Supernatural Central Short and Quick Interview
Tell me a little bit about your main character of this book.
Sarah Baker is a widow who has been beaten down by the circumstances of her life. She is in her forties but feels like she has one foot in the grave. She's currently a paralegal in a law firm in Brooklyn doing lawyer work for paralegal pay. This is because she married her husband during her first year after law school and let her legal license lapse. When Paul died, she ended up dating another attorney named Karl. Karl pays her mortgage but he's abusive and treats her more like his admin. In addition to this, she hears voices in her head that criticize her constantly. When she meets Caio as he is playing basketball, she becomes fascinated by him because he seems to "see" her. With most people, she feels like she's wallpaper. At the same time, she is given a new case at working with an at-risk teen. These two events put Sarah on a path to change how she sees herself, others, and the world.
Do you believe in the paranormal and if so, do you have an experience you can share?
Yes, I do. However, I think it's often more subtle than people think. As a result, a lot gets overlooked. I do remember one incident. I was working a second shift summer job at a tobacco company. The way in and out of work was in a long hallway covered in mirrors. One day, as I was leaving work with my best friend, we saw a man coming down the hallway toward us. He was strange looking in that he wasn't wearing the usual jeans and t shirts that one wears to work on "the floor" of a cigarette factory. Instead, he was in a suit. It wasn't particularly elegant or anything, just a suit. I remember thinking he must be management coming to check on the plant but there was something else that seemed off. I couldn't quite place it until I looked at the face of my friend, which had gone snow white.
"Walk fast," she whispered.
"Why?" I whispered back.
"No reflection"
I looked back, and sure enough, the man wasn't reflected in the mirrors all around us. We walked very quickly at that point and came out into the parking lot just as the sun was setting.
Could this have been nothing more than the overactive imaginations of two 19 year olds? Absolutely. Do I believe that it was? I don't know, but afterwards I made a point of always coming and going from the building with friends for the next few weeks.
What titles are you working on now that you can tell us about?
"Caio" is the first of 7 books in my "Limerent" series. All of these have been written and are in various stages of editing. The beginning of the series introduces the reader to a cast of characters who will eventually connect as the series moves forward. Caio and Sarah are the major players in "Caio". The next book, "Bright Midnights", will come out in October and it follows a 17-year-old girl named Amelie. Amelie begins the book in a very repressed place. You discover early that this is because something about her energy can cause people to become attracted to her, sometimes in violent ways. She escapes her world every night when she "flies" in her sleep. One night, she finds herself in a hallway. When she goes through one of the doors, she meets a dangerous, exotic youth. She assumes that this is a dream until he begins possessing people at her school.
Thanks for the chat. Let's take a look at Caio now:
How can you be as smart as you are and have no backbone, girl? or You’re not pretty enough to be able to expect a man to take care of you, so you better find an administrative job so you can support yourself, or Self-consciousness is just another form of vanity. It’s just you thinking about yourself too much.
That simply scratched the surface of what Sarah heard on a daily basis growing up. On the positive side, she could take criticism with the best of them. She had also learned to channel her sensitivity into an awareness of people’s motivations that coworkers called “uncanny.” On the negative side, when her parents died, she had absorbed their voices into those that already spoke inside her head, and now they were the loudest ones.
It was her heightened awareness that told her that something was not quite right with the Davies case. She wasn’t sure what, and she would need to be careful about how she researched, but it tickled her curiosity.
Sarah was lost in these thoughts as she left the grocery store and made her way home, past the park and toward the basketball courts. When she realized where she was, her heart started to race a little bit at the thought of seeing the boy she had seen last week.
There were some boys playing on the court. She scanned them for someone in grungy clothes, but from a distance, they all looked like they were wearing appropriate attire.Sarah’s heart sank a little.
Don’t be ridiculous, she told herself. Although she wasn’t exactly sure what she was chiding herself about, it was nice when the voice doing the talking was her own.
As she got closer, she saw the tall, red-haired boy miss a shot and retake the ball. He was one of the regulars. When the red-haired boy landed, he jostled one of the other boys near him. That boy staggered, regained his footing, and in the process deftly stole the ball. When she saw his face, Sarah actually heard herself gasp. The boy who had been pushed, the one who now had the basketball, was the boy she had seen before. She hadn’t noticed him because his appearance was quite different. His shoulder-length dark hair had been cut. He had on a red-and-black striped shirt that didn’t look expensive, but did look brand new, as did the matching shorts. His sneakers were black with pristine white soles. And right at the moment, he was dribbling the ball down the court—straight at her.
Sarah froze. She was standing on the sidewalk behind the basket on the other side of the chain-link fence. She felt like her feet had grown roots as she watched him set up, jump, and make the basket. He came down right in front of her. As he landed, before turning to run back down the court, he stopped and caught her eye. His eyes widened ever so slightly, and he smiled.
For a moment, he looked directly in her eyes and she felt a strange dizzy feeling in seeing him and being seen by him. No one in her life ever seemed to actually see her. No one ever had.