at all the same.

About the Author:

Shelly Frome is a member of Mystery Writers of America, a professor of dramatic arts emeritus at UConn, a former professional actor, and a writer of crime novels and books on theater and film. He also is a features writer for Gannett Publications. His fiction includes Sun Dance for Andy Horn, Lilac Moon, Twilight of the Drifter, Tinseltown Riff, Murder Run, Moon Games, The Secluded Village Murders, Miranda and the D-Day Caper and Shadow of the Gypsy. Among his works of non-fiction are The Actors Studio: A History, a guide to playwriting and one on screenwriting, Fast Times, Big City is his latest foray into the world of crime and the amateur sleuth. He lives in Black Mountain, North Carolina.

Thursday, January 2, 2025



The Storm Descends
Demon Storm 
Book Seven
Valerie Storm

Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing
Date of Publication: 12/13/2024
ISBN: 978-1-956883-28-2 
Number of pages: 433
Word Count: 110731
Cover Artist: @Ginkahederling

Book Description:

The Catalyst is quiet.

Kari struggles with the damage she did when she lost control. Her loved ones suffered at her hands, leaving Ari scarred in ways she will never be able to ignore.

How he survived? Only the Seraph of Nalmi knows.

Then a request arrives, a simple task compared to everything else she has been through: travel as Freehaven's emissary and meet with Brianna, a now-ancient half demon who destroyed the first demon city across the sea - and who may have some information on defeating the Catalyst for good.  Kari, Ari, and Guine prepare to cross the Demon Sea...

But the shadows await them.


Kari knelt in a field of dark grass beneath a dark cloud pouring dark rain. Ari lay limp in her arms, dead to the world. She bowed her head over his prone body, colder than death even without the rain to drench them. It pattered, loud against her flicking ears—the only sound all around.

“Wake up, Ari, please,” she whispered to his chest, clutching him tighter. “Please.” Her voice broke, and a wail wrenched free.

“Love makes you weak.”
Kari’s head shot up at the whisper, but there was no one around. There was only the rain, hissing now, each drop harder and sharper.

“You are a plague.”

The whispers came from the rain, now searing pinpricks rather than drops of frozen water. Gritting her teeth, Kari lifted Ari, held him close to her chest, and ran.

“One day, you will wish for the power you forsake!”

Kari’s feet sloshed through thick, black puddles. She slipped and barely managed to roll onto her back before she and Ari fell. She grunted, struggled to get back up with his weight.

A beam of light broke the murky sky. Kari squinted at it; the sight filled her with an unexplainable, instinctual hope. She pushed off from the muddy ground—harder now with her and Ari both sopping wet—and ran for the light.

“PLEASE!” she screamed to the sky. “SAVE HIM!”

It was all she wanted; she would give anything—anything.

“You have a destiny.” This whisper was deeper, ancient—a voice so full of raw power, it grabbed Kari’s spine and forced her to straighten. “Vessels do not earn worldly attachments.”

Velthas. His pull was strong even now, even though she had not seen the Tree in weeks—months. Forced rigid, Kari dragged her eyes to the beam of light.

“Holy light,” she managed through a jaw clenched shut. She curled her fingers around Ari. “I forsake everything else to you.”

A ripple—the jarring snap of something breaking in her mind. Kari gasped and fell forward, barely catching herself on one hand before she collapsed on top of Ari.

The rain slowed, she thought; at least, she felt the pattering on her back less. She closed her eyes, hoping, wishing, praying.

Fingers touched her cheek. Her eyes flew open and found Ari’s eyes—green as the deepest forest. He lifted one corner of his mouth tiredly.

“You’ll carry my faith, won’t you?” he whispered. “My light?”

About the Author:

Valerie Storm was raised in Tucson, Arizona. Growing up, she fell in love with everything fantasy. When she wasn’t playing video games, she was writing. By age ten, she began to write her own stories as a way to escape reality. When these stories became a full-length series, she considered the path to sharing with other children & children-at/heart looking for a place to call home.

She can be found online:

Friday, December 27, 2024



Today we are welcoming Andres to the page to answer a few questions:

Supernatural Central Short and Quick Interview

1. Tell me a little bit about your main character of this book.

Let me introduce the trio:

Pascal - Meet Pascal, the good-hearted 17-year-old dreamer. He is a bit naive, almost foolish for his age, viewing the world as an exciting adventure rather than just a place to survive. With his friendly smile and endless curiosity, he craves adventure and longs to uncover everything that lies beyond the orphanage. Pascal believes there is so much more to discover about himself and the world around him.

Paloma - Introducing a street-savvy 16-year-old girl and former gang leader haunted by the loss of her parents. With her fierce spirit and unwavering bravery, she is imposing and unafraid of confrontation. A true fighter at heart, Paloma is always ready to defend those she cares about, drawing strength from her skills and the bonds of friendship.

Pierrot - Meet Pierrot, a quiet enigma and intelligent 13-year-old whose good-hearted nature shines through his deep empathy. Sensitive and introspective, he intuitively senses unspoken emotions, recognizing when shadows hide behind a smile. He finds comfort in books and cherishes his friendships with Pascal and Paloma.

Together, they embark on a journey filled with adventure, courage, and the power of friendship.

2. Do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?

I I did, but unfortunately, I do not! That is where books come in, though—they let us dive into all the paranormal and exciting possibilities that spark our imagination. It is like a fun escape into worlds filled with mystery and wonder, even if they are just make-believe. Or are they? Who knows, right? The idea that there could be something more out there makes it even more thrilling!

3. What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?

I currently working on the sequel to The Harlequin's Legacy! There are some fun easter eggs in book one that I am excited to explore further in book two. I am also looking to weave in and flesh out additional elements that I left out in book one, adding more depth and intrigue to the story. Cannot wait to share more about it!

The Harlequin's Legacy
Book One
Andrés Rosas Hott

Genre: YA fantasy
Publisher: Red Moon Publishing 
Date of Publication: Oct 20, 2024
ISBN-10: ‎9198971506
ISBN-13: 978-9198971507
ASIN: 9198971506
Number of pages: ‎ 338 pages
Cover Artist: Ary Fajriyanto

Book Description:

Dare to dream. Dare to believe. Dare to embrace your legacy. 

In the enchanting land of The Vale, the grand city of Pivot stands as a beacon of innovation where scientific progress clashes with the now-dwindling beliefs in magic the place once held.

Just outside of Pivot, 17-year-old Pascal has spent his life at The Skystead Home for Orphaned Children. Life outside of the orphanage seems ceaselessly interesting, and shielded from the rest of the world, he wants nothing more than to explore. Already puzzled by unanswered questions about his past, Pascal’s concern deepens as he learns about a grim mystery of local children’s disappearances.

In pursuit of finding his place in life, Pascal is joined by Paloma—a street-savvy girl and former gang leader with a tragic past—and Pierrot—a silent, enigmatic companion. Together, the unlikely trio begins to sneak out of the orphanage to experience the one place that still embraces magic: the welcoming carnival.

As secrets come to light and begin to unravel, the truth unveils hidden strengths within each of the three young companions. Their fates become entangled with the lost souls, leading them to a terrifying truth that threatens the very foundation of their world. Their friendships are put to the test as they confront demons both within and outside themselves, drawing them closer to a sinister plot that can tear at the very fabric of their reality. 

Before they know it, their paths become profoundly intertwined with the fate of the missing children.

The Harlequin’s Legacy is a gripping tale of adventure, friendship, and self-discovery. Pascal, Paloma, and Pierrot trust in their inner courage and resilience in order to reach their true potential despite trials and tribulations. This story encourages everyone to dare to dream, to believe in themself, and embrace the legacy that awaits them.

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Pascal was late. Again. He stepped quickly over fallen logs and ducked low beneath swooping evergreen branches.   Though the wilderness was dense in this part of the forest, he navigated it with remarkable ease. His footsteps as light as a whisper over treacherous mossy rocks. With each exhale, misty clouds formed in the shake of his breath, the biting cold of winter creeping all the way through the thickness of his coat. He pulled his collar tighter to forbid the chill from entering even more.

Yet, as he walked, his mind strayed from his course, far from the natural beauty surrounding him.

He muttered under his breath as he walked over the gnarled roots, every step a cautious dance. He slipped and slid in his frequent eff orts to stoop under even more pointy twigs of evergreen that sought to block his path, to grab him as he passed. Pascal had taken this route countless times before, and today, that thought was a frustrating one.

After spending the majority of his life at the orphanage, he wanted nothing more than to leave, to see the world, to taste all that lay unseen and undiscovered. He would soon have that opportunity. Yet, knowing that he’d soon be graduating also left him uneasy.

Can I even handle surviving on my own? He wondered. I´ve always had the comfort of Mistress Alma and the orphanage to look after me.

The bittersweet longing left him conflicted and a little in secure, truth be told. How would he know when he was ready? What threshold would he finally cross?

The forest, usually a great source of comfort and solace, felt somehow different on this day. It seemed to be echoing his inner turmoil, causing him to lose all sense of time.

The sun stretched over the tree line of the Quiet Wilds, reminding him that his walk should have ended about fifteen minutes ago. He picked up his pace.

Great. The last thing I wanted to do was disappoint Mistress Alma. And miss dinner.

The final approach was quick, as he nearly ran the remaining half-mile. Once he spotted the entrance, he slipped in with stealth. The mess hall was already full. He’d have to wait for the perfect moment to sneak inside.

“Have you seen Pascal?”

Whispers spread through the orphanage’s mess hall like wildfire as the children ate their typical meal for a Wednesday night: potatoes and vegetable stew. A classic, one that Pascal didn’t want to miss.

When he peered around the corner, he spotted his friends Clarion and Danton exchanging a knowing glance. Surely, they were assuming he’d been caught up in his exploration outside the orphanage grounds. Which he had. In fact, that was exactly what he had done.

His eyes wandered down the table to Tania, one of the older girls at the orphanage, just as she was motioning for Mistress Alma. Damn. Of course, Tania would notice his absence. She never knew how to keep quiet about these sorts of things.

Removing her pince-nez glasses, Mistress Alma scanned over the mess hall. She rubbed at her eyes, which seemed to be sore at the day´s end, a fact that proved fortunate for Pascal. In her scan, she’d somehow managed to Miss Tania’s raised hand. She circled the room slowly and met children along the wall, all beaming in her presence.

Then, she turned on her heel to stride toward the kitchen, her simple brown dress and jacket flowing behind her.

Poor Tania was stretching her arm ever-higher, looking fit to burst from her efforts, but still, Mistress Alma did not see. That was a relief. Though, the win was short-lived; it was just a matter of time before she realized Pascal wasn´t present and that he was late again.

Once she disappeared into the kitchen, Pascal exhaled, his eyes glinting. This was the perfect opportunity. Yet, when he glanced around the mess hall at the tame expressions the children wore, he couldn’t suppress the urge to liven up their evening a bit more. After all, he’d been working on a few tricks that he could hardly wait to show them. Why not come in with a bang? He’d probably get in some amount of trouble anyway…

He walked around to the main mess hall entrance and burst through the doors with as much dramatic flair as he could muster. He flipped into a handstand, pressing his palms against the floor, and then strutted through the mess hall on his hands.

The room erupted in laughter. Pascal could never do things quietly.

About the Author:

Meet Andrés Rosas Hott, a fresh voice in the literary scene whose debut novel is a vibrant tapestry woven from diverse experiences. With a master's degree in Graphic Design and Illustration from Konstfack - University of Arts, Crafts and Design, and a background as a commercial director focused on creating animated and live-action commercials, Andrés emerges not only as an author but as a passionate storyteller devoted to whisking readers away on captivating journeys.

In his much-anticipated first book, "The Harlequin's Legacy," Andrés draws inspiration from his favorite character, The Harlequin, spinning a unique mythology around this mysterious figure. The tagline, "Dare to dream, Dare to believe, Dare to embrace your Legacy," sets the stage for a transformative adventure with his characters.

Beyond the fantastical realm, Andrés skillfully weaves conceptual storytelling with a deep understanding of personal growth, relationships, and emotions. Themes of courage, identity, and embracing one's true potential resonate with readers on a profound level, making his work more than just an escape into fantasy.

Andrés, grounded in diverse creative experiences, values his role as a family man. In the heart of Stockholm, Sweden, he adeptly juggles the realms of fantasy and family life, carving out precious moments with his wife and two sons. His story reflects the simple truth that creativity thrives not only in the world of imagination but also within the embrace of family.

As readers embark on a remarkable journey into fantasy YA literature with Andrés, they can expect not only an adventure filled with imagination and wonder but also a tale of self-discovery. "The Harlequin's Legacy" marks the beginning of an exciting series, and Andrés extends a warm invitation for readers to join him on this extraordinary literary expedition





Thursday, December 19, 2024



Beyond Earth
Stephanie Morris, Lola Blix, Celia Breslin, Leslie Chase, Candice Gilmer, Alina Riley, Robin O’Connor, Sky Robert

Genre: Sci-Fi Romance, Science Fiction Romance
Publisher:  Carnal Imprint
Date of Publication: December 10, 2024

Tagline: Discover passion among the stars…

Blast off to the future with this limited-edition collection of sizzling, science fiction romance stories!

Book Description:

Otherworldly seduction and intergalactic adventures await you in these high-heat, open-door tales from a diverse group of authors. Meet alien gladiators, cyborgs, AI lifeforms, psychic aliens, interstellar royalty, psy-changelings, fearless humans, and more. Visit alien worlds, travel on high-tech vessels, and immerse yourself in red-hot seduction blazing brighter than any quasar.
The Beyond Earth anthology is a pulse-pounding, toe-curling journey into the cosmos. If you enjoy out-of-this-world romance with guaranteed happily ever afters, lovers from different worlds, fated mates, enemies to lovers, grumpy-sunshine, rescue romance, and more, then you’ll love this treasure trove of spicy, steamy, futuristic stories.
Order your copy of Beyond Earth to begin your passion-filled voyage into the galaxy today!

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Excerpt from “Claiming Kaden” by Celia Breslin

The station’s vid screen flared to life, blocking her view. A handsome and angry male face filled the space. The brightest amber eyes she’d ever seen glared at her.

“Stop shooting,” the man growled.

The face disappeared.

“Who the hell was that, Athena?” A Zyphorran? She ignored the gorgeous stranger and kept firing at the battleship.

The face reappeared. Dark brows furrowed over his blazing whiskey eyes. “Desist, woman!”

“Desist this, you jerk!” She shot at the enemy. Continued to miss. “Ugh!”

She didn’t care how handsome he seemed, with his pale, silvery blue skin and spiky dark hair, and those glowing eyes which looked like they could melt a girl’s panties.

No one told her what to do, and no one would force her into servitude.

Never again.

The green vessel took out two enemy ships before it planted itself in front of Calie’s station.

Angry Guy’s face filled her screen. “I’m trying to help you. Stop firing!”

Oh… Cranky Guy was the pilot of the green ship. Possibly a good guy? Calie lifted her hands away from the controls.

As she watched, he took out every single destroyer then turned his attention to the warship.

“Shield at eight point seven percent,” Athena announced. “Hm…”

“What do you mean, hm? Should we head for an escape pod?”

“This is most intriguing. And disconcerting,” Athena murmured, not answering her escape question.

“What, that guy’s amazing battle prowess?”

“No. He infiltrated and took over my communication system to speak with you.”

Okay, now Calie was doubly impressed with good-looking Mister Frowny, because Athena was a powerful genius. No one bested her.

Calie plastered her palms on the controls. “Let’s help him kick that warship’s ass.”

“Don’t you dare,” their unknown ally barked, audio only.

“Are you eavesdropping on us? Rude!”

“The unknown male is attempting to take control of all station systems, Calie.”

“Cut it out, whoever you are,” Calie warned him. She aimed one of the station laser cannons at his ship.

“Who I am? I’m the male who’s going to disable and commandeer the warship, then eliminate everyone on board it while you sit on your pretty ass and stay out of my way.”

He thinks I’m pretty? She shook off the frisson skating down her spine. “Screw you. I’m blowing up that warship. Athena, take it out.”

About the Author:

Celia Breslin lives in California with her husband, daughter, and three feisty cats. She writes urban fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi romance, and has a particular fondness for werewolves, vampires, the Fae, and cyborgs. When not writing, you’ll find Celia exercising, reading a good book, hanging with her family, or indulging her addiction to fantasy TV shows and movies.

THE COAL ELF by MARIA DeVIVO with bonus holiday recipe.


Holiday Traditions – Christmas Adam

The holidays were always a major production in my neck of the woods.  I’m the oldest of five children in an Irish-Italian family, and Christmastime was always a time of dramatics and theatrics.  Lots of our celebrating centered around food – a constant rotation of courses: antipasta, appetizers, salads, breads, pasta dishes, chicken cutlet parmigiana, fish of all varieties, ham, and not to mention the oodles upon oodles of desserts.  As my siblings and I got older and started to “branch out” so-to-speak, dividing time between our prospective in-laws, our wild extended family, and each other became a very difficult feat.  So, we created our own special day; a day that we would set aside for just the siblings and our parents.  We called it Christmas Adam, and it’s celebrated on December 23rd (because Adam came before Eve in the traditional sense).

This day became our time together.  We did a grab-bag style of gift giving (which was beneficial to the struggling college kids we had grown into), and we didn’t bother with the formalities of a seven-course meal – Chinese food or pizza worked beautifully.  The day fast became an exciting and highly anticipated tradition for us.  

As adults, now with our own families spread out in the country, Christmas Adam is still a thing. We’re not all together anymore, and long gone are the days of deciding where we’re eating Christmas Eve dinner and where we’re eating Christmas Day dinner. Christmas Adam is no longer a necessity for us as a family, but it’s a day we still recognize and observe. I’ve since passed on the tradition to my daughter, and it has evolved into our “cooking prep day” for the season. The original meaning behind the day has evolved, but we still hold the old observance as a part of our family tradition, and the sentiment will certainly remain as family legend.

**FUN FACT: In The Coal Elf, the coal elves celebrate a holiday they refer to as Adam’s Day!  That’s my own little personal nod to my brothers and sisters and to the wonderful times we shared together.

The Coal Elf
The Coal Elf Chronicles
Book One
Maria DeVivo

Genre:  Dark Fantasy
Publisher: 4 Horsemen Publications
Date of Publication:  October 15, 2024
ISBN: 979-8823204231
Number of pages:  260
Word Count: 73k

Tagline: Santa is real, but this isn't your childhood Christmas tale!   

Book Description: 

Ember Skye is a fed-up teenaged Coal Elf with a big ashy chip on her shoulder. Torn away from her carefree life Aboveground, she was forced into a world of dirt and darkness in the Mines. Now, the coal is starting to take its toll. Plus, being the only girl-elf coal miner at the North Pole is not fun at all!

About the Author:

Maria DeVivo writes horror and dark fantasy for both a YA and adult audience. Each of her series has been Amazon best-sellers and have won multiple awards since 2012. A lover of all things dark and demented, the worlds she creates are fantastical and immersive. Get swept away in the lands of elves, zombies, angels, demons, and witches (but not all in the same place). Maria takes great pleasure in warping the comfort factor in her readers’ minds – just when you think you’ve reached a safe space in her stories, she snaps you back into her twisted reality.

Rainbow Cookies Recipe HTML

Holiday Recipe – Rainbow Cookies

I love to bake! And while I am partial to quick and easy recipes (I mean, who isn’t?), sometimes the more complicated ones have the biggest payoff!

 One of my absolute FAVORITE cookie recipes is an old Italian one that was passed to me from my mother—RAINBOW COOKIES! My mother was a wizard in the kitchen, and even with her amazing culinary skills, she only made rainbow cookies one time a year: Christmastime! So naturally, growing up I equated rainbow cookies with the holiday season, not realizing that they were readily available at any other time of the year at any given Italian bakery in New York.

If you like jelly, and almond, and chocolate, then this is for you… but I warn you, the recipe and process of the recipe is not to be taken lightly!  But once you’ve mastered the art of the rainbow cookie, you know you’ve elevated your baking game to that whole new level!

Good luck, godspeed, May the Force Be With You, Valar Morghulis, It is Known, This is the Way…

DeVivo’s Rainbow Cookies

Materials needed:

Three bowls

Electric mixer

Parchment paper

Three large cookie/baking pans

Small bowl for egg whites


Ingredients needed:

1. 8 oz. can of Almond Filling
2. 6 sticks of butter (softened)
3. 2 cups sugar
4. 8 eggs
5. 2 teaspoons almond extract
6. 4 cups flour
7. Red food coloring
8. Green food coloring
9. 1 jar apricot preserves
10. 1 jar raspberry preserves
11. 1 package Toll House mini chocolate chips


1. Oven at 350

2. Separate the egg whites into a small bowl. Beat with the mixer until they are thick and stiff

3. Mix the yolks, almond filling, softened butter, almond extract & sugar in one of the large bowls

4. Beat in the flour to the mixture

5. Fold in the whites to the mixture a little at a time. This is a very gentle process!

6. Separate the mixture into three parts – so this way you have batter in each of the three bowls. It won’t be exact, so you’ll have to eyeball it. It helps if the three bowls are the same or at least the same size.

7. Leave one bowl WHITE. Use the food coloring to color the others (one red, one green)

8. Grease one of the pans and line it with parchment paper. GREASE the paper.

9. Pour the white batter onto the pan and spread it out like a giant rectangle shape. Try to have it even with no “breaks” in the batter.

10. Bake for 15 minutes

11. When done, flip the contents of the pan onto another pan (CAREFULLY) and remove the parchment paper. Spread the apricot preserves on top. You will really only use half the jar for this.

12. Do the same with the other colors. Grease sheets and even out the batter. Bake for 15 minutes each.

13. When the second batter is finished, flip that on top of the layer with the apricot preserves (CAREFULLY)! Remove the parchment paper and spread the raspberry preserves. (again, probably half the jar).

14. Finally, the third color goes on top of the raspberry preserves. Leave the parchment paper on and press down to hold everything together.

15. Put in refrigerator overnight.

16. Heat up the chocolate chips so you have a spread. Remove the parchment paper from the tray and spread the chocolate on top. **you don’t want the chocolate to be on too thick, or else it will be hard to cut

17. Back in refrigerator for about an hour (give or take) to let the chocolate harden and settle.

18. Cut into cookie squares and serve.

19. ***the edges might be messy, but that’s ok. I make a separate cookie bucket I call “THE REJECTS”. Reject cookies are still delicious! They just aren’t pretty to look at.

***FUN FACT: For years, I used wax paper instead of parchment paper. It was what my mother used. Thanks, Mom, for putting us in a potentially life-threatening situation. You were always good for that. Miss you, Red. <3

The Coal Elf
The Coal Elf Chronicles
Book One
Maria DeVivo

Genre:  Dark Fantasy
Publisher: 4 Horsemen Publications
Date of Publication:  October 15, 2024
ISBN: 979-8823204231
Number of pages:  260
Word Count: 73k

Tagline: Santa is real, but this isn't your childhood Christmas tale!   

Book Description: 

Ember Skye is a fed-up teenaged Coal Elf with a big ashy chip on her shoulder. Torn away from her carefree life Aboveground, she was forced into a world of dirt and darkness in the Mines. Now, the coal is starting to take its toll. Plus, being the only girl-elf coal miner at the North Pole is not fun at all!

About the Author:

Maria DeVivo writes horror and dark fantasy for both a YA and adult audience. Each of her series has been Amazon best-sellers and have won multiple awards since 2012. A lover of all things dark and demented, the worlds she creates are fantastical and immersive. Get swept away in the lands of elves, zombies, angels, demons, and witches (but not all in the same place). Maria takes great pleasure in warping the comfort factor in her readers’ minds – just when you think you’ve reached a safe space in her stories, she snaps you back into her twisted reality.